• How Satan Infiltrates the Church Part 1

    In this episode, in the next episode, we're going to be talking about some hard truths. We're going to be talking about how evil enters our churches. Now, our series has been on testing the spirits, and also how evil enters into politics and really into our everyday life. But church pastors, they're not immune from Satan's attack or his successful infiltration. And so, we really have to know that that can happen. So that we can be aware that Satan can even attack us and what we think is our most sacred and safe harbor. Right. But not so. And it wasn't that way in Jesus, time either, was it? Because, they infiltrated the Pharisees and the religious leaders of that time, and they actually wanted to put Jesus to death? And they did, didn't they? So Satan's been doing this troll trick for a long time. He's pretty good at it. So, let's look at how it's done. Don’t skip this episode.

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  • Getting Involved Part 2

    In our last episode, we were talking about getting involved and how do we get involved? Why should we get involved? Maybe we shouldn't get involved. We talked about all the different ways of trying to convince ourselves to, you know, point out evil when we see it. In this episode, we're going to continue on that theme. We're going to continue on getting involved. We're going to have some more examples of how to get involved and when to get involved. But the biggest things are don't be afraid to get involved. Satan will control you via fear. And fear, again, is false evidence appearing real. So don't be afraid to get involved. Don't worry about what people are going to think. Don't worry about any of that, because what you're doing in a way is a more noble cause, if you want to say that. But you're getting involved. You're pointing out evil. You're pointing the light on the darkness. And what happens when we do that? The darkness goes away. So, it's imperative on us not only just to save ourselves, because it's a sin if we don't get involved and point out evil, that It's our duty, you know, to be faithful to God, be faithful to yourself. And when you do it, believe it or not, you're going to feel a whole lot better that you did. You won't have any guilt feelings like should I should I have gotten involved? You know, you won't have any of those doubts. You took action. We're going to talk about that some more. Don’t skip this episode.

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  • Getting Involved Part 1

    In this episode I want to ask you a question. If you see something happening, something that you know is wrong, do you say something about it? Do you speak up? Do you feel like maybe I should, but I don't want to cause a problem, I don't want to get involved? All these different questions that within you, you're asking yourself, hey, I just saw something wrong.

    But I don't know if I should speak up. That is testing a spirit. It's testing your own spirit. And we just finished a series on that, right? So let's look at some real life examples of witnessing something that's evil and should we say something or not. And let's go to the Bible because remember testing the spirits was checking it against God's word, right?

    So we're gonna do that in this episode with some examples. Come join me.

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  • Evil In Politics Part 2

    How confident are you that you are standing on solid ground? Pretty confident. What if I told you that the ground you are standing on is shifting? It may be slow actually so slow that you cannot feel it moving. We’ll that is what is happening in our world, society and yes even in our church. That is how Satan operates. Examples some churches do not want to offend anyone or any group that they tolerate the behavior of that person or group even though it goes against God’s Word. In other words, they WATER DOWN God’s truth/Word in the name of being acceptable to the world. Remember Jesus came to save the world, its people, from sin which is in the world. If you love the world, it will accept you, if you love God and Jesus you will be mocked and persecuted. Jesus tells us that we he said, they will hate you because they hated me first. Don’t miss this episode on how Satan camouflages himself in to our safe spaces – our church.

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  • Evil In Politics Part 1

    In this episode we are going to look at how evil infiltrates our politics/government, school boards, state and local governments and the doctrine that drives this evil. We look at how the promoters of evil start out and how we as believers need to point out, with love and peace, that these promoters are going down the wrong path, they are not in alignment with God's word and they should change their ways. When politicians advocate devisness and fear that we should recognize these are controlling techniques used to try and control us. If you don't do this or that bad things will happen to you. This is as old as time itself. Kings and dictators use this to control the masses - it all about power and NOT your well being. This is all driven by evil. Satan wants you to lose hope and faith, to turn from God. You can fight against this and one way is to test the spirits as it says in 1 John 4-1. If you hear or see something research it against what in the Bible then you will know if it is true or false. In the last days there will be many that come in Jesus's name that will be false teachers (and politicians) preaching false doctrine. It is incumbent on you to determine what is true and false. Don't miss this episode it is very applicable to today's issues and concerns

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    22 分
  • Test the Spirits Part 4

    We continue our series on Testing the Spirits. In this episode we are going to look at staying centered on God’s word by not only Judging Rightly but by searching diligently ( search the scriptures to figure out what you are hearing or seeing is true or false), by fasting and praying. Fasting in the sense you get alone with God and have a real heart-to-heart conversation with him. This can be done a devotion or dedicating time to seek his wisdom. Of course praying; pray always like a never ending conversation with the Lord. You don’t want to miss this episode as it will give you the guidance on how to stay centered on God’s word that will help you to Test the Spirits.

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  • Test the Spirits Part 3

    In this episode we look at Testing the Spirits like it say in 1 John 4:1-10. More importantly we look at HOW you test the spirits. We are told not to believe every spirit and to test every spirit. How do you do that? We look at the actions we must take to test the spirits. It is incumbent on us to do the research in the Word to see if what we hear or see is from God or not. We need to question everything then cast and compare the answers against the Word. We look at erroneous spirts, lying and demonic spirits. We should ask ourselves, “How can I know whether my thoughts and beliefs are from God or not? Test! We need to test everything we hear and see against the word of God. We need to stay centered in God’s truth. This episode covers all of these important topics.

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  • Test the Spirits Part 2

    In this episode we are going to continue on how to test the spirits. In 1 John 4:1 we are commanded to test the spirits and not to believe every spirit. Why, because the spirit of the Antichrist is already here roaming (walking) the earth. Did you hear that - he is ALREADY HERE! It not in the future or some fairy tale - he is REAL, here and attacking us, deceiving and lying to you so you will turn from GOD. So part of our spiritual warfare weaponry is to test the spirits. Here we look at HOW we test the spirit by: asking questions, what to scrutinize, under what conditions, what kind of spirits should be be on the watch for, what does it mean to test a spirit and what do I do with my new knowledge. Don't miss this episode, it will help you take control of your spiritual life and how that manifests into your natural life.

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