
  • Integrity Under Pressure: The Key to Overcoming Temptation
    How do you overcome temptation? Its not about willpowerits about love. In this weeks sermon, well explore how Joseph resisted temptation by loving God above all else, and how the key to overcoming our own struggles is found in a deeper love for God. Listen in and discover the wisdom that empowers us to stand firm.
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  • Dreams and Deception: God's presence in our darkest times
    Where is God in my darkest times? In life, many of our deepest struggles stem from pressures and circumstances beyond our controlbetrayal, loss, or hardship. Its in these moments that we often wonder where God is. In the first week of "The Life of Joseph" we explore how Gods grace was present in Josephs darkest times, even when things seemed hopeless. Just as Josephs journey unfolded under Gods sovereign care, Jesus is with us in our own struggles. His grace, a healing power beyond anything we can summon on our own, meets us where we are and restores us in ways only He can. Join us as we reflect on the power of God's healing grace in the face of life's toughest challenges.
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  • God The Communist: The Rich Aren't Saved
    In today's world, we talk about almost everythingbut money is the ultimate taboo, especially when it comes to someone telling us how to use it. Yet, Jesus' teachings challenge our assumptions. He confronts the rich young ruler with a tough choice: follow Him or hold on to wealth. This isnt just one man's struggleits a lesson for all of us about where our true loyalty lies. Jesus is clear: "You cannot serve both God and money." So, what does that mean for us today? Are we ready to let go of our earthly treasures to follow Jesus? This week, well explore how Jesus calls us to rethink our values, trust in Gods provision, and why all of us face an ultimate choice. In Gods kingdom, our relationship with wealth is about much more than money.
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  • God The Merciless: Judgement and Hell
    Hell might seem out of place in a world where many believe that all paths lead to the same destination. But when we listen to Jesus, we can't overlook its reality. Jesus claim to be the only way to the Father suggests serious consequences for not following Him. So why does this idea make us uncomfortable? It can feel unfair, as if we expect everyone will naturally repent and be forgiven at judgment. But is that expectation realistic? What does Jesus actually say about our choices and the destinies we shape? This week, we'll explore Jesus' teachings on hell and why they matter for our faith. We'll look at how His words reveal both God's justice and mercy and what they mean for us today.
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  • God The Exclusivist: Jesus The Only Way To God
    Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Thats a bold statement, and it doesnt exactly sit well with our cultures idea that all paths lead to God. But heres the question: Is this idea of pluralismthat all beliefs are equally validactually true? And if its not, why do we keep accepting it as fact? Its easy to see why weve embraced this mindset; it comes from a place of compassion and understanding. But when Jesus says Hes the only way, Hes challenging that whole perspective. So what does He really mean? This week, were going to dive into what Jesus was getting at, why it still matters today, and what it says about who God is and what Hes inviting us into. Lets explore the truth, the life, and the way that Jesus offers us.
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  • God The Arbitrary: Being Good Isn't Enough
    Jesus says that at the final judgment, many who performed miracles and called Him Lord will be told He doesn't know them. How do we make sense of this? Is the Christian faith a dice roll? Does what we do or believe matter? Do we take these passages at face value, or is there a deeper understanding? This week, let's dig into these tough scriptures together. Are they still relevant today? What do they tell us about God's character and Jesus' message? Join us as we uncover the truth about what the Bible says and discover the freedom and hope we have in Jesus.
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  • God the Oppressor: Slavery In The Bible
    The Bible has passages about slavery that can be really confusing and even troubling for many of us. How do we make sense of these, especially when we believe in a message of freedom and love through Jesus Christ? Do we take these passages at face value, or is there a deeper understanding that aligns with the hope and freedom we find in Jesus? This week, let's dig into these tough scriptures together. Are they still relevant for us today? What do they tell us about God's character and Jesus' message? Join us as we uncover the truth about what the Bible says about slavery and discover the freedom and hope we have in Jesus. Let's figure this out together and see how it guides us in living faithfully in our world today. Dont miss out on this important conversation!
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  • God the Frivolous: Old Testament Rules
    The Old Testament has some strange rules that leave us scratching our heads. From not wearing clothes made of two materials to specific haircut and beard instructions, it makes us wonder: are we really supposed to follow these? Can we just ignore them, or does that mean picking and choosing parts of the Bible? This week, we'll dive into these odd commands to make sense of them. Are they still relevant today? What do they tell us about God as revealed in Jesus Christ? Join us as we explore the deeper meanings behind these ancient rules and see what they teach us about living faithfully in our complex world. Let's figure out together how to follow Jesus in everything we do. Dont miss this chance to uncover this hidden wisdom!
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