St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Message On The Go

著者: St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
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  • Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Sterling, VA. Our hope is that this podcast will help you To Know and Share God's Love... and then some. Visit us online at
    St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Sterling, VA. Our hope is that this podcast will help you To Know and Share God's Love... and then some. Visit us online at
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
  • E157 - Letting Love Rule | Rev. Robert Merola | Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 2025

    We encourage you to read⁠this week's lectionary readings⁠ prior to listening to this episode:

    Luke 6:27-38

    Jesus said, "I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt. Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

    "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. If you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

    "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back."

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  • E156 - Book of Psalms | Rev. Robert Merola | Sunday, Feb. 16th, 2025

    We encourage you to read ⁠this week's lectionary readings⁠ prior to listening to this episode:

    Luke 6:17-26

    He came down with them and stood on a level place, with a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea, Jerusalem, and the coast of Tyre and Sidon. They had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. And all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from him and healed all of them.

    Then he looked up at his disciples and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. “Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets. “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. “Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. “Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep. “Woe to you when all speak well of you, for that is what their ancestors did to the false prophets.

    Join us on Sundays for worship in-person and online! Services at 8, 9:30 & 11 am.

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  • E155 - God Believes in You | Seminarian Genevieve Zetlan | Sunday, Feb. 9th, 2025

    We encourage you to read ⁠this week's lectionary readings⁠ prior to listening to this episode:

    Luke 5:1-11

    Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Simon answered, "Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!" For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people." When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.

    Join us on Sundays for worship in-person and online! Services at 8, 9:30 & 11 am.

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