The SG audience finds Stargates really cool. And they are. But almost everyone looks at Stargates as no more than an amazing sci-fi oddity. They see Stargates as unreal having nothing to do with them.
Seeing the Stargate as a sci-fi oddity shouldn’t be the case for a Starseed.
For awake Starseeds, the truth isn’t veiled by entertainment. It’s right there so plain and clear for us to see.
Starseeds are blueprinted for the ability to travel the very real Stargates. These portals of Light are the vehicles for traveling through time, space and dimensions.
Knowing how to project a Stargate and travel through it is encoded in our DNA.
It helps to have seen the visuals in the Stargate shows and movies. They can give you a point of reference, at least to start. (The Stargates I go through are pure Light.
Starseed people on Earth are like stars, if not constellations! And just like there are no two stars alike with the same glory, each Starseed soul vibrates with its own uniqueness.
It’s your unique vibration that attracts various Stargates to you for travel. And since your vibration is constantly fluxing so too will your Stargates be constantly changing.
For as long as we Starseeds have been incarnating on Earth, we’ve used Stargates. We have an intimate memory of them far beyond what we see in the SG shows and movies.
Not only that, we’ve traveled Stargates for many purposes. Those purposes we may have forgotten but the memory is all right inside of us.
No one needs a time travel machine to journey though time and space. For those of us who know, upon our command, intention and projection we take the Stargates we project to visit any place in space and time.