
  • How to Live the Charmed Life of a Fully Awakened Starseed

    Pointers for Actualizing Starseed Supernatural Talents, Attributes and Gifts In Your Life You, Starseed, are magical. Right down to your core you’re actually quite supernatural. You can live a charmed life where your Zero Point supernatural reveals itself to you almost every day. But it will only happen when you zealously live in the attitude of embracing your highest quantum probabilities....

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  • Merkabah Is the Starseed Chariot of Light

    Starseed, you're a living organic aeroship of Light. A celestial transport vehicle encompasses all of you. This is your Merkabah superimposed onto your aura. Your Merkabah (pronounced Mair-káh-bah) carries you through this life here, through all lifetimes and through Stargates and space and time. Whether you travel in consciousness, one day travel body and soul or go through ascension, it's your Merkabah that takes you. You are responsible for igniting your Merkabah into full being and function. Your Merkabah is conscious and it responds to and reflects you and your vibrum. This is a holy process of rebirthing on your Starseed journey where God is revealing unto God...

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  • Your Starseed Station Is Your Promise to Earth, Her People and Yourself Do you know what yours is?

    Your station on Earth is your promise to serve Earth and her people and in the unique way that only you can give it. Your service to others is your principle reason for being here at this time. And when you remember and live up to your promise, your service will drive you your whole life long. The Starseed station can be as loud and out there as global teacher or as quiet and subtle as sharing Light wherever you go. Not every Starseed station is grandiose, but all of our purpose is essentially the same... If you don’t know for sure what your station is, you’ve got some really fun work to do. Because your people from the other side of the sun reminded you about all of it back when you were a child. They embedded codes within you for you to ignite now. Choose an awesome journey of discovery or just forget about the whole thing. But if you choose to forget about it, you’re a Starseed in name only because Starseeds serve. Even the act of discovering your Starseed station is an act of service to others. Connect with your soul and Oversoul to tune in to what your station is. Keep your promise to Earth and her people. Keep your promise to yourself.

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  • Starseeds Initiate Travel from Well Developed Cores

    Make your core a receptacle of concentrated Light to elegantly facilitate your ethereal travels. Your core is your place of power and energy for transport. The core is much more than a mere set of abdominals to a Starseed. The more developed, energy producing and alive your core is, the better it will propel you through all your travels... Develop your core and be conscious of it.

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  • Three Magic Words: I AM GOD

    Truth always stares us in the face. We’re just so programmed to deny it, we habitually look the other way.

    And in the case of denying the three magic words, I Am God, we have one culprit to blame: the church and organized religion.

    They may have disempowered us, but we can reject their lies and control.

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  • Starseeds Are Time Travelers

    Time travel is a Starseed technology. Starseeds have traveled ‘back in time from the future.’ We are time travelers. It’s what we do. We just have to remember what we know. Time travel is an ancient practice. We’re pretty much just beginning to learn esoteric time travel here on Earth. But for the last century, people and governments have been secretly working to create a technology to manipulate and bend time. That’s the laborious route and it’s limited to the technologies they’re able to come up with. But for thousands of years, many a person has read the mysteries and understood their secrets. They discovered how to move through time without any technology exterior to themselves. Most of the time the experience has been done through mental projection. People like the ancient Egyptians projected themselves through time seeing and experiencing everything in their minds. There have been some travelers whose DNA was so manipulated at the atomic level they completely relocated themselves into another timeline. The methods used by the ancients still apply today. It’s the method I use myself to frequently and consciously travel through time and dimension. And it’s how I receive wisdoms not written in books or preached by new age esoteric gurus. Starseeds especially don’t need a time machine or any technological device to travel through time. You, Starseed, are your own time machine. Traveling through time is your birthright.

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  • Dial Up the Stargate, Starseed

    The SG audience finds Stargates really cool. And they are. But almost everyone looks at Stargates as no more than an amazing sci-fi oddity. They see Stargates as unreal having nothing to do with them.

    Seeing the Stargate as a sci-fi oddity shouldn’t be the case for a Starseed.

    For awake Starseeds, the truth isn’t veiled by entertainment. It’s right there so plain and clear for us to see.

    Starseeds are blueprinted for the ability to travel the very real Stargates. These portals of Light are the vehicles for traveling through time, space and dimensions.

    Knowing how to project a Stargate and travel through it is encoded in our DNA.

    It helps to have seen the visuals in the Stargate shows and movies. They can give you a point of reference, at least to start. (The Stargates I go through are pure Light.

    Starseed people on Earth are like stars, if not constellations! And just like there are no two stars alike with the same glory, each Starseed soul vibrates with its own uniqueness.

    It’s your unique vibration that attracts various Stargates to you for travel. And since your vibration is constantly fluxing so too will your Stargates be constantly changing.

    For as long as we Starseeds have been incarnating on Earth, we’ve used Stargates. We have an intimate memory of them far beyond what we see in the SG shows and movies.

    Not only that, we’ve traveled Stargates for many purposes. Those purposes we may have forgotten but the memory is all right inside of us.

    No one needs a time travel machine to journey though time and space. For those of us who know, upon our command, intention and projection we take the Stargates we project to visit any place in space and time.

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  • The Outrageous Rabble-Rousing Archangels: They're Kin to Starseeds and Carry Burdens of Love

    My knowledge about Archangels isn’t all encompassing but I know what I feel. And my heart overflows with Love for them. I can’t explain why other than my soul recognizes them and understands what they do. I didn’t start having a love affair with Archangels until I began to consciously travel through time and dimension. My Catholic upbringing ensured I knew about Archangels Michael and Gabriel — to the extent the church could or would. And I heard that Raphael was an Archangel too. Archangels are the original spiritual badass. They’re the original true spiritual warriors — warriors of Love and Light. Ultra strong and powerful, to say the least, they stand the epitome of Love and dedication. Archangels don’t just operate on the other side of the veil. They’re incarnated into human bodies too. Our kin, they work right alongside us Starseeds on the front lines of Earth. For the rest of story, listen to this audio.💫

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