SONG 1: "Backwagon Man" (composed, sung, and played by John Modaff with mandolin and sundry string by Dan Modaff)
POEM 1: “Another Story” by Hilda Raz, a retelling of the myth of Leda and the Swan. Collected in Letters from a Place I’ve Never Been: Collected and New Poems. University of Nebraska Press, 2021. https://hildaraz.com/
FICTION: excerpt from “Duluth” by Lynn C. Miller, from The Lost Archive by Lynn C. Miller (2023) https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/6155.htm www.lynncmiller.com
Feed the Cat Break: "Continental Drift" (by JVM)
POEM 2: “Taking Leave” by Scott Wiggerman, a golden shovel poem inspired by haiku. Scott is also a visual artist. https://scottwiggerman.myportfolio.com/
SONG 2: Centrum Amsterdam Purples (composed and sung by “T-Bone” Kelly) from his CD: No Expectations (2004)
Episode artwork by Lynda Miller
Show theme and Incidental music by John V. Modaff
Recorded in Albuquerque, NM and Morehead, KY
Produced at The Creek Studio
NEXT UP: The Unruly Muse #36 “The Family”
Thank You to our listeners all over the world. Please tell a friend about the podcast.
Lynn & John