Steve Hrustich, Project Manager with the Vision 20/20 Executive Committee talks with Monica Colby, Fire and Life Safety Specialist, about Symposium 8.
Vision 20/20’s Model Performance in Community Risk Reduction Symposium is the longest- running Community Risk Reduction (CRR) event in the nation and is known as the most interactive and forward-thinking conference engaging leaders in CRR. The events deliver proven best practices, strategies, and resources driving efforts across the country in helping make communities safe, healthy & resilient.
Symposium 8 registration is open. The planning committee looks forward to bringing you the greatest roundup of model programs, research, and dynamic speakers our industry has to offer.
If you want to stay up on what is happening with Symposium 8, follow the Vision 20/20 Project on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter @strategicfire; Instagram @v2020strategicfire) and be sure to sign up for the Vision 20/20 Updates.
This episode is edited and produced by Rich Palmer.