Wrap Session 35: Lead Product Designer at Headspace, Terrell Griffith who at the time of the recording was a Senior Product Designer, takes the Royal Court through his very mindful & thoughtful journey into Design. From attending a small design school in his hometown of Bridgeport, Connecticut, to working at ESPN/Disney and then having a career awakening in the midst of the global transformational year of 2020. In search for deeper purpose in helping the Black design community, Terrell also joined the organization Where are the Black Designers.
Terrell details his own personal anxiety experience that drove him to downloading the Headspace app and ultimately applying to a design role at the mindfulness & meditation company after seeing a position on the job board he built for the Where are the Black Designer's website.
This heartfelt episode that also includes a shout out to Terrells mother, helps to inform and celebrate a linear path to a career in design that was supported very early by Terrells family.
Be inspired and encouraged by Terrells journey in this gem dropping cool & calm conversation.