This excerpt describes a powerful conversation between two individuals, Dennis and Hore, who have both struggled with violent pasts and sought forgiveness. Dennis shares his experience of struggling to forgive himself, a challenge that many people face when carrying the weight of past mistakes. The pivotal moment comes when Dennis, speaking with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, reveals an important truth: nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say that we should forgive ourselves. Instead, forgiveness is God's job. This message highlights the importance of humbling ourselves before God and allowing Him to take on the burden of our sins.
The story uses the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18 to illustrate the idea of divine mercy, where the king forgives a massive debt that the servant could never repay, just as God forgives us for our sins. Dennis encourages Hore—and the reader—to stop trying to forgive themselves and instead go to God for the forgiveness they need. This perspective offers a liberating shift in thinking for those burdened with guilt, acknowledging that Jesus’ role is to forgive, and it’s through His mercy that true freedom is found.