I speak with Raffaello Manacorda about leadership, power and looking at life through an archetypal lens. We talk about how the current archetype of the 'strong man' is playing out on the world stage and themes around collective consciousness, integrity and projections of power onto those seemingly 'in charge'.
About Raffaello
Raffaello Manacorda is an international Tantra teacher and practitioner. He has been practicing Tantra for more than 15 years and has undergone intensive training in several styles of Yoga. After completing an MA in Philosophy, Raffaello decided to spend more than twelve years living in alternative communities and experimenting with radically alternative lifestyles.
It was in these wild years that he first encountered Tantra, the "rebel way to Spirit". This encounter developed into a life-long practice, first on a solo journey, then studying Tantra and Yoga in some of the best worldwide schools. Raffaello serves as lead faculty in ISTA, the International School of Temple Arts, and teaches and lectures worldwide. He is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Wisdom Studies with Ubiquity University (California).
Raffaello is the co-creator of the ISTA Practitioner Training (PT), ISTA’s program for coaches and practitioners in the field of conscious sexuality.
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