Meet Bruce for the 1st time! (1:55)
Proof for God? (10:30)
Why does a loving God allow evil? (37:00)
What an episode we have planned for you today! We get to meet Donald Bruce Cooper for the very first time, and then we’re starting an exciting series called “18 questions atheists want religious people to address”. We will, in no way, shape, or form, be able to hit all 18 questions in this episode, but we do get to the first two:
1) Is there proof that God exists?
2) If a good God exists, why do suffering, pain, and evil exist?
Please remember to reach out to me with any questions, show ideas, or constructive criticism at – or the website –
Or, visit our Facebook page – the balance of gray podcast.
Show notes/sources:
“David Berlinski.” The Devil’s Delusion.
“John C. Lennox.” God’s Undertaker
“Michael Denton.” Evolution: A Theory In Crisis. Paperback ©1985
“Josh McDowell.” The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict
“Richard Dawkins.” The greatest show on earth.
“Stephen C. Meyer.” Signature in the Cell/DNA and the evidence for
Intelligent Design – paperback ©2009.
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