• Biblical Repentance

    In this Episode I discuss the biblical definition of Repentance.

    "As with all the other major biblical doctrines, satan (the author of confusion) has by subtlety sewn his counterfeits with regards to the doctrine of true biblical repentance. As will be shown with the LORD’s help, these counterfeits are so close to the real thing that even many professing Christians have been, and still are, culpable in the spreading of them. And this is the reason why I believe that the Holy Spirit of God led me to pen these words." -Biblical Repentance, TTB A.V. 1611

    “For one thing, without repentance there is no forgiveness of sins. In saying this, I must guard myself against misconstruction. I ask you emphatically not to misunderstand me: the tears of repentance wash away no sins. It is bad [theology] to say that they do. That is the office, that the work of the blood of Christ alone. Contrition makes no atonement for transgression. It is wretched theology to say that it does. It can do nothing of the kind. Our best repentance is a poor, imperfect thing and needs repenting over again. Our best contrition has defects enough about it to sink us into hell. “We are counted righteous before God only for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own works or deservings”—not for our repentance, holiness, almsgiving,—sacrament receiving, or anything of the kind. All this is perfectly true. Still it is no less true that justified people are always penitent people and that a forgiven sinner will always be a man who mourns over and loathes his sins. God in Christ is willing to receive rebellious man and grant him peace if he only comes to Him in Christ’s name, however wicked he may have been. But God requires, and requires justly, that the rebel shall throw down his arms. The Lord Jesus Christ is ready to pity, pardon, relieve, cleanse, wash, sanctify, and fit for heaven. But the Lord Jesus Christ desires to see a man hate the sins that he wishes to be forgiven.” —J. C. Ryle, The Necessity of Repentance

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    1 時間 57 分
  • True Evangelism: The Necessity Of Prayer "A life Giving Flow" Part 4

    This is Episode 9 and the 7th in our series True Evangelism.

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    1 時間 23 分
  • True Evangelism: The Necessity Of Prayer "A Life Giving Flow" Part 2

    This is Episode 6 and the 4th in our series True Evangelism.

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    1 時間 12 分
  • An unwitting party to heresy

    This episode was inspired by some posts on social media that unwittingly were party to the spread of heresy. Namely: baptism as a means of salvation in the church age, and ways of salvation opposed to the church age doctrine of grace through faith.

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    55 分
  • True Evangelism: The Necessity Of Prayer (Part 1)

    The second in a series concerning True Evangelism and Part 1 concerning the Necessity Of Prayer.

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    1 時間 17 分
  • Follow-up to Episode 2

    This is a follow-up to Episode 2. It's a clarification of my stance concerning the use of preferred pronouns which some have taken the liberty to find fault with. Though I know we shall never please or satisfy all our critics, I did however feel the need to clarify my words in regards to this matter.

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    34 分
  • "In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves;" - 2 Timothy 2:25

    This podcast is the first in a series on how to win souls for Christ.

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    1 時間 51 分
  • Does the church still have a voice?

    “Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle.” – Jer 25:10

    For all of you familiar with this portion of scripture, Jeremiah’s message was a message of condemnation concerning Judah Israel’s Southern Kingdom. Judah had forsaken God, had perverted the law, and because of it had fallen into gross idolatry.

    Anyone familiar with their bible would recognize that although Israel is not the church, there are similitudes that can be drawn by both their successes and failures that we, in this present dispensation, would do well to give heed.

    The apostle Paul tells us that, “whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” – Rom 15:4

    Much like Judah Israel’s Southern Kingdom, the church today has long been in its descent into total apostasy. The church today has all but forsaken God, has perverted His law, and has fallen into gross idolatry, and the evidence of this is apparent on every hand.

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    1 時間 40 分