"The Big Lebowski" is a 1998 comedy crime movie by the Coen brothers. The film centers around an unemployed, laid-back Los Angeles slacker and avid bowler, Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire also named Jeffrey Lebowski. After a group of thugs vandalize the Dude's home, mistaking him for the millionaire, he embarks on an unexpected adventure with his bowling team buddies Walter and Donny, to secure a replacement for his ruined rug, a task assigned to him by the real Lebowski's wife. However, when the wife is kidnapped, the Dude becomes embroiled in a complex series of events, revealing a twisted plot full of deceptions, fake kidnappings, and money thefts. This quirky narrative blend of crime drama and bowling-driven bromance unfurls amidst a hilarious commentary on life, friendships and the Dude's simple philosophy of taking it easy.
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