
  • Evolving the COPs into Something More Meaningful
    Hello! Chris Searles is director of BioIntegrity Partnerships. In this podcast he reads his blog on how to make the UN's annual climate conferences more meaningful, for all parties. Read the blog here.Select Quotes"Redefine Wealth to Wellth. What are the right values for humans individually and together this century and for the next 1,000 years?""Grow-back the climate and De-carbonize the economically-dominant immediately: that’s the right focus.""Forests are multi-taskers. Done right, protecting / regrowing / enriching forests is our most effective primary solution for climate stability. It’s not the only solution, but it’s the first one because it matters most.""Improving the Food System is profitable, today, and it’s 100% of the carbon solution this decade. Groups like PlantWithPurpose.org show how Agroforestry, Regenerative Agricultural practices and Savings Co-ops are already lifting around 1,000,000 people out of poverty — and growing every year.""To make the COPs more meaningful: We need a global culture seeking Wellth, rooted in Kinship and Biospheric Reality, with a vision for realizing an economics of inclusion, opportunity, generosity, and Abundance."Chapters1:00 Credit is due2:30 Reality, though6:itshe Point7:20 The Way Out10:45 Seeing the forest and the trees15:00 More Meaningful COPsLinksCOP28 https://www.cop28.com/en/Re: COP28, "The goal was to cut emissions in half in six years" https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/15/opinions/climate-change-comedy-cop28-mcguire/index.htmlCOP28's success marks just a tiny upgrade on COP27 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-13/cop28-s-success-marks-just-a-tiny-upgrade-on-cop27-resultsCOP 20, The Paris Climate Accord https://unfccc.int/most-requested/key-aspects-of-the-paris-agreementCOP26, The Glasgow Forests & Lands Agreement https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ukgwa/20230418175226/https://ukcop26.org/glasgow-leaders-declaration-on-forests-and-land-use/10 strategies can remove more than 100% of what's needed to get us out of the greenhouse gas crisis this decade https://chrissearles-biointegrity.medium.com/the-value-of-biosphere-earth-pt-7-carbon-999807233250our best strategy for restoring the weather: https://www.biointegrity.net/value.html & https://www.wri.org/insights/what-cop26-means-forests-climateimprove the food system: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/gcb.15873the simple math: https://chrissearles-biointegrity.medium.com/reducing-carbon-the-simple-math-fef19c95b708the cited science: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QYyZ2EWMuyGH19pTwVuGxu0hcLJKqVir/viewadditional drawdown opportunities: https://chrissearles-biointegrity.medium.com/the-value-of-biosphere-earth-pt-7-carbon-999807233250forests ARE the weather on land https://www.nature.com/articles/nature11983, and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1smYknUi27VgCKr2IDrIbtEHI4M1qAaPs/view, and https://drive.google.com/file/d/144JIyDkWY06owmTlLkIVZIVuMU71jxUS/view?ct=t%28Neil_Us9_12_2017_COPY_01%29&mc_cid=256c9667b2&mc_eid=9b31b6d982biointegrity.net
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    21 分
  • Earth vs. The Universe: Biosphere Wins
    A reading of The Value of Biosphere Earth, part 4: "Earth vs. The Universe" by researcher/author, Chris Searles. In two short paragraphs, and with two simple graphics, Chris dismantles the idea that science fiction is real. In other words, We cannot "live" in any normal sense of the word, on another planet for the foreseeable future. Those planets with life-potential are so far away it will take thousands to millions of years to actually get the first probes there, with current technology. As far as Mars goes: it will be robots, not humans, who go to Mars for the foreseeable future. Anything else is just inhumane.This series seeks to connect people of all backgrounds to a better understanding of what Earth's life-support system is to us today -- Earth's planetary-scale composition of diverse-life and living ecosystems, Earth's biosphere. The research in this series then goes further to show how "Biosphere Earth"'s quality and integrity are Civilization's #1 priority. In this episode, author Chris Searles, synopsizes how Earth's biosphere compares that of +4,500 other planets scoped by NASA. Scroll down for program and citations. ################Read The Value of Biosphere Earth, part 4: Earth vs. The Universe by Chris Searles, on Google Drive: https://tinyurl.com/VOBE4-evuRead Chris' essay on this topic. Visit our website for more: https://biointegrity.net/valueAbout Chris Searlesdirector, BioIntegrity.net / exec. editor, AllCreation.orgother notable research: The Systemic Climate Solution################ Citations1 Earth from 3.75 billion miles away.• Kooser. NASA remasters Voyager 1’s famous “Pale Blue Dot” image. CNET (2020). https://www.cnet.com/news/nasa-remasters-voyager-1s-famous-pale-blue-dot-image2 Of the more than 4,500 planets surveyed.• NASA. NASA Exoplanet Archive. Infrared Analysis and Processing Center, California Institute of Technology. https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu [Retrieved 10/20/21].• Planetary Habitability Laboratory. Habitable Exoplanets Catalog. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo. http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog [Retrieved 10/20/21].• NASA. How many exoplanets are there? NASA Exoplanet Exploration. https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/faq/6/how-many-exoplanets-are-there/ [Retrieved 8/17/20].3 “No life beyond Earth has ever been found.”• Kaufman. Life, Here and Beyond. Astrobiology at NASA. https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/about/ [Retrieved 08/17/20].4 Mars, the dead planet.• Wade, et al. The divergent fates of primitive hydrospheric water on Earth and Mars. Nature 552, 391–394 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature250315 Is more than 73,000 years away from Earth.• Byrd. How long to travel to Alpha Centauri? EarthSky (2017). https://earthsky.org/space/alpha-centauri-travel-time/6 Proxima Centauri b is a deathtrap, receives regular radiation blasts 14,000X stronger than Earth.• Carter. Our Neighbors Are Probably Dead. The Closest Earth-Like Planet To Us Is Being Thrashed By 7-Second ‘Death Rays’. Forbes Magazine (2021). https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2021/05/04/our-neighbors-are-dead-the-closest-earth-like-planet-to-us-is-being-thrashed-by-7-second-death-rays/?sh=1a483d37cff27 Teegarden’s b is 12 light years from Earth.• Press Release. Teegarden's Star: A Nearby System with two Potentially Habitable Worlds. Planetary Habitability Catalog, University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (2018). http://phl.upr.edu/press-releases/teegarden8 None of the "most Earth-like" planets have been proven to have rocks, water, or an atmosphere.• Planetary Habitability Laboratory. Habitable Exoplanets Catalog. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo. http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog [Retrieved 10/20/21].9 Top 5 Relocation Candidates.Planets chosen according to Earth "similarity," according to NASA's data.Top 5 planets. • Planetary Habitability Laboratory. Habitable Exoplanets Catalog. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo. http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog [Retrieved 10/20/21].• Travel time estimates computed according to the formula: 1 Light Year requires +17,000 years of current technology space travel. Source: Byrd. How long to travel to Alpha Centauri? EarthSky (2017). https://earthsky.org/space/alpha-centauri-travel-time/Proxima Centauri b. • Tasker. Does Proxima Centauri Create an Environment Too Horrifying for Life? NASA Astrobiology. https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/does-proxima-centauri-create-an-environment-too-horrifying-for-life/ (2018)Teegarden’s b. • Exoplanet Catalog, Teegarden’s Star b. NASA Exoplanet Exploration (2019). https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exoplanet catalog/7423/teegardens-star-b/Trappist 1-d. • Press release. Study brings new climate models of small star TRAPPIST 1’s seven intriguing worlds. University of Washington (2018). https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/467604TOI 700-d. • Kazmierczak. NASA Planet Hunter Finds its 1st ...
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    14 分
  • Civilization’s Life-Support System: Biosphere Earth
    A reading of The Value of Biosphere Earth, part 3: "Ecosystem Services" by researcher/author, Chris Searles. From brain formation to oxygen supply, Earth's other life is responsible for just about everything that makes our lives possible. (Scroll down for citations.) Earth's composition of life and living ecosystems is everything to us humans. "Ecosystem services" -- the academic term for Earth's literal, planetary life-support system services, are the products, conditions, bodies, functionalities, services, communities, other companions, and more we typically take for granted, which are generated by the Life before and around us today. Earth’s global life-support system is composed of a continuous life-interaction of water-based/atmospheric/landscape/and subterranean micro and macro organisms. Please check out the prior two podcasts in this series for more info. Biosphere Earth provides for just about every aspect of human identity and existence. This series seeks to connect people of all backgrounds to a better understanding of what our life-support system is and how its integrity is our #1 economic and shared priority. This episode synopsizes what Earth's complex biosphere does for us. ################Read The Value of Biosphere Earth, part 3: Ecosystem Services by Chris Searles, on Google Drive: https://tinyurl.com/VOBE3-ecoservicesRead Chris' essay on this topic. Visit our website for more: https://biointegrity.net/valueAbout Chris Searlesdirector, BioIntegrity.net / exec. editor, AllCreation.orgother notable research: The Systemic Climate Solution################ Citations Map of Earth’s vertebrate biodiversity concentrations on land.• Data: Jenkins, Pimm, Joppa. Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation. PNAS 110 (28) E2602-E2610; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1302251110• Image: Globaia / ESO Supernova. Biodiversity on Earth. European Southern Observatory. https://supernova.eso.org/exhibition/images/0514_F_biodiversity_bearbeitet-CCfinal/ (Retrieved 2021)1. “Ecosystem Services” is irrelevant to the average human being.• Thompson, et al. Ecosystem – What? Public Understanding and Trust in Conservation Science andEcosystem Services. Front. Commun., 1. (2016) https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2016.00003/full2. Some definitions of Ecosystem Services.• Intergovernmental Panel on Science Policy and Ecosystem Services. Core Glossary. IPBES. Retrieved10/7/2021. https://ipbes.net/glossary/ecosystem-services• Danley, Widmark. Evaluating conceptual definitions of ecosystem services and their implications.Ecological Economics 126, 132-138. (2016) https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0921800915300549• Antle, et al. Ecosystems and their goods and services. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. AR52014: Climate Change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. (2014)https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/wg2TARchap5.pdf• Uncredited authors. Ecosystem services for human well-being. The Secretariat of the Convention onBiological Diversity. (2008) https://www.cbd.int/doc/bioday/2008/ibd-2008-factsheet-01-en.pdf• Uncredited authors. Ecosystems and their wellbeing, Chapter 02: Ecosystems and their services.Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2005) http://millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.300.aspx.pdf3. Ecosystem services keep humans alive and make possibility possible.• Daily, G., editor. Nature's Services: Societal Dependence On Natural Ecosystems. Island Press. ISBN:1559634766. (1997) https://islandpress.org/books/natures-services4. “Are these not of the living Earth?”• Orange, T. There There. Vintage. ISBN: O525520376. (2019) https://penguinrandomhouse.com/books/563403/there-there-by-tommy-orange5. Ecosystems and their biodiversity have generated the platform for all known physical, emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual, conscious, and subconscious experiences for organisms.• European Commission. Ecosystem Goods and Services. European Commission Publications Office. (2009)https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/ecosystem.pdf6. All ecosystems interact to create Earth’s life-support system. > Ocean life integration• Friendlingstein, et al. Global Carbon Budget 2020. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 3269–3340. (2020) https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-3269-2020• Rasher, et al. Keystone predators govern the pathway and pace of climate impacts in a subarctic marine ecosystem. Science Vol. 369, 6509, 1351-1354. (2020) https://science.sciencemag.org/content/369/6509/1351• Behrenfeld, et al. Global satellite-observed daily vertical migrations of ocean animals. Nature 576, 257–261. (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1796-9• Basu, Mackey. Phytoplankton as Key Mediators of the Biological Carbon Pump. Sustainability, 10, 869. (2018) https://doi.org/10.3390/su10030869• Delevaux, et al. Scenario planning with linked land-sea models inform where forest conservation actions ...
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    12 分
  • The Life Timeline: Biosphere Earth
    A definitive summary of the history of Life on Earth, according to the scientific record, from our series, The Value of Biosphere Earth. (Scroll down for citations.) What is the value of Earth's biodiversity to modern Civilization, technology, and human beings in general? This series seeks to connect people of all backgrounds to a better understanding of what our life-support system is and how its integrity is our #1 economic and shared priority. This episode synopsizes the history of Life’s deveopment. Each segment synopsizes the latest science in two to five paragraphs. Researcher/author, Chris Searles (director, BioIntegrity), is host. Sections 1-4 talk about “the biosphere.“ Sections 5-8 present a “biospheric climate solution“ and outline how restoring Earth's biospheric integrity is, according to the Science cited in each segment, far more valuable to human beings and our future than a tech-centric civilization and/or climate solution. Read The Value of Biosphere Earth, Earth’s Life Timeline:by Chris Searles, on Google Drive: https://tinyurl.com/VOBE1-timeline Visit our website for more: https://biointegrity.net/value CitationsEarth graphics“The Pale Orange Dot” (Microbial Earth circa three billion years ago) -- Zubritsky (2017). NASA Team Looks to Ancient Earth First to Study Hazy Exoplanets. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Retrieved online, 2021. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/nasa-team-looks-to-ancient-earth-first-to-study-hazy-exoplanets“The Blue Marble” (Biosphere Earth, circa the year 2000) -- Stockli, Nelson (2000). Earth The Blue Marble. NASA Visible Earth. Retrieved online, 2021. https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/54388/earth-the-blue-marbleTimeline graphicMicrobes – citation [1] belowProtista – Early Eukaryotes. (2020, August 14). Retrieved September 24, 2021, from https://bio.libretexts.org/@go/page/13577 (also https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/eukaryotic-origins-2/)Fungi – Lutzoni, F., et al. Contemporaneous radiations of fungi and plants linked to symbiosis. Nat Commun 9, 5451 (2018).https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07849-9; Berbee, M.L., et al. Genomic and fossil windows into the secret lives of the most ancient fungi. Nat Rev Microbiol 18, 717–730 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-020-0426-8Plants & Animals – citation [2]Modern humans – citation [6]1. First Microbes“3.5 Billion years ago.” Sim, M.S., et al. Role of APS reductase in biogeochemical sulfur isotope fractionation. Nat Commun 10, 44. (2019) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-07878-4 Science: Biology, Chemistry, Earth. doi:10.1126/science.aar7944. (2017) https://sciencemag.org/news/2017/12/life-may-have-originated-earth-4-billion-years-ago-study-controversial-fossils-suggests“4.47 Billion years ago.” Service, R. How an ancient cataclysm may have jump-started life on Earth. Science: Chemistry, doi:10.1126/science.aaw606. (2019) https://sciencemag.org/news/2019/01/how-ancient-cataclysm-may-have-jump-started-life-earth 2. First plants & animals• “Around 600 million years ago.” Bobrovskiy, I., et al. Ancient steroids establish the Ediacaran fossil Dickinsonia as one of the earliest animals. Science 361 (6408), 1246-1249. (2018) DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7228. From “Confirming the identity of early animals” inset. https://science.sciencemag.org/content/361/6408/12463. Earth’s biosphere has taken form several times, last 600 million years• Dutfield, S. The 5 mass extinction events that shaped the history of Earth — and the 6th that's happening now. Live Science. Retrieved online. (2021) https://www.livescience.com/mass-extinction-events-that-shaped-Earth.html4. Greater diversity & attributes with each iteration• Eisenberg, L.The Tree of Life. Evogeneo. (2017) https://www.evogeneao.com/en5. Forming roughly 65 million years before the first homo sapiens• Penninsi, E. How Life Blossomed After the Dinosaurs Died. Science: Evolution, Palentology, Plants & Animals. Retrieved online. doi:10.1126/science.aaz9741. (2019) https://sciencemag.org/news/2019/10/how-life-blossomed-after-dinosaurs-died6. First Homo sapiensHublin, J., et al. New fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo sapiens. Nature 546, 289–292 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature22336 (Overview here: https://sciencemag.org/news/2017/06/world-s-oldest-homo-sapiens-fossils-found-morocco#)Stringer, C. The origin and evolution of Homo sapiens. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 1698 Jul 5; 371(2016): 20150237. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2015.0237. ttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4920294/7. Migrated out of Africa 180,000 years ago• Callaway. Israeli fossils are the oldest modern humans ever found outside of Africa. Nature 554, 15-16. (2018) doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-018-01261-5Last ice age ended• Clark, et al. The Last Glacial Maximum, Science 325, Issue 5941, pp. 710-714 (2009). doi: 10.1126/science.1172873https://...
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    11 分
  • It Builds Itself: Biosphere Earth
    We are rebooting The Value of Biosphere Earth podcast series, starting with a focus on the meaning of the word, biosphere. In this episode, author/researcher Chris Searles reads an extremely-well cited synopsis of the academic research on why other-Life, Earth’s biodiversity of plants, animals, fungi, microbes, etc., is the most valuable and intelligent thing in the known universe. (Citations below.) A STACK… all of the elements of a system, creates our ability to live in the universe. More on this in podcast #3 in this series, Ecosystem Services. Defining the "Software Stack" analogyThe Human Life-Support System is essentially (top down): a) Stuff we need: Food, Clothes, Fuel, Atmosphere, Freshwater, etc., generated by: b) Other macro life: Plants, Animals, Wilderness Ecosystems, and c) Micro life: Protista, Soils, Fungi, Microbes, Microbiomes, and their interactions with d) The geosphere: Rocks, Minerals, Chemicals, Climate Conditions (non-living elements). Read The Value of Biosphere Earth, A Self-Generating Stack: by Chris Searles, on Google Drive: https://tinyurl.com/VOBE2-stackVisit our website for more: https://biointegrity.net/valueAbout Chris Searlesdirector, BioIntegrity.net / exec. editor, AllCreation.orgother notable research: The Systemic Climate Solution Program0:00 Welcome 1:30 Paragraph 1, Biosphere Earth 3:00 Paragraph 2, Smarter than our Computers (the software stack analogy) "Stack" visual: https://tinyurl.com/VOBE2-stack5:00 Life itself is miraculous. The life-support system built itself over the last 4 billions of years6:25 Chris goes through the diagram in paper. Our life-support system = inanimate elements of Earth (minerals & climate conditions) + interactive, intelligent, relational life-layers, which ultimately led to and presently create our everyday life-support system, (aka. Nature, as we know it).7:45 This planetary life-support system is EXCEPTIONALLY RESOURCEFUL: self-integrating, adaptive, self-healing, self-correcting. It appears to always be going towards more diversity of life (more biodiversity) when climate conditions are favorable. CitationsImages and Oxford • “The Pale Orange Dot” (Microbial Earth circa three billion years ago) – Zubritsky. NASA Team Looks to Ancient Earth First to Study Hazy Exoplanets. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. (2017) https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2017/nasa-team-looks-to-ancient-earth-first-to-study-hazy-exoplanets • “The Blue Marble” (Biosphere Earth today) -- Stockli, Nelson. Earth The Blue Marble. NASA Visible Earth. (2000) https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/54388/earth-the-blue-marble • “Definition of biosphere”. Oxford University Press. Lexico.com. 30 September 2021. https://www.lexico.com/definition/biosphereNo other planet known to contain organisms after thousands surveyed • NASA Exoplanet Archive. Infrared Analysis and Processing Center, California Institute of Technology. [Retrieved 20 August 2021.] https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu• University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo. Habitable Exoplanets Catalog. Planetary Habitability Catalog, University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo. [Retrieved 29 September 2021.] http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog.• Kaufman, M. Life, Here and Beyond. Astrobiology at NASA. [Retrieved 17 August 2020.] https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/about/Science has established that the foundation for human existence is simple and complex life • Chimeleski, Kolter. Microbes gave us life. Stat. (2017) https://www.statnews.com/2017/12/21/microbes-human-life/• Ellison, et al. Trees, forests, water: Cool insights for a hot world. Global Environmental Change 43: 51-61. (2017) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.01.002• Malmstrom, C. Ecologists Study the Interactions of Organisms and Their Environment. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):88. (2010) https://nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/ecologists-study-the-interactions-of-organisms-and-13235586/ • Gilbert & Neufeld. Life in a world without Microbes. PLoS Biol. 12(12):e1002020. (2014) doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002020• European Commission publication. Ecosystem Goods and Services. European CommissionPublications Office. (2009) https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/ecosystem.pdf• Convention on Biological Diversity. Sustaining Life on Earth. CBD. (2009) https://www.cbd.int/convention/guide/• Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ecosystems and human well-being: Biodiversity synthesis. World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C. (2005) http://www.millenniumassessment.org/documents/document.354.aspx.pdfEverything we have is a result of living inside of Biosphere Earth • Isbell, et al. Linking the influence and dependence of people on biodiversity across scales. Nature 546, 65–72. (2017) https://doi.org/10.1038/nature22899• Rojstaczer, Sterling, Moore. Human appropriation of photosynthesis products. Science Vol 294, ...
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    9 分
  • Harrison's Week & Big Picture

    We're helping "Permaculture Man" Harrison Aron, founder of K'Aron Community Farm in Kenya, raise funds for a fence this week and we need your help! He's very happy after all the support our community has given in the last two weeks. This audio is a segment from this week's interview with Harrison by BioIntegrity founder/director Chris Searles. Unfortunately, that video and audio were again too inconsistent to present, so we share this important piece: Harrison updating us on some of what he's done just since receiving funding for seeds, including already purchasing and planting new seeds, digging a very large, natural seep well for the new expansion garden, and continung to harvest from their already functioning gardens. Harrison also shares some of the regenerative, permaculture techniques he's using to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in his community.

    "(Our malnutrition problem is) Mostly from dirty water and the type of food we are eating." (Harrison Aron)

    Harrison is a Permaculture designer / regenerative farmer working to feed his whole community in ways that eliminate food shortages, regrow ecosystems, restore local biodiversity, cool the local micro-climate, improve local water supplies... It's truly exciting.

    Our community just raised $1,260.00 (US) for for Harrison's 1-acre expansion garden: first ploughing and seeding, then purchasing rainwater collection/distribution equipment. We've also funded half a fence. We are now trying to raise just an additional $500 US (for a grand total of $1,750) to fund the other half of the fence. You can help! These donations will help feed +1,000 people in Homa Bay. With support like ours, Harrison believes he can feed all 5,000+ people in his community within a few years. He then wishes to teach and expand his community-based, Permaculture farming across East Africa. Help Harrison, Help Kenya!

    More info: https://mailchi.mp/biointegrity/070822
    More info part 2: https://mailchi.mp/biointegrity/071422
    Donate here: https://flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTU1MDAx
    Contact us: biointegrity.net/contact-us

    0:00 Check In

    Harrison Aron and Chris Searles (director, BioIntegrity):

    • Natural seep well: is dug!
    • New seeds: some already planted and germinating
    • Ploughing was a good decision
    • Community is happy (so are we)
    • K'Aron Farm has been harvesting a lot of food varieties this week

    4:00 Rebuilding the Soil Naturally


    • Composts & mulches
    • Lasagna layers
    • What destroyed the soil? Inorganic Fertilizers
    • Adding-back Organic Fertilizers: manures, plants & layers

    8:00 Some Soil-Building Food Plants

    • Pea Plant ("Jelo Peas")
    • Chop & drop leaves for natural mulch
    • Ground cover foods: squash, pumkpins, beans
    • Nutrition & drought

    12:00 Eradicating Malnutrition with Permaculture

    • Diverse food plantings to create a balanced diet
    • Overcoming many diseases
    • Squash leaves & nursing mothers, Beet root & blood health
    • Installing "Kitchen Gardens" in Homa Bay
    • "CBO": Community-Based Organization, here is K'Aron

    Lilsten to the first podcast in this series

    Help Harrison Expand His Community Garden Project to Feed +1,000 People, Cool the Climate, Restore Biodiversrity, and More -- by clicking this long sentence (click here).

    Thanks again!

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    16 分
  • Harrison Aron on Water Tanks, Pipes, and a Fence

    This audio is a segment from several hours of interviews with Harrison Aron, by BioIntegrity founder/director Chris Searles. Unfortunately the video and audio were too inconsistent to present as a whole, so instead we share this important piece: Harrison talking about the water infrastructure they need in his community and some of the ways having it will greatly help.

    Harrison is a Permaculture designer / regenerative farmer working to feed his whole community in ways that eliminate food shortages, regrow ecosystems, restore local biodiversity, cool the local micro-climate, improve local water supplies... It's exciting: You can help.

    We just raised $250 US for seeding Harrison's expansion garden. Our goal now is to raise an additional $500 to help fund Harrison's water infrastructure asks. He also talks here about needing a fence to protect the community garden from livestock, chickens, and wild animals. That cost is estimated to be an additional $1,000 US (for a grand total of $1,750). You can help. Do it!

    More info: https://mailchi.mp/biointegrity/070822
    Donate here: https://flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTU1MDAx
    Contact us: biointegrity.net/contact-us

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  • What Do We Do Now?
    From the Austin Community College Honors Program and Office of Sustainability's Earth Week celebrations, in Austin, TX, Earth Day, 2022: "What do we do now?" presented by Chris Searles, director of BioIntegrity.net. [Watch the Zoom video of this podcast on Facebook or YouTube.] This Zoom is QUITE noisy for the first 5 minutes, thanks for your patience! PROGRAM: WHAT DO WE DO NOW0:00 Intro0:25 What is “the biosphere”?I. Some Good News0:50 What you can do now:1:15 Tropical Forests2:20 The Systemic Climate Solution: http://tinyurl.com/systemic-cs3:45 Our Life-Support System4:45 BioIntegrity’s planetary impacts6:45 Ecosystems over Technology7:00 Protect Tropical Forest: biointegrity.net/solutions ($2/acre)II. What’s Going On Here7: 45 No Reason to Care?Reason #1 Humans over Nature? 8:00 Genesis 1:26, “the dominion verse” 8:50 “Dominionism”: https://tinyurl.com/allcreation-domin...9:15 Jewish dominion: “Humans are God’s partners in bettering the creation.”9:45 Islamic dominion: “You are answerable to God for what you do with the animals, the plants…”11:00 Christian dominion: “To figure out how to live well in our places with each other.”11:30 Reclaiming Genesis “dominion”: 1) Agrarian context, 2) Theocentric identity, 3) Christians are care providers, 4) Discipleship of caring change.Reason #2 50,000 more years?14:10 We could have 50,000 more years of a stable climateReason #3 “The environment” is our life-support system14:30 The forgotten memory15:00 Biosphere Earth = Life & living systems15:55 The Value of Biosphere Earth: https://www.biointegrity.net/value.html16:00 The quick history of Life16:40 The value of ecosystems: Life, life-support & ecosystem servicesReason #4 We are collapsing our Life-system now18:00 Bad news science: A top 10 20:00 Rapid growth of a biospherically-destructive system21:00 Biodiversity is in the greatest crisis of all things todayIII. Recenter on the Biosphere21:30 Biospheric Reformation: 2 Priorities23:10 One question: “Does it strengthen or weaken the life-support system”IV. The Biospheric Climate Solution (Fixing Agriculture + Ending Deforestation + Restoring Land Biosphere)23:30 Looking at what we gain by regrowing the most bio-productive ecosystems Earth24:20 This strategy could take us out of the climate crisis within 10 to 30 years 25:45 Carbon 32:40 Sponge33:30 Cooling35:20 Irrigation36:15 Self-care 37:45 Weaves38:20 The lymphatic system of the planet39:30 Circulation41:00 We have the potential to stop & reverse Climate Change41:20 The main prioritiesV. Necessity & Promise 42:00 Reversing our collapse42:45 Biospheric Reformation 43:45 Indigenous People 1st44:30 Even “clean tech” must fit into biospheric reality 45:00 Add these values 45:25 How to support systemic changes (slide): 1) Indigenous Rights, 2) Regenerative Agriculture, 3) Globally-strategic protection & restoration of biodiversity 45:45 Technology VI. Wrap Up45:55 What We Covered
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