This episode we have Tom Smyth and Ole-Morten Sundheim joining us to talk about running small ISPs in Europe and the EU. This is the start of some international casts I have been wanting to do to recognize our listeners all over the world and look at issues and struggles that ISPs face throughout the world. Please reach out if you have an ISP in Africa, Asia, Pacific or the South Americas and we can talk about having you on the cast. White Paper https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/white-paper-how-master-europes-digital-infrastructure-needs EU Consultation on White Paper open until 23:59 CET 30th June 2024 https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/14168-White-Paper-How-to-master-Europes-digital-infrastructure-needs?_en Here's the YouTube link if you really want to see our faces https://youtu.be/Fjj0Z0esLRk Sponsors Sonar.Software Towercoverage.com Preseem.com /Sponsors