• S2 Ep.1 - Taniah, a young entrepreneur and popular singer who is empowering the youth through her NGO

    In this first episode of Season 2 we speak to Taniah who is a young popular singer and entrepreneur from Seychelles. Singing has been her favourite art since her childhood. She has created an NGO called Taniah Entertainment Association to help young people acquire essential skills including singing that they would need to pursue a career as an artist and to become good citizens.

    Note: Author & Composer of the song 'My God' is Taniah Jeremie

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  • Ep.24 Maximiliano Bello, Policy Director at Mission Blue

    In this episode we will learn about Mission Blue, which is an organisation led by the legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle. We speak to Maximiliano Bello who is the policy Director at Mission Blue on their work to create public awareness, access and support for a worldwide network of marine protected areas or Hope spots.

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  • Ep.23 Sven Biermann, Executive Director of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI)

    In this episode we speak to Sven Biermann who is the Executive Director of Fisheries Transparency Initiative or FiTI. Marine Fisheries is critical to food security and plays a major role in the economy of coastal countries. However, similar to any other natural resources marine fish stocks have to be exploited sustainably. It is the fundamental obligation of governments to manage fisheries responsibly on behalf of their citizens as a public asset. The availability of credible information to the public is one of many key aspects of sustainable management of fisheries. The Fisheries Transparency Initiative has been developed as a unique effort that complements and supports other national, regional and global efforts for achieving responsible fisheries governance. FiTI is a global partnership that seeks to increase transparency and participation for a more sustainable management of marine fisheries. By making fisheries management more transparent and inclusive, the FiTI promotes informed public debates on fisheries policies and supports the long-term contribution of the sector to national economies and the well-being of citizens and businesses that depend on a healthy marine environment.

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  • EP. 22 - Farida Camille, Chairperson and Founder the Unique Foundation

    Unique Foundation is a not for profit organisation founded by Farida Camille who is an education professional, along with some of her colleagues and other professionals. The Foundation aims to address some of the youth related issues by engaging youths in activities and programmes that would encourage them to adopt positive lifestyles. Unique Foundation is based on the island of Praslin which is the second largest island in the Seychelles archipelago. Praslin has a population of around 8,000 inhabitants which translates to approximately 7% of the population of the Seychelles. The island has not been spared from behavioural issues and other social ills that affect some of the youth around the world.

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  • Lena Desaubin - Owner of Domaine Desaubins, a Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Small Hotel

    In this episode we speak to Lena Desaubin the owner of Domaine Desaubins who has successfully merged her passion for the environment and sustainability with her small hotel at her home off the coast of South Mahe, the main island of the Seychelles archipelago. The result is an eco-friendly tourism establishment set in a lush tropical garden which in itself is some kind of arboretum, full of endemic trees and flowers of the Seychelles islands.

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  • Raportaz Spesyal lo Lafwar Losean (Ocean Fair) organize par Danny Faure Foundation

    Fondasyon Danny Faure ti organize dezyenm Lafwar Losean le 7 ek le 8 zen 2024 pour selebre lazournen Losean. Lafwar Losean i en aktivite ki tonm anba de lobzektif prensipal Fondasyon Danny Faure. Premyerman se pour kontribye dan bann zefor lokal e enternasyonal pour protez lasante losean. Dezyenman pour ede promouvwar lekonomi ble koman prosen frontyer pour devlopman dirab.

    Bi sa lafwar se pour sansibiliz manm piblik lo lenportans en losean dirab. Losean i annan en plas tre enportan dan kiltir Seselwa e i osi zwe en rol kle dan lekonomi larsipel Sesel. En lekonomi kotyer ki prospere I depan bokou lo eksplwatasyon dirab bann resours kotyer e lamarin.

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  • EP. 20 - Dr. Victorin Laboudallon, Seychellois, Founder and Chairman of Terrestrial Restoration Action Society of Seychelles (TRASS)

    In this episode we celebrate World Environment Day by speaking to Dr. Victorin Laboudallon who is a well-known Seychellois and who has dedicated almost half of his life in environment and conservation.

    World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June. This year’s theme is “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience.” Growing up in the lush tropical forest of Sans Soucis, on the island of Mahé with his grandmother who worked in forestry, Dr. Victorin Laboudallon developed a passion for nature and the environment. This has led him to dedicate almost 40 years of his life to work in nature conservation and environment protection especially in forestry and ornithology. Dr. Laboudallon has also published many books on the flora and fauna of the Seychelles. He is one of the rare people to have set foot on all 115 islands of the archipelago. 15 years ago he set up an NGO called Terrestrial Restoration Action Society of Seychelles (TRASS).

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  • EP 19 - Erastus Mwencha, Former Deputy Chair of AU Commission and previously Secretary General of SADC

    Erastus Mwencha is currently the Chair of Equity Bank, which is the largest bank in Kenya. He also chairs Trade Mark Africa and the Africa Capacity Building Foundation. The latter is a specialised capacity building institution of the African Union (AU). He is the former Deputy Chair of the African Union Commission and previously the Secretary General of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

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