
  • The David Spoon Experience 9-9-24 part 2
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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-9-24 part 1
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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-6-24 part 2

    1) Welcome to another adventure of the David Spoon experience as we jump into multiple DDDDD’s and have a good time embracing and growing in the word of God. Our first teaching comes from the book of Acts, where we see Peter sharing the gospel with the Gentiles. He makes one statement that we seem to forget quite a bit, and that is, God is God. When God wants to do something to people, He does it, and He doesn’t ask anybody’s permission to know if the way He’s doing it is OK, including the twelve apostles. Or us.

    2) We turn left in the Bible and go to Jeremiah chapter 51, where we find out that God has never forsaken Israel or Judah completely. This does not mean He did not allow them to endure trials, but He never completely abandoned them. He never totally wrote them off, even though they were really nudnicks. In connection to that, when people go through the discipline of the Lord, they tend to complain a lot. We will examine the folly of this for EVERYONE.

    3) It is always a classic teaching when we confront Christianity and Christianity, which are not the same. Churchianity has to do with making up rules that people think must accompany Christianity. They make up the requirements developed by others because the others do their best to fulfill them. But sometimes, the Lord gives people a pass. And if you’re not sure He’s done that to others, perhaps we can consider how many times He’s given a pass to us.

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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-6-24 part 1

    The Elder Apostle then delves into some profound personal connections, commending Gaius for his faithfulness and his service as a brother. This personal recommendation is rarely mentioned in most study materials. Gaius was an extraordinary individual, especially in his kindness to strangers. If they called upon the name of the Lord, even if he didn't know them, he would go out of his way to be a blessing. That is the epitome of Christian behavior. Bless the family of God.

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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-5-24 part 2

    What a show! Noelle joins David in the studio...but just to say "Hi."

    1) As we get closer to finishing the Book of Acts, we pick it up in chapter 27, starting with verse 37. After Paul’s speech, everybody was encouraged, which ought to tell each and every one of us that our words, even in the most dire situations we face, can help people. Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). So when things are looking kind of yucky, a good word makes a big difference.

    2) There are 276 people, and they begin eating and lighting up the ship so they can see what’s coming. I will take advantage of this text to point out that sometimes we have too much stuff on our ship. You have to eat what you need to sustain, but many of us carry a lot of extra baggage that we don’t need. Here’s a good word for you: stuff that you really don’t need in your life, you should throw overboard. It’s just going to weigh us down anyway.

    3) As they’re cruising along, they find a bay with a beach, and they’re hoping to get there, but they have to steer between the rocks in order to make it safely to shore. They drop the anchors and let it roll, which is a nice lesson for us to understand that sometimes you have to drop what’s holding you back. Let the wind take you where it will and trust that the Lord will get you to safety.

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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-5-24 part 1
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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-4-24 part 2

    1) As many of you know, on Wednesdays, I like to pull up and teach classic messages that I've taught before and have thoroughly tested and implemented. However, today is going to be something that we haven't done before. Today, I'm going to share with you a new message that the Lord has given me. It is not a sermon, but it is a word, and it is a word for today.

    2) One of the things that is important for people to understand is that a person is made up of many influences. We have sayings that we all stand by, and some are more powerful than others. For example, we are what we worship, we are what we think, we are what we eat, and we are like those we hang around.

    3) In a certain sense, none of those are incorrect. So today, I want to focus on the people that we hang around. I don't want to do this from a legalistic point of view; I want us to understand something and make it as practical as possible. If we hang around with foolish people, we tend to become foolish, but the opposite is also true.

    4) Because we are Christians, we have a strong desire to hang around with other Christians, but most specifically, to hang around with the Lord and be in fellowship with Him. What's very important about that is that we understand that Jesus holds all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, if we hang around with Jesus, we're going to have the ability to know more than we know through education and experience. Wow, is that a challenging thought. Little campers, do your best to try and follow. Here we go...

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  • The David Spoon Experience 9-4-24 part 1

    A) Psalm 55, verses 9 through 14, is where the David Spoon experience picks up, discussing how King David was wounded by people who were close to him spiritually. We need to understand that betrayal by man is often inevitable. In other words, Jesus would not commit himself to mankind because he knew what was in mankind.

    B) Far beyond the foolish idea that man is basically good is the understanding that each person has a sinful nature. This is where betrayal comes from. And even if it comes from parents, siblings, or children, it can be exceedingly painful. But in this Psalm, David takes another step by talking about being wounded by someone he's spiritually connected to, someone in whom he had confidence in the Lord.

    C) David goes on to share his own personal experience of how deeply wounded he was by someone in the ministry, from a pastoral position. Sharing his own experiences, he talked about how he was hurt, wounded, and angry at God until, when he broke away from that fellowship, he found the saving grace that brought him to the Gospel in the first place—the very breath and love of God.

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