The essential act of witnessing is the great initiator of creation itself. This integral Divine action is necessary for existence to be so. As Jenna and Heather begin this episode witnessing themselves, they are taken into a deeper conversation, weaving together topics such as: the primordial need/desire to be witnessed (especially the feminine), connecting to inner sovereignty through the witnessing of Oneself, how emotions can be alchemized through witnessing, and the Quantum construct of witnessing. Through this conversation may these contemplative musings about witnessing invite you to become the Divine observer of your own existence.
To live by your own Eternal Compass means to follow that which is illogical to the mind and the world around you, yet you yearn and learn to embody it anyway because you recognize the whispers as those of your own heart and Soul. Let us remember, each and every one of us: our strength, our power, our vulnerability, our peace, our courage, our humanity, our Divinity, our uniqueness, our wholeness, our Oneness.
“We are Her. We are All.”