
  • Part 2: From War Refugee to Resilience: Santu Carter's Journey Through Grief and Healing

    In this 2nd part of The Fearless Road Podcast, what if you could transform your pain into a source of strength? Best-selling author and professional speaker Santou Carter joins us on this episode of the Dive deeper into the entrepreneurial journey with Santou Carter, multi-award-winning therapist and international bestselling author, on Part 2 of this Fearless Road Podcast. Explore the profound impact of early childhood experiences on shaping resilience and the ability to overcome adversity. Santou shares her personal story as a child war refugee, highlighting the challenges of navigating loss, confusion, and the struggle to be understood – feelings many entrepreneurs grapple with when facing setbacks.

    This episode also delves into the power of honesty and self-compassion in the face of grief. Learn how embracing vulnerability and communicating authentically, even during difficult times, can strengthen your integrity and attract a community that resonates with your values. Santou emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and setting healthy boundaries, empowering entrepreneurs to lead with authenticity and build a sustainable business and personal life.

    Key Highlights:

    • Early Childhood and Resilience: Santou shares her powerful story as a child war refugee, linking early life experiences to building resilience later in life.
    • The Power of Community: Discover how proactive community building can provide a vital support system for entrepreneurs facing challenges.
    • Discerning True Allies: Learn to identify and leverage relationships that offer genuine empathy and compassion.
    • Honesty and Self-Compassion: Embrace vulnerability and communicate authentically to build integrity and attract a supportive community.
    • Prioritizing Self-Care: Set healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care to navigate the emotional demands of entrepreneurship.


    • Santou Carter: "That wound still kind of lives in me and comes up in unexpected times."
    • Santou Carter: "...sometimes you can withdraw, and you can feel lonely and isolated...that's the time when you need to be proactive in reaching out to people who are understanding and going to be supportive."
    • Santou Carter: "So grief kind of swings back and forth like a pendulum. Sometimes you're having dark days and low days, and then sometimes you swing out of that."
    • Michael Devous: "When we use those little white lies, we're lying to ourselves...undermines our integrity, our personal integrity."
    • Santou Carter: "Like attracts like. So if you're wanting someone to be kind to you, be kind to yourself, you know what that looks like."


    • Early childhood experiences can significantly influence an entrepreneur's resilience and ability to overcome adversity.
    • Building a strong support system is crucial for navigating the challenges of the entrepreneurial journey.
    • Entrepreneurs need to discern their true allies and cultivate relationships that offer genuine support.
    • Honesty and self-compassion are essential for maintaining integrity and attracting a community that aligns with your values.
    • Prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries are vital for achieving long-term success in business and personal life.

    Supporting Links:

    • Santou Carter's Website: griefsupport.co
    • Free Resources: griefsupport.co/freeresources
    • Contact Santou: griefsupport.co/contact
    • Podcast Competition: griefsupport.co/podcast

    Important Links:

    • Santou Carter's Website: griefsupport.co
    • Fearless Road Podcast:https://www.youtube.com/@TheFearlessRoad
    • Michael Devous Coach & Speaker: https://michaeldevousjr.com/
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    43 分
  • Part 1: Navigating Grief with Grace: Santou Carter's STEER Method and Path to Healing

    Entrepreneurs, are you equipped to handle the emotional turmoil that inevitably comes with the highs and lows of the journey? In this insightful episode of the Fearless Road Podcast, multi-award-winning therapist and international best-selling author Santou Carter provides invaluable tools for navigating grief and loss – challenges that extend beyond the personal and deeply affect the entrepreneurial spirit. Discover the STEER method – encompassing Spirituality and Religion, Tools and Techniques, Education, Emotions, and Relationships – and gain a profound understanding of how these elements contribute to holistic well-being, especially during times of immense stress.

    Learn how to break down communication barriers, overcome isolating defense mechanisms, and foster genuine connections, vital skills for any entrepreneur leading a team. This episode provides a roadmap for self-compassion, guiding you to develop a resilient new identity and recognize the immense personal growth that emerges from navigating life's transitions. Santou's wisdom extends to the importance of open-mindedness in spiritual and religious practices, encouraging us to embrace the diverse expressions of faith that fuel our inner strength.

    Key Highlights:

    • Introducing the STEER Method: Santou Carter shares her unique framework for coping with grief, encompassing spirituality, tools, education, emotions, and relationships.
    • The Power of Self-Compassion: Michael and Santou emphasize the importance of being kind to oneself during grief and learning to self-soothe.
    • Grief as a Catalyst for Change: They discuss how grief can lead to personal growth, expanded awareness, and increased compassion for others.
    • Cultural Sensitivity and Diverse Perspectives: Santou highlights the need to understand and respect individual expressions of spirituality and faith traditions.
    • Vulnerability as a Superpower: Michael shares his belief that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.


    • Santou Carter: "Self-compassion is really, really key. Learning to be gentle with yourself."
    • Michael Devous: "When I'm in grief mode, my autonomic system...begins before I even know I'm in that state."
    • Santou Carter: "The work really is about expansion and an expansion of perspective and awareness."
    • Michael Devous: "You must be aware that's your shifting and adapting cause all humans do, we're built to do it."


    • Grief is a complex and multifaceted experience that impacts all areas of life.
    • Self-compassion is crucial for navigating grief and finding healing.
    • Grief can be a catalyst for personal growth and expanded awareness.
    • It's important to be open-minded and respectful of diverse perspectives on grief and spirituality.
    • Seeking support from others is essential during the grieving process.

    Persons of Note Mentioned:

    • Santou Carter: Multi-award-winning therapist, international bestselling author, professional speaker, coach, and trainer.
    • Michael Devous: Host of the Fearless Road podcast.

    Supporting Links:

    • Santou Carter's Website: griefsupport.co
    • Free Resources: griefsupport.co/freeresources
    • Contact Santou: griefsupport.co/contact

    Important Links:

    • Santou Carter's Website: griefsupport.co
    • Fearless Road Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@TheFearlessRoad
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    40 分
  • 12. PART 3 - From Broadway Lights to Botanical Delights: Maria Failla's Journey Through Plant Parenthood and 'Plantpreneurship'

    Finding Your Voice, Reclaiming Your Power, and Embracing Vulnerability

    Episode Description:

    In the final part of this inspiring interview, Michael Devous continues his conversation with Maria Failla, the plant enthusiast and host of Growing Joy with Plants. Maria shares her personal journey of healing from depression and rediscovering her voice through a daily practice of connecting with nature. They delve into the importance of mindfulness, routine, and embracing vulnerability in both personal and entrepreneurial life. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome challenges, find their true voice, and cultivate a life filled with joy and authenticity.

    Key Highlights:

    • Nature as a Healer: Maria's personal experience of overcoming depression through daily walks in nature.
    • The Power of Routine and Mindfulness: How simple practices like walking in nature and caring for plants can create a sense of grounding and well-being.
    • Finding Your Voice: Maria's journey of rediscovering her voice and passion through connection with nature.
    • The Role of Vulnerability: The importance of embracing vulnerability as a path to joy and authenticity.
    • The Ascend Hub: A community for support and growth, where entrepreneurs can connect with like-minded individuals and find resources for their journey.


    • Maria Failla: "I left a lot in that forest. I'd leave my tears, I'd leave my laughter, I'd leave my neutrality, my numbness."
    • Maria Failla: "It was this really beautiful way of literally truly finding my voice again... of just like reconnecting with myself and finding kind of my personality again."
    • Michael Devous: "Sometimes, if you can kind of learn to trust your body and to have your body connect with nature and kind of show you the real truth of the matter, that can be really helpful."
    • Maria Failla: "You can create a mindfulness routine with your houseplants. You don't have to go get immersed in the forest to experience the benefit."
    • Maria Failla: "I think the last couple of years have only shown us how quickly [life] can be taken away. So what do I have to lose? Why would you not live life this way? Why would you not commit to living life in a vulnerable, authentic, fearless way?"

    Key Takeaways:

    • Nature can be a powerful tool for healing and overcoming challenges.
    • Establishing a routine of connecting with nature can foster mindfulness and improve well-being.
    • Finding your voice and embracing vulnerability can lead to greater joy and authenticity.
    • The Ascend Hub offers a supportive community and resources for entrepreneurs on their journey.

    Important Links:

    • Book: Growing Joy with Plants by Maria Failla https://a.co/d/3uOlfOM
    • Podcast: Growing Joy with Plants https://growingjoywithmaria.com/podcast/
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    20 分
  • 12. PART 2 - From Broadway Lights to Botanical Delights: Maria Failla's Journey Through Plant Parenthood and 'Plantpreneurship'

    In this episode of The Fearless Road Podcast, host Michael Devous continues his conversation with Maria Failla, the plant killer turned plant lady and host of the top-rated houseplant podcast, Growing Joy with Plants. They dive deeper into the connection between nature and personal growth, exploring how spending time in nature can help us reconnect with ourselves and find our authentic voice. They discuss the concept of attention restoration theory and how modern life has led to an imbalance between direct and involuntary attention. Maria shares personal anecdotes and practical tips for incorporating more nature into our lives, even in small ways. They also delve into the transformative power of journaling and vision boarding to reconnect with our passions and purpose.

    Key Highlights:

    • The Connection Between Nature and Personal Growth: Explore how spending time in nature can benefit mental and emotional well-being, creativity, and productivity.
    • Attention Restoration Theory: Understand the difference between direct and involuntary attention and how finding a balance can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.
    • Practical Tips for Incorporating Nature: Learn simple ways to incorporate nature into your daily life, such as looking at a plant first thing in the morning, taking walks in the woods, or even just putting your bare feet on the grass.
    • Journaling and Vision Boarding: Discover how these practices can help you connect with your inner self, clarify your values, and reignite your passion.
    • The Ascend Hub: A Community for Growth and Connection: Learn how The Ascend Hub can provide support and resources for those seeking to reconnect with nature and foster personal growth.


    • Maria Failla: "Nature is the ultimate nervous system regulator. We are nature."
    • Michael Devous: "Our bodies, our nervous system, ourselves, crave being in nature, because we are natural."
    • Maria Failla: "Getting into nature, going for walks in the woods... that was a huge thing that I did... nature just kind of lets you be who you are, where you are in that moment."
    • Michael Devous: "Even the act of simply putting your hand and touching a tree, like even for just three seconds, it literally resets your mind."
    • Maria Failla: "Leave your phone alone in the morning, look at a plant, go spend time in nature before you look at a screen... it is such a simple thing that is so hard to do."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Spending time in nature can be a powerful tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and reconnecting with our authentic selves.
    • Incorporating even small amounts of nature into your daily routine can have a significant positive impact on your well-being.
    • Journaling and vision boarding can help you clarify your values, identify your passions, and set meaningful goals.
    • The Ascend Hub provides a supportive community and resources for those seeking to incorporate more nature into their lives and foster personal growth.
    • Taking the time to disconnect from technology and engage with nature can lead to increased creativity, productivity, and overall happiness.

    Important Links:

    • The Ascend Hub: https://theascendhub.com/
    • Growing Joy with Plants Podcast: https://growingjoywithmaria.com/podcast/
    • Growing Joy with Plants Book: https://a.co/d/aNZsY9L
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    26 分
  • 12. PART 1 - From Broadway Lights to Botanical Delights: Maria Failla's Journey Through Plant Parenthood and 'Plantpreneurship'

    In today's episode Part 1 of From Broadway Lights to Botanical Delights with Maria Failla, we dive into the leafy world of green gurus and botanical wizards!

    Maria Failla, a plant killer turned plant lady, shares her inspiring journey of overcoming fear and cultivating a fearless mindset. We explore her transformation from struggling performer to thriving plant enthusiast and host of the top-rated houseplant podcast, Growing Joy with Plants.

    Embark on a green-fingered journey with us as we sit down with the ever-radiant Maria Faella, who's left the bright lights of Broadway to illuminate the world of botany. From her humble beginnings as someone who couldn't keep a cactus alive, Maria has blossomed into a true plant savant, and she's here to share the soil of her wisdom. Together, we unpack her transformation and how, through nurturing her leafy friends, she's unearthed a wellspring of joy. And it's not just about the plants; Maria's insights weave through the importance of maintaining an open heart and the sweet - and sometimes savory - treats that make the journey of plant parenthood a delectable one.

    Feel the soil beneath your fingers as we delve into the emotional tapestry that gardening weaves into our lives, often becoming a poignant reflection of our family ties and spiritual beliefs. Our conversation with Maria takes root in the very essence of human connection, as we explore how plants can become the living legacy of our loved ones, evoking memories and forging new friendships in the shared language of the botanical world. We also traverse the fertile ground of 'plantpreneurship', following Maria's footsteps from stage to seedling, and investigate how this shift harmonizes with age-old agricultural traditions and the deep-rooted culture of local farming communities, all while unearthing the courage it takes to cultivate a life-altering career change. Join us for this 3 part episode which promises to plant seeds of inspiration in the gardens of your mind.

    Key Takeaways:

    • How to find joy and connection through caring for plants
    • Embracing a growth mindset to overcome fear
    • The power of community and shared passions
    • Uncovering hidden talents and unexpected career paths

    Action Items:

    • Gather your open heart, open mind, journal, dedicated window, and snacks!
    • Reference page 8 of Maria's book, "Growing Joy with Plants" for her top tips
    • Repurpose your unused items for plant care (think: ice tea as a mister!)
    • Embrace the "crazy plant person" connection and find your tribe

    Highlighted Quotes:

    • "Sometimes the best wellness tools are the most affordable ones." - Maria Failla
    • "I came for plants for the aesthetic, and I stayed for the wellness." - Maria Failla
    • "The theater industry has its ups and downs. And I ended up connecting with this incredible community of plant people..." - Maria Failla

    Excellent Reference Material:

    • Book: Growing Joy with Plants by Maria Failla https://a.co/d/3uOlfOM
    • Podcast: Growing Joy with Plants https://growingjoywithmaria.com/podcast/

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    26 分
  • 11. PART 3 -Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis

    Season 2 Episode 01 Part 3
    "Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis" PART 3

    In the concluison of Seson 2 Episode 1, we bring this epic journey with our fearless guest Karlis Bardelis to a close. But now wihtout getting interrupted by wild turkeys, a crashing computer and a phone that literally burns out!

    The final part of the podcast episode summarizes Karlis Bardelis's most terrifying experience during his Indian Ocean rowing expedition. He planned to finish in Tanzania but ended up in Somalia due to strong currents and winds. Somalia is a dangerous place for foreigners because of terrorist groups like Al Shabab. Luckily, Karlis was able to secure a safe landing with the help of various authorities.

    The podcast host then asks Karlis about his fear of public speaking. Karlis says he has a strong urge to share his stories and doesn't experience much fear when speaking on stage. He explains that he focuses on sharing the challenges he faced, the decisions he made, and the lessons he learned. He believes these relatable stories inspire people and give them hope.

    Karlis also shares that he is planning to write a book about his adventures. He says he will only include the stories that he can remember vividly after several years because he believes those are the most impactful ones to share.

    The episode concludes with Karlis giving a message to the listeners. He paraphrases a quote from Viktor Frankl's book "Man's Search for Meaning": "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom to choose our response. And in that choice lies our growth and our freedom." Karlis emphasizes the importance of choosing our attitude in any given circumstance. He believes this is the most valuable lesson he has learned from his expeditions.


    1. Fear can be turned into fuel for achieving goals.
    2. Challenges and setbacks can be catalysts for growth and change.
    3. The entrepreneurial journey, while risky, won't cost lives like a failure in the middle of the ocean.
    4. One's mind has an incredible ability to devise solutions in dire situations.
    5. Adventure and exploration can lead to personal fulfillment.
    6. Even ordinary individuals with regular jobs can embark on extraordinary adventures.
    7. Pursuing one's passion can lead to a more fulfilling life.
    8. Fear and obstacles are universal, but they can be overcome.


    1. "How does someone become fearless? That's exactly what we're going to find out."
    2. "I love that this puts these things into perspective for us."
    3. "Your mind will really come up with ways to save your ass in some of these situations."
    4. "I'm a Googler. I Googled how to row an ocean. So that's how you start."
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    45 分
  • 11. PART 2 - Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis

    Season 2 Episode 01
    "Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis" PART 2

    In the heart-pounding second part of Season 2, Episode 1, we continue our riveting conversation with host Michael Devous and guest, the intrepid Karlis Bardelis. Having ignited the spark of adventure within us last time, Karlis is now poised to take the helm and guide us through the perilous yet exhilarating process of preparing for an epic ocean row. Will his unwavering spirit conquer the anxieties of the unknown? Will his meticulous planning be enough to tame the fury of the Atlantic? Hold tight as we witness the raw determination it takes to transform a dream into a breathtaking odyssey. This is The Fearless Road, and Karlis Bardelis is about to show us the true meaning of courage in the face of the vast unknown.

    Inspired by Thor Heyerdahl's quote about the non-existence of borders in his mind, Karlis reflects on the limitations he's encountered in his own life and how he navigates them. He discusses his fear of certain activities, such as ski jumping, despite his fascination with them. Karlis emphasizes the importance of following one's excitement rather than succumbing to fear, sharing his philosophy of taking small steps toward goals rather than leaping into the unknown. He and the host, Michael, discuss the significance of celebrating small victories on the journey to personal growth and achievement.

    Karlis then shares details of his first rowing adventure, which took him from Namibia to Brazil across the Atlantic Ocean. Despite minimal testing of the boat beforehand, Karlis and his team embarked on the journey, prepared with basic safety training and navigation skills. He reflects on the support of friends and family, who sometimes questioned his decisions but ultimately stood by him. Karlis emphasizes the importance of following curiosity and excitement, which has led him to unexpected opportunities such as public speaking about his adventures. As they wrap up part two, Karlis and Michael preview the next installment, where Karlis will share more about his first ocean rowing expedition. Stay tuned for part three to hear about Karlis's journey across the Atlantic.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Follow your excitement: Karlis emphasizes the importance of pursuing activities that excite you rather than succumbing to fear or limitations.
    2. Celebrate small victories: Karlis highlights the significance of acknowledging and celebrating the small steps taken towards personal growth and achievement.
    3. Preparation is key: Despite minimal testing of his boat, Karlis embarked on his first rowing adventure with basic safety training and navigation skills, showcasing the importance of preparation.


    1. "Borders. I have never seen one, but I have heard that they exist in the minds of some people." - Thor Heyerdahl (quoted by Karlis Bardelis), highlighting the concept of mental borders and limitations.
    2. "I was following this curiosity, where this excitement of doing the things that I really kind of feel connected." - Karlis Bardelis, emphasizing the importance of following one's excitement and curiosity.
    3. "One kilometer, one hour, one meter is the same for me. I'm human being. So it's the same for me. So it's the same for you, listener, for you who watches, this is the same." - Karlis Bardelis, emphasizing the equality of time and opportunities for personal growth.
    4. "Have a backup for your backup, 'cause that could save you." - Karlis Bardelis, highlighting the importance of preparation and contingency planning in challenging endeavors.
    5. "I was following this excitement, and I saw that, 'Oh yes, I like to speak. I like to share my story.'" - Karlis Bardelis, reflecting on how following his excitement led him to unexpected opportunities like public speaking about his adventures.
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    23 分
  • 11. PART 1 - Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis

    Season 2 Episode 01 Part 1
    "Conquering Oceans and Fears: A Voyage with Karlis Bardelis"

    Embark on an adventure with Karlis Bardelis, a fearless world traveler, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. In part 1 of this gripping three-part episode, join host Michael Devous as he introduces Karlis and delves into the beginnings of his extraordinary journey. Known for his daring exploits, including rowboating across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, Bardelis shares his remarkable journey of overcoming fear, pushing boundaries, and embracing challenges. This episode promises to inspire listeners with unique insights on fearlessness, resilience, and the power of the human spirit. From rowing solo across oceans to roller skating across Europe, Karlis shares his awe-inspiring tales of courage, resilience, and pushing personal limits. Discover the power of fearlessness and entrepreneurship as Karlis reflects on overcoming obstacles, facing adversity, and embracing the mindset needed to conquer the unknown. Tune in and prepare to be captivated by Karlis's fearless spirit and the thrilling start to his remarkable adventure. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 as the saga continues on the Fearless Road podcast.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Karlis Bardelis embodies fearlessness through his daring adventures, including rowing solo across oceans and roller skating across Europe.
    2. Overcoming obstacles and embracing a fearless mindset are essential for achieving extraordinary feats.
    3. Surrounding oneself with inspiration and curiosity can fuel the desire to push personal limits and embark on epic adventures.


    1. "Most of us, when we're in the entrepreneurial journey, the risks we take aren't going to cost us our lives."
    2. "Our failures are nothing compared to one failure in the middle of the ocean in a small rowboat."
    3. "There is something in each one of us that resonates with something outside that we haven't yet tapped into."


    1. Embrace fear as fuel for pushing personal limits and achieving remarkable goals.
    2. Surround yourself with inspiration and curiosity to maintain a fearless mindset.
    3. Stories of human achievement and resilience can inspire and motivate others to pursue their own adventures.

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    33 分