Join me on this new upcoming series that dives into the historicity of the genesis flood narrative. See as we use logic and reasoned to discern some of the blatant misinformation and illogical processes that our modern day intellectuals and experts spew as a matter of habit and degree debt to income ratio.
Is the evolutionary paradigm of chance process, no guiding intelligence, billions of years of age and the “Bang” at the start that produced all matter… as an explanation on the origins of everything .. is this good enough for you? Are you satisfied with that answer to “why am I here” or “what is my purpose”?
I certainly was not convinced. Follow along and let’s look at an objectively stronger theory.
On this podcast I hope to start with a broad analysis of the hydroplate theory and as we go forward we’ll look at everything from the theory, the historical flood, the skeptics, the proponents, extinct species, the “Neanderthals” and “hominids” so called
I will talk about displaced civilizations, ancient high tech, many rabbit trails and yes of course, my opinion of the fallen angels. Stay tuned.