Some Christians wrongly assume that the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will. However, if we’re going to follow Jesus and demonstrate radical compassion toward those in need, then safety should not be our ultimate concern. In this message from Matthew 9:35–10:42, David Platt points out that the danger of our lives may actually increase as we follow God’s will. But the good news is that the One who sends us out into the world has promised to be with us, to sustain us, and to give us an eternal reward based on the salvation that he has provided.
Have you signed up for Secret Church 25 yet? It’s happening online on April 11, and we’d love for you to join us. We’ll spend six hours together studying the book of Matthew, discovering how to make our lives truly count, and praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. Prices go up after February 25, so register today at radical.net/sc25 – We’d love to see you there.
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