
  • Whole and Holy Body (162)

    Are you older, more sedentary, wondering what’s next? Or perhaps you’re a student, always on the computer, who then defaults to filling downtime with more screens. Katherine Pasour is passionate about health and honoring God with our bodies. She is educated in making changes for better health and knows how to start that process. An author, professor and consummate student, Pasour received multiple degrees in health, physical education, and religion, finally getting a PhD in Education only to discover they were interrelated. Physical health affects our spiritual, social and emotional health. Working together, those interlinked facets form a body and mind made in the image of God but operating with a free will. If one facet suffers, our whole body suffers. Weight gain, for example, makes us feel worse, ignore working out, decline social opportunities, feel depressed, and worship less. Every part suffers. Ignoring diets and fads, Pasour walks us through small changes we can make to break down our health obstacles and affect lasting change as you discover your best self.

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    Learn more about Katherine Pasour and get a copy of her book, Honoring God With My Body, at https://katherinepasour.com

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  • How Can I Help my Depressed and Anxious Child? (161)

    Children are now victims of the mental health crisis. Unstable home and school environments, the constant bombardment of social media trends, shifting ideologies and pressures are some of the factors that Dr. Beena Wilkins, Pediatric Specialist and author, recognizes as affecting our children. A medical doctor and mother of teens, Wilkins tracks the resultant anxiety, depression, and debilitating fear from physical and spiritual perspectives. This insight, borne out of a personal journey with mental health stressors, has been the impetus for sharing her success in battling those challenges while, simultaneously, equipping parents with tools to help their children become healthy. Wilkins’ encouragement to “put your own oxygen mask on first,” comes straight from the flight attendant script, but is something she feels is actually biblically based. As parents and grandparents, make time for God first, listening to Him daily, then He will direct as you use basic and effective tools to encourage and assist your hurting, confused children.

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    Learn more about Dr. Beena Wilkins and get a copy of her book, Under the Broom Tree, at https://kharispublishing.com.

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  • The Reclamation of Abby Johnson (160)

    How far does God’s mercy extend? Are some sins too grievous? You may have heard of Abby Johnson. She is an author, speaker, podcast host and Foundation Director. However, prior to those accomplishments, Johnson lived a darker chapter. Accolades of her tenure in the world included being the youngest ever Clinic Director for Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year in 2008 and boasting a sizeable paycheck. As Clinic Director, Johnson facilitated the murder of thousands of children, including two of her own. Then one day God opened her eyes. Suddenly, she knew, saw, and recoiled at what she had done. Where could she go from there? Could God’s mercy cover all those sins plus the relentless, accompanying shame? Today God is using Johnson in a mighty way as she demonstrates healing to those who have left the abortion industry and to the thousands who suffer as she has, sharing the restorative, limitless love behind His never-ending mercy.

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    Learn more about Abby Johnson and get a copy of her book Fierce Mercy at https://prolove.com/ or


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  • How the Church Can Respond to Critical Race Theory (159)

    We have all heard some of the rash proclamations and condemnations made by Critical Race Theory proponents and initiatives, but what does CRT entail and how has it entrenched itself in politics, hospitals and treatments, corporations and policies, schools and education? Dr. Neil Shenvi and Dr. Pat Sawyer answer all those questions and many more. Authors and academics, these two tackle the big issues. There is no shying away from the fundamental ideologies carefully tucked beside the CRT package, such as queer theory, trans ideology, critical pedagogy, intersectional feminism and others, but Shenvi and Sawyer give understandable explanations and direction to reasonable and biblical solutions. They address the issues trending now and provide understanding where a lack of the same has kept individuals and the church from knowing how to move, respond and pray. You will be masterfully educated and then encouraged by the information and challenge that they set before you. Get ready to listen fast!

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer and get a copy of Critical Dilemma at https://shenviapologetics.com/ or https://patsawyer.org

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  • From Dysfunction to Prison… Ministry (158)

    You know those testimonies that keep you riveted? Where the brokenness is so severe that you marvel God could pull a life from such rubble and use it for His glory and purpose? Carl Barrett has one of those testimonies and he can tell you exactly how God uses it. Author, Ministry Founder, and Instructor with the National Fatherhood Initiative, Barrett has years of experience ministering within the prison system. He has seen God arrest the downward spiral of many a man. Born into a severely dysfunctional family, Barrett walked through every kind of abuse, addiction, and drugs. With five suicides in his family, he personally struggled with suicide even after becoming a Christian. He knows pain, loneliness, brokenness, and God. The men in prison test his authenticity and it is his journey that earns their ear. If you think your past is too messy, or wonder how God can use your life, you will want to listen to this.

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    Learn more about Carl Barrett and get a copy of his book ____________ at ____________

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  • What is the best way to Handle Grief? Is it a Posture of Silence or Being Productive? (157)

    Death. Prolonged sickness. It is not enjoyable dinner table conversation, yet it is inevitable. Can you prepare for the loss of one you love? Is there a hack for grief that circumnavigates the devastating sadness? An author and accomplished journalist who writes for the Washington Post, National Geographic, and NPR, Whitney Pipkin is recovering from the loss of her mother and the 20-year cancer diagnosis that finally took her precious life. Pipkin shares the journey in her book, We Shall All Be Changed, tackling the uncomfortable subject of a loved one’s death, and how to survive it. Although proactive and willing to have hard, end-of-life conversations with her mom, Pipkin still found the loss devastatingly powerful. Strangely, it was in her grief that she experienced transformation prepared by a loving God who stayed with her. He is the great caregiver, and when we learn to be still with Him and accept His care, it changes us, and the way we chose to live moving forward.

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    Learn more about Whitney PIpkin and get a copy of her book We Shall All Be Changed at www.whitneykpipkin.com

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  • Truth vs. Gender Identity (156)

    Am I gay? That is a question that every parent and church staff member needs to be able to answer. Living in a culture that applauds, elevates and takes pride in sin, we must know and model the truth for our kids. Few recognize this better than author Garry Ingraham and his wife Melissa. Having come out of sexual confusion, they founded the Love and Truth Network through which they work to restore people to sexual wholeness and biblical identity. Ingraham dives into what drove him to sexual confusion. His experience pinpoints the need for young men and women to receive direction, honesty and discipleship regarding biblical sexuality, both at home and from the church. Highlighting complete surrender to the Almighty, Ingraham found freedom from all that had bound him. Today, Ingraham witnesses the power of God, changing people, and establishing in them His identity and His purpose for them. Learn how to respond and how you can best shepherd the confused and the lost.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about Garry Ingraham and get a copy of his book Am I Gay?: Coming Out of Cultural Christianity & LGBTQ+ Identity into Authentic Faith in Jesus at www.loveandtruthnetwork.com

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  • Day of Gratitude: Serving Those Who Proudly Serve Us! (155)

    Some came home in pieces. Some never came home at all. But all fought for this nation, this freedom and this place we call home. They know the cost of service and sacrifice and Peter Palivos will not forget. Raised in a family with five generations of military service, Palivos has seen the brotherhood, hardship, and weight of war, but he also knows the battle doesn’t end when our troops come home. A renowned international attorney and philanthropist, Palivos channels his gratitude into the chairmanship of Voice of the Veterans, Vets Helping Vets and many educational initiatives. For a man of great vision and a greater God, it doesn’t take much to spawn an idea. This one began at a Raiders game; Palivos decided he needed the Allegiant Stadium for something. That “something” is a "Day of Gratitude on June 8th for 15,000 veterans, armed forces, and their families, presented by Voice of the Veteran, CityServe and ChurchLV. God calls us to be courageous. So strap on those boots and let’s see how God can use you.

    For Show Notes & Episode Details: https://theinfluencerspodcast.org

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    Learn more about the work of CityServe International and how you can get involved at https://www.cityserve.us

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