• 140 // Attract Your Dream Clients With Ease
    Key Takeaways: The power of the lighthouse message: Discover how your unique message can attract ideal clients and create a lasting impact.The by God's design framework: Learn how to build your online business in alignment with God's purpose.The three essential elements: Understand the importance of clarity in your movement and message, your person, and your offer.Core values and testimony: Explore how your personal beliefs and experiences can shape your lighthouse message.Movement-based marketing: Discover the transformative power of creating a movement with your message. Introduction: In this episode, we talk about the strategies for overcoming the common challenges faced by many Christian Women in Online Business: building a consistent audience and attracting ideal clients. We explore the concept of a lighthouse message and how it can serve as your guiding star in attracting the right people to your business. The Lighthouse Message: What is a lighthouse message? A powerful, inspiring message that shines bright in the world, attracting your ideal clients and guiding them towards your offer.The by God's design approach: Discover how aligning your business with God's purpose can lead to greater success and fulfillment.The three essential elements: Learn the importance of clarity in your movement and message, understanding your ideal client, and crafting a compelling offer. Core Values and Testimony: Extracting your core values: Understand how your personal beliefs can shape your business and attract ideal clients.The power of your testimony: Discover how sharing your personal story can connect you with your audience on a deeper level.Creating a lasting impact: Explore how your lighthouse message can create a ripple effect in the world. Movement-Based Marketing: The power of a movement: Learn how to create a movement around your message and inspire others to join you.Attracting your ideal clients: Discover how your lighthouse message can attract the right people to your business.The benefits of alignment: Understand how aligning with your kingdom assignment can lead to greater success and fulfillment. Conclusion: By understanding the power of your lighthouse message, aligning your business with God's design, and creating a movement around your message, you can overcome the challenges of audience building and attract ideal clients who are truly meant for your business. Call to Action: Join the Business by God's Design Academy Waitlist: Get notified when doors open againSubscribe to the podcast: Stay updated on the latest episodes and receive exclusive content by subscribing to the Kingdom Revolution podcast. Additional Mentions: The Renewed Vision Summit: Don't miss our upcoming summit for Christian women and moms in online business, taking place in November. Stay tuned to email for informationCollaboration opportunities: If you're interested in being a speaker or collaborating with other Kingdom Women in Online Business - join us HERE A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Mini Course and Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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    31 分
  • 139 // Why Your Business Isn't Working Yet and How to Fix It
    Why Your Business Isn't Working Yet and How to Fix It In today’s short and sweet episode, we're diving into why your business may not be working yet and the steps you can take to turn things around. Key Topics Covered: The Call to Business Live Launch Event: This week, we're hosting the Call to Business live launch event from September 9th to 13th. If you're hearing this in time, you can still join us and catch the replays until Saturday. Head over to thecalledtobusinessevent.com to save your seat. If you’re listening after the event, check the link to find out when the next one is happening! Why Your Business Might Not Be Working Yet: We explore three main reasons why your business could be stuck: Not Extracting Your Unique Blueprint: You might be relying too heavily on someone else’s path or success instead of uncovering the unique blueprint God has designed for you.Not Speaking Your True Message: Are you hiding behind what you think others want to hear? Learn how to step into your authentic voice and speak the message God has put on your heart.Not Leveraging Kingdom Relationships: Discover the power of kingdom collaborations and why business isn’t meant to be done alone. How to Be True to Who God Created You to Be: We discuss how showing up authentically—without pretending to be someone you’re not—can make all the difference in creating a meaningful business that aligns with your calling. Learn how to overcome feelings of insecurity, stop comparing yourself to others, and step into the business and movement God has designed for you. Leveraging Kingdom Principles for Business Growth: I share insights on how to utilize collaborations and other kingdom principles to grow your business, using my SMART Lead Gen Method, which I’ll be diving into in more detail during the event this week. Moving Beyond Fear and Comparison: Learn how to move beyond fear, comparison, and insecurity to build a business that is fully aligned with your God-given purpose. Embrace who you truly are and attract the clients you're meant to serve by being your true self. Join Us Inside the Call to Business Event: If you’re ready to dive deeper and build your business by God’s design, join us at the Call to Business live event! Save your seat at thecalledtobusinessevent.com for replays and future events. Mentioned in this Episode: The Call to Business 5-Day Live Event – Join us from September 9th-13th for a transformative journey in launching your business by God's design. Tune in to learn how to master your messaging, create a movement, and step boldly into the business God has called you to build! Powerful Quotes: When you extract your unique blueprint and create your business by God's design, that's where things shift. Your perfect-fit clients are already looking for you. Lean into who God created you to be without fear or apology. You can't build a business by God's design without first extracting who you are bu His Design, and the movement and message He has given you. A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Mini Course and Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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    16 分
  • 138 // Impactful & Magnetic Messaging: Attract, Inspire, Convert
    Have you ever felt like you're the best-kept secret in your industry? You know you're great at what you do, but getting others to see it seems almost impossible. If only they could work with you, they'd know just how brilliant you are at solving their problems. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Many talented individuals struggle with how to communicate their value effectively. The key to unlocking your potential lies in mastering your messaging and creating a movement. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Master Your Messaging Your message is your first impression. It’s what attracts your ideal clients and lets them know how you can solve their problems. But it’s not enough to just have a message; it needs to be powerful, inspiring, and congruent with where you want to take your clients. 2. Create a Movement When you combine your message with a movement, you can achieve any revenue goal. A movement is what inspires your audience and makes them feel a part of something bigger. It’s about the ripple effect and the eternal impact you’re creating. This isn’t just about what you do; it’s about why you do it. Join the Call to Business Live Event! For those looking to dive deeper, I highly recommend attending the Call to Business five-day live event. This event is designed for Holy Spirit-led women ready to launch their businesses by God's design. During these five days, you’ll experience mindset shifts, aha moments, and learn how to align your business with your kingdom assignment. Plus, you’ll discover how to build a profitable, impactful, and scalable business without being a slave to social media. 3. Incorporate Smart Lead Generation To grow your email list fast and attract the right people, utilize the smart lead generation method. This involves collaborations and leveraging other people’s audiences. Forget about spending endless hours on social media; focus on strategies that bring real results. 4. Align with Your Calling You’re good at what you do because God has called you to this business. When you align your messaging with your God-given genius zone, you leave no room for imposter syndrome. This alignment not only positions you strongly in the marketplace but also creates an eternal impact and builds kingdom wealth. 5. Identify Your Ideal Client Your ideal client is someone who: Knows they have a problem.Is actively seeking a solution.Has the means to invest in your solution.Feels a connection to you and your movement. When you speak to this ideal client, you’re not just throwing out random messages. You’re speaking directly to someone who is ready to transform and is looking for you to guide them. 6. Shift Beliefs and Inspire Confidence Your movement-based marketing message should: Shift their beliefs.Instill confidence.Break down fears and objections.Show them that they are capable of achieving the transformation. 7. Leverage Your Unique Differentiator Infuse your God-given genius zone into your messaging. This makes your movement-based marketing unique and positions you as the go-to expert in your field. Take Action Now! Key Takeaways: The importance of mastering your messaging and creating a movement.Why your success is inevitable with Holy Spirit-inspired ideas.Signs your messaging may be off and how to fix it.How to create a compelling, movement-based marketing message.Strategies to attract the right clients who are ready to invest.Tips on using the Smart Lead Gen method to grow your email list quickly. Highlights: [00:00:00] Feeling like the best-kept secret? You're not alone.[00:00:30] Why mastering your messaging is the key to achieving your revenue goals.[00:01:17] Introducing the Call to Business 5-Day Live Event for Holy Spirit-led women.[00:02:27] My journey from struggling to seen – and what needed to change.[00:03:13] What happens when you add a movement to your message.[00:04:26] The difference a powerful, movement-based message can make.[00:05:46] Common signs that your messaging is not resonating.[00:07:08] How to make your offer irresistible to the right people.[00:10:03] Shifting your focus to those ready to invest.[00:12:18] The beliefs that need to be shifted to create a compelling offer.[00:13:59] The essential role of your movement-based message in business growth.[00:14:52] Identifying and targeting your level 10 client – the one you're called to serve. Mentioned in this Episode: The Call to Business 5-Day Live Event – Join us from September 9th-13th for a transformative journey in launching your business by God's design. Tune in to learn how to master your messaging, create a movement, and step boldly into the business God has called you to build! Powerful Quotes: Your message is more than just words; it’s a mission that has the power to create a movement and change lives. Your story and message are unique gifts that, when shared authentically, can ignite change and inspire others to take action in their own lives. If you can master ...
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    28 分
  • 137 // Five Reasons God Wants You to Succeed in Your Online Business
    Five Reasons God Wants You to Succeed in Your Online Business KEY TAKEAWAY Starting a business can be a divine opportunity for several reasons: Draw Closer to God: Integrating faith into business encourages a deeper relationship with God. By making God the CEO of your business, you align your actions with divine guidance.Live by Faith: Running a business often requires stepping out in faith, trusting that God’s guidance will lead to success. This act of faith pleases God and strengthens your spiritual journey.Serve Others: Business allows you to solve problems and serve people at a high level, bringing light to those in darkness. By focusing on service, you can make a significant impact and attract high-caliber clients.Lack Nothing: Biblically, business done according to God's principles ensures that you will not lack anything. It provides financial stability and abundance.Finance God's Work: Successful businesses can fund ministries and church activities, helping spread the gospel and support various causes within the faith community. Starting and maintaining a business aligned with God's will can be challenging, but it promises profound spiritual and material rewards. Drawing Closer to God Running a business offers a unique opportunity to deepen your relationship with God. The journey requires reliance on His guidance, pushing you to seek His wisdom and direction continually.Scripture Reference: James 4:8 - "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." Living by Faith Business requires stepping out in faith, trusting in God’s plan even when the path isn’t clear. This leap of faith pleases God and draws you closer to His will.Scripture Reference: Hebrews 11:6 - "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." Serving People at a High Level A business provides a platform to solve problems and serve others, bringing light to areas of darkness. Your work can transform lives by meeting needs and providing solutions.Scripture Reference: Isaiah 60:1-2 - "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Lacking Nothing By following God's principles in business, you can achieve financial stability and abundance, ensuring you lack nothing.Scripture Reference: 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 - "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands... so that you will not be dependent on anybody." Becoming a Kingdom Financer Successful businesses can significantly contribute to God’s work, supporting ministries and spreading the gospel more effectively.Scripture Reference: Galatians 6:10 - "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Powerful Quotes: Starting a business draws you closer to God: Entrepreneurship isn’t just about building a business; it's a journey that deepens your relationship with God. By stepping out in faith, you’re not only pursuing your dreams but also growing in your walk with Him. God has called you to business: You're meant to have a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business that aligns with His design. This isn't just about success; it's about fulfilling your Kingdom calling and using your gifts and talents to make an impact! Your success isn't just about financial gain; it's about being a light in your industry, setting an example of integrity, excellence, and faith-driven leadership. A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Mini Course and Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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    29 分
  • 136 // Part 2: 4 Mindset Shifts Needed to Step into Your Role of a Confident, Strategic Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur
    Part 2: 4 Mindset Shifts Needed to Step into Your Role of a Confident, Strategic Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur Welcome back to the Kingdom Revolution podcast! Today, we’re diving into part two of our series on the mindset shifts needed to step into your role as a confident and strategic kingdom woman entrepreneur. But first, I have an exciting announcement! Called to Business Live Event Mark your calendars for August 26th! The Called to Business Live, a five-day event, is specifically designed for Holy Spirit-led women who are called to online business. If you're ready to launch a profitable, impactful, and scalable online business by God’s design—without compromising your faith and values—this event is for you. What You’ll Learn: How to align with your kingdom calling and discover what makes you irreplaceable.Why social media can be optional and how to leverage other assets for success.The Business by God’s Design framework: a simplified business model guided by Holy Spirit wisdom. For more details and to save your seat, visit www.thecalledtobusinessevent.com Mindset Shifts for Kingdom Entrepreneurs Last week, we discussed four crucial mindset shifts: acknowledging God’s sovereignty, believing in your worth, and trusting in His wisdom. If you missed it, I highly recommend going back to listen. Today, we’ll explore four more: 1. Strategize with God’s Wisdom God is a planner. From creation to redemption, His actions are meticulous and strategic. Habakkuk 2:2-3 reminds us to write our visions plainly, knowing they will be fulfilled in God’s timing. Questions to Reflect On: Are you clearly communicating your dream?Are you realistic about the timeline for your dream?Do you have a strategic plan for your business? 2. Speak His Promises Proverbs 18:21 teaches that our words hold the power of life and death. What you say about your dreams matters. Speak life and align your words with God’s promises. Questions to Reflect On: What was the last thing you said about your dream?Name three promises God has spoken to you about your business.Who can you turn to that will agree and speak life over your dreams? 3. Be Fearless and Bold Joshua 1:9 encourages us to be strong and courageous. Fear is often just how we interpret the signals our brain sends us. Flip the script and turn fear into excitement. Questions to Reflect On: What scares you the most about your dream?What coping mechanisms have you used to deal with fear?Who will help you stay accountable and fearless? 4. Watch Your Heavenly Board of Directors Work Philippians 1:6 assures us that the good work God began in us will be completed. You are not alone in this journey. God, who called you, equips you to finish the dream. Questions to Reflect On: Are you leaning on God’s strength and wisdom for your business? Conclusion Transforming your mindset is crucial to stepping into your role as a kingdom entrepreneur. These shifts—strategizing with God’s wisdom, speaking His promises, being fearless, and trusting in His work—can profoundly impact your life and business. Remember, you are called to build a profitable, impactful business by God’s design. If you’re ready to take the next step, join us at the Called to Business Live event. Stay blessed and keep moving forward in faith! For more information and to sign up for the Called to Business Live event, visitwww.thecalledtobusinessevent.com Powerful Quotes: "God meticulously created the universe, He has a strategic plan and order for everything including your online business. When you align with His vision and timing, no matter how long it takes, your dreams will come to pass." "Speak life over your dreams and goals. Just as God’s Word never returns void, the words you speak hold the power to create good fruit in your life and business." A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Mini Course and Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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    28 分
  • 135 // Four Mindset Shifts for Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs: Part 1
    4 Mindset Shifts Needed to Step into Your Role of a Confident, Strategic Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur KEY TAKEAWAY Special Opportunity Announcement [00:00:33] Details about the special founding member opportunityLINK FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CbR7vqPk8Sbsfrz6o3EGI6uJbaE9603s/view?usp=drive_linkVIDEO EXPLANATION FROM ME: https://zoom.us/rec/share/8DF_7EQ4_FJKh3qGig2iQtteetoP7pKHvRAS1fam9A_3jmVk15xPph661X_qnqkY.klXvd7_7yqycnOIL?startTime=1722871725000Who it's perfect for: Not ready to invest in a higher ticket programToo many ideas or none at allClarifying niche and the problem you help solveProven roadmap for clarityClear message and movementEternal return on investment for online business Program start date: August 19thLink in show notes to save your spotSpecial perks, bonuses, and one-on-one access Main Content: 4 Mindset Shifts [00:02:44] Introduction to the 4 mindset shiftsMention of a two-part series, with the next episode covering additional mindset shifts Mindset Shift 1: Acknowledge God's Sovereignty [00:03:05] Importance of acknowledging God's sovereigntyReference to Proverbs 3:5-6Discussion on God's sovereignty in our business callingPersonal reflection and questions: What has God called you to do?In what areas have you attempted to go it alone without God?How will you begin to acknowledge God's sovereignty in these areas?Who can you turn to for accountability? Mindset Shift 2: Believe [00:13:32] Importance of believing in God's promisesReference to Luke 1:45Discussion on the power of belief and seeking mentorshipPersonal reflection and questions: What was your first response to God's calling?What has discouraged you along your path?Who can you discuss your doubts with?Who can hold you accountable to practice believing in God's promises? Mindset Shift 3: Know Your Worth [00:17:05] Importance of knowing your worthReference to Ephesians 2:10Discussion on identity in Christ and changing your mindsetPersonal reflection and questions: Name three things you like about your physical appearanceAsk a friend for three positive emotions they associate with youAsk a supportive family member or spouse for three things they admire about youWho can hold you accountable to the practice of knowing your worth? Mindset Shift 4: Trust [00:21:22] Importance of trustReference to Jeremiah 29:11Discussion on trusting God's plan and the challenges of entrepreneurshipPersonal reflection and questions: Reflect on times of doubt and trusting God's planConsider who can support you in trusting God's plan during difficult times Conclusion [00:23:00] Recap of the four mindset shiftsInvitation to join the Called to Business Mini Four Week ProgramReminder of next week's episode for additional mindset shifts Call to Actions and Episode Links Link to save your spot in the Called to Business Mini Four Week ProgramLink to the Guide to Business Meetings with Your Heavenly Board of Directors Mini CourseEmail and social media contact information for questionsReminder to check the show notes for all resources and links Join us next week for more mindset shifts to step into your role as a confident, strategic kingdom woman entrepreneur! Powerful Quotes: "When we partner with God, our businesses become a ministry, impacting lives and advancing His Kingdom." "God has equipped each of us with unique gifts and talents to fulfill His purpose in the marketplace." "Success is not measured by worldly standards, but by our obedience to God's calling and our impact on His Kingdom."" A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Mini Course and Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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    32 分
  • 134 // Breakdown of the acronym W.A.R.R.I.O.R for Christian Women in Online Business
    KEY TAKEAWAY I'm so thankful you're with me again today. Last episode, we dove into spiritual warfare and what it means to be a kingdom warrior in the online business space. If you haven't listened to it, go back and listen to it after this one. Today, we're defining what it means to be a warrior by breaking down the acronym W.A.R.R.I.O.R. You are truly a warrior for God's kingdom, doing business God's way, not the world's way. We know attacks are going to come because the enemy wants to keep you broke, drained, overwhelmed, and stuck. But not on my watch! Here’s a breakdown of the acronym W.A.R.R.I.O.R: W: Weapons – Knowing what weapons are at our disposal and how to skillfully use them is crucial. Think like a warrior, be familiar with your spiritual weapons like worship, prayer, reading the word, and fasting. A: Approach – Approach your obstacles with confidence and clarity. Like David, run toward your challenges knowing the battle is the Lord's and victory is already yours. R: Reaction – Your reaction to circumstances is vital. React with wisdom, seeking God for the right strategy instead of letting emotions drive you. R: Rest – Spiritual and physical rest are essential. Jesus showed us the importance of resting even during a storm. Take time to recharge so you can hear from the Holy Spirit clearly. I: Innovation – Be open to divine innovation. Raise your expectations and believe God to do something greater in your life and business. Innovate and take steps forward with Holy Spirit's wisdom. O: Observation – Be observant and diligent. Pay attention to what you allow into your life and ensure it aligns with God's truth. Use discernment in your business relationships and partnerships. R: Reward – Remember the reward of being a kingdom warrior. Peace, power, purpose, clarity, and prosperity are waiting on the other side of the battle. Fight from a place of victory, knowing your success is inevitable with Jesus. Key Takeaways: Weapons: Equip yourself with spiritual weapons and be familiar with how to use them.Approach: Face your challenges with confidence, knowing the battle is the Lord's.Reaction: React with wisdom and strategy, not emotion.Rest: Prioritize spiritual and physical rest to stay strong.Innovation: Be open to new ideas and divine guidance.Observation: Be discerning and protect your heart and mind.Reward: Keep your eyes on the reward and fight from a place of victory.Call to Action: If this episode blessed you, please share it with a business bestie or friend. Don't forget to grab the Heavenly Board of Directors guide linked in the show notes for more guidance and support. Powerful Quotes: "Be confident in the knowledge that God is your defense. Respond to your obstacles with wisdom after seeking God for the right strategy." "Innovation is what separates victorious kingdom women entrepreneurs from those that never make it. It causes you to see beyond what is to what could actually be." "Think like a warrior. We must know what weapons are at our disposal and how to skillfully use them to destroy whatever is in our way." A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Feeling stuck in your messaging? Struggling to articulate the deeper purpose behind your business? Join me for a Movement Message Clarity Session! In this one-hour deep dive, we'll uncover the heart of your mission and craft a powerful movement statement that resonates with your audience. The Free Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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  • 133 // Being a Kingdom Warrior: Winning Spiritual Battles in Business and Life
    Welcome to the Kingdom Revolution podcast! In this episode, we dive into the reality of the spiritual world and the battles that Kingdom-minded women entrepreneurs face. Discover what it means to be a Kingdom Warrior, equipped with the armor of God, and learn how to fight spiritual battles that impact your business and life. Join us as we discuss the significance of your calling, the ripple effect of your obedience, and the power of standing firm in biblical truth. Get ready to rise up, put on your armor, and step confidently into the battle as the warrior God has designed you to be. Key Takeaways: The Reality of Spiritual Warfare: Spiritual battles are real and impact our physical lives.The enemy seeks to prevent us from fulfilling our God-given callings, especially in business. Kingdom Warriors: As Kingdom Warriors, we rise up, don the armor of God, and actively engage in spiritual battles.Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our fight is against spiritual forces, not flesh and blood. Physical Manifestations of Spiritual Battles: Conflicts and challenges in the physical realm often have spiritual roots.Recognizing these spiritual roots helps us address the real issues effectively. Fighting from Victory: We fight from a place of victory, secured by Jesus' sacrifice.Engaging in spiritual warfare through prayer and worship aligns us with God's power and authority. Impact of Spiritual Battles on Entrepreneurs: As Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs, we face unique spiritual battles.The enemy seeks to hinder our impact, influence, and ability to create Kingdom wealth. Engaging in Spiritual Warfare: Use the spiritual weapons God has provided, as described in Ephesians 6.Understanding and utilizing the armor of God is essential for effective spiritual warfare. Responsibility and Free Will: God provides the armor, but it is our responsibility to put it on and use it.We must be proactive in arming ourselves for spiritual battles. Next Steps: Reflect on Ephesians 6 and thank God for the victory we have in Christ.Prepare for the next episode, where I'll break down the word "warrior" into an acronym to further explore what it means to be a Kingdom Warrior. Resources Mentioned: Bible Verse: Ephesians 6:12 - "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 Call to Action: Read: Spend time reading and meditating on Ephesians 6.Reflect: Consider how spiritual battles are manifesting in your life and business.Prepare: Look forward to next week's episode for a deeper dive into the concept of a Kingdom Warrior. Powerful Quotes: As Kingdom Warriors, we fight from a place of victory, not for victory. Jesus has already secured our triumph, and we get to walk confidently in that truth. The enemy seeks to hinder our God-given callings, especially in business. But by putting on The Armor of God, we can overcome these obstacles and fulfill our divine purpose. Satan doesn't want your children, your family, or anyone to see you strong, faithful and successful. But by fighting from a place of victory, you can create a ripple effect that blesses and impacts those around you through your business. A Free Assessment for The Holy Spirit-Led Women in Online Business! What is Stopping You From Having a Profitable and Impactful Online Business by God's Design? Take this 62 second quiz to........ Discover the #1 Piece of God's Divine Blueprint that You are Missing in Launching Your Profitable Business By God's Design https://go.kristindronchi.com/quiz EPISODE LINKS AND NEXT STEPS: Feeling stuck in your messaging? Struggling to articulate the deeper purpose behind your business? Join me for a Movement Message Clarity Session! In this one-hour deep dive, we'll uncover the heart of your mission and craft a powerful movement statement that resonates with your audience. The Free Guide to Having Business Meetings with Heaven - CLICK HERE Traffic and leads are the oxygen to your online business! Stop being a slave to social media and learn about the ONLY Lead Generation Strategy you need as a Christian Woman in Online business! Plus get 30 lead generation ideas + a special offer to 2 lead generation strategies that rapidly grow your email list using kingdom collaborations - HERE As a Christian Business Coach, I have created an amazing community of faith-based entrepreneurs. Check out my free community and connect with other entrepreneurs who are Kingdom Warriors like you! Follow Kristin Dronchi on Instagram Subscribe and leave a review on Apple & email me a screenshot at support@kristindronchi.com to get a FREE Coffee!
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