
  • Grief, how I know you are misinformed, the real stock market, the difference between corruption & dicatorship, Texas/climate change/insurance, The BROilgarchs, and bring back Operation ABSCAM.

    - Grief

    - You know how I know you are misinformed? - You are anti-woke and anti-cancel culture yet you want to cancel things. You call everything “fake news” you don’t agree with and……You believe Elon Musk is canceling The View and you applaud that but also don’t realize it’s a fake news story. Source

    - The real stock market. - Isn’t the stock market a scam because instead of working class people making more money for pay the get an incentive based on how good a company performs, and also their funds are tied up into stocks for large corporations who can use the investments of working class people to create more wealth for the bigger corporations which prices the retail investors out of more things in the economy?

    - The Dems are far from innocent. BUT there's a difference between corruption and a fascist dictator.

    - Texas/climate change/insurance - yeah the 3 aren't going together. - "As climate change fuels a stark increase in extreme weather, it is also driving up the cost of homeowner's insurance. In recent decades, Texas has seen more billion-dollar disasters than any other state, causing the price of homeowner's insurance premiums there to skyrocket. Scott Friedman, senior investigative reporter at NBC’s owned station in Dallas-Fort Worth, has more." - Source

    - The BROilgarchs - "Among the broligarchs’ defining traits is an undemocratic conviction, made explicit by some, that their ideas should prevail regardless of the preferences of their fellow citizens. “Competition is for losers,” the headline of a 2014 Thiel op-ed in The Wall Street Journal declared—a sentiment that extends to the competition of ideas and policies on which democracy depends. - Source

    - Operation ABSCAM - On February 2, 1980, the world learned of our high-level investigation into public corruption and organized crime, infamously code-named ABSCAM. Individuals caught on tape in the FBI's ABSCAM investigation, a high-level undercover sting targeting public corruption and organized crime. - Source

    This episode is sponsored by Joe Ugly Apparel - ⁠⁠⁠www.JoeUglyApparel.com⁠⁠⁠ Stylish, bold, & modern apparel. For the rare misfit. Be something different. Be a misfit. Joe Ugly Apparel

    If you or anyone you know is looking for podcast editing, podcast production, or any other podcast services reach out to The Wild 1 Media. Produced by The Wild 1 Media. ⁠⁠⁠www.thewild1media.com⁠⁠⁠

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  • “Mansplaining” to straight, white, men, White collar recession, Jesus talk in public school, Florida bans climate talk, subsidies vs food stamps, arm teachers, & Tim Dillion on the boomers.

    “Mansplaining” to straight, white, men, White collar recession, Jesus talk in public school, Florida bans climate talk, subsidies vs food stamps, arm teachers, & Tim Dillion on the boomers.

    - “Mansplaining” the culture war to straight, white, men

    - White collar recession- the more you earn the harder it is to find a job right now. source

    - Anecdotal evidence - My daughters public school math teacher teaches about Jesus

    - Argentina's new libertarian president

    Florida Law Erases and Bans All References to Climate Change - source

    - How much the average american pays yearly for each Corporate subsidies and Food stamps

    - TN Passes bill to arm teachers

    - Tim Dillion and Andrew Schulz take on Boomers - source

    This episode is sponsored by Joe Ugly Apparel - ⁠⁠www.JoeUglyApparel.com⁠⁠ Stylish, bold, & modern apparel. For the rare misfit. Be something different. Be a misfit. Joe Ugly Apparel

    If you or anyone you know is looking for podcast editing, podcast production, or any other podcast services reach out to The Wild 1 Media. Produced by The Wild 1 Media. ⁠⁠www.thewild1media.com⁠⁠

    ⁠⁠https://darksidediaries.sounder.fm⁠⁠ ⁠⁠https://anchor.fm/ttmygh⁠⁠ ⁠⁠https://crypto101.sounder.fm/

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    33 分
  • Oh oh oh hypocrisy, religious business naming, "what about the children?" (child labor), banning social media & porn, arm ALL women, suburban living, TikTok conspiracy videos, & insurance w/ housing

    Oh oh oh hypocrisy, religious business naming, "what about the children?" (child labor), banning social media & porn, let's arm ALL women, suburban living, TikTok conspiracy videos, & insurance w/ housing.

    Hypocrisy - religious naming, what about the children (clid labor), banning social media, let's arm all women and when they feel threatened they can shoot any man.

    Child labor violations - source

    Banning social media - source

    TikTok conspiracy videos - source

    Insurance companies won't insure in climate issue zones - source

    This episode is sponsored by Joe Ugly Apparel - www.JoeUglyApparel.com Stylish, bold, & modern apparel. For the rare misfit. Be something different. Be a misfit. Joe Ugly Apparel

    If you or anyone you know is looking for podcast editing, podcast production, or any other podcast services reach out to The Wild 1 Media. Produced by The Wild 1 Media. www.thewild1media.com

    https://darksidediaries.sounder.fm https://anchor.fm/ttmygh https://crypto101.sounder.fm/

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    27 分
  • My opinion/prediction on AI, a Giant Parasol in Outer Space, Sam Harris, James Smith, Patrick Bet-David, and the downfall of podcasts with misinformation?

    My opinion/prediction on AI, a Giant Parasol in Outer Space, Sam Harris, James Smith, Patrick Bet-David, and the downfall of podcasts with misinformation?

    My prediction/opinion on AI - I think it will be a similar trend like social media or subscription based content. Where it will eventually get too big for itself and people will eventually dislike it.

    Here we go again...facepalm - "Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?" - source

    Sam Harris speaks on misinformation and how "influencers" or commentators become the shit they spew because they are more concerned with making money or they start to believe bullshit for confirmation bias because that's what their audience wants to hear and it keeps feeding the machine.

    James Smith on the downfall of podcasts like Joe Rogan and sounds similar to Sam Harris. - video here

    Patrick Bet-David and his bullshit take on voting for his "values" and "freedom". Proves the point that Sam Harris and James Smith are talking about.

    Whether you hate or like the show follow on Spotify or any other streaming platform to get updates when a new episode is published.

    Produced by ⁠⁠The Wild 1 Media⁠⁠.

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    32 分
  • "Growth for the sake of growth", Trump and Trumpers, GME (Game Stop) Stock, Fight Club, a difference in what is considered reality, war and mental health, and BIG TECH TAKEOVER!

    "Growth for the sake of growth", Trump and Trumpers, GME (Game Stop) Stock, Fight Club, a difference in what is considered reality, war and mental health, and BIG TECH TAKEOVER!

    "Growth for the sake of growth is is the ideology of the cancer cell.” - Ecological philosopher Edward Abbey

    It’s not just a difference in opinions anymore; it’s a difference in what is considered reality. (A rant about Trump/Trumpers)

    Relationships aren’t falling apart because of disagreements on how to resolve a problem, they’re falling apart because one side sees a problem that needs to be addressed while the other side is convinced the problem doesn’t even exist at all.

    Wars and mental health? - A rant of how war affects mental health.

    GME stock update - Netflix movie (why we should really be mad about this).

    Fight Club - One of my all-time favorite books, movies and author. An excellent take (not mine) on how the term "snowflake" came from this movie. "When people use the term snowflake just remember they're quoting Fight Club, a satire written by a gay man about how male fragility causes men to destroy themselves, resent society, and become radicalized, and that Tyler Durden isnt the hero but a personification of the main characters mental illness, and that his snowflake speech is a dig at how fascists use dehumanizing language to breed loyalty from insecure people. So, basically people who use snowflake as an insult are quoting a domestic terrorist who blows up skyscrapers because he's insecure about how good he is in bed."

    Big Tech Takeover - Scientists use WiFi routers and AI to see people through walls.

    "Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a method using Wi-Fi routers and a deep neural network called DensePose to sense humans through walls. By mapping Wi-Fi signals to UV coordinates, they create a 3D model of a person's shape and pose without the need for expensive cameras or radars. This cost-effective Wi-Fi-based imaging system has applications in home healthcare, offering a privacy-preserving alternative for monitoring well-being, especially in elder care or security. The technology is versatile, unaffected by poor lighting or obstacles, and utilizes AI for accurate and non-invasive monitoring while respecting privacy."

    Produced by ⁠The Wild 1 Media⁠.

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    29 分
  • Welcome back! If stocks didn't exist, if money were perishable, vaccines - no way, but load me up with non-FDA stuff, trolls, and life.

    Welcome back! If stocks didn't exist, if money were perishable, vaccines - no way, but load me up with non-FDA stuff, trolls, and life.

    If stocks didn't exist - differing view points including ChatGPT.

    If money were perishable - OpEd here

    Vaccines - "Not for me, but load me up with non-FDA dieting pills, energy drinks, and anything with sugar."

    Trolls/social media comments - are you one of them?

    Life in general

    Produced by The Wild 1 Media.

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    24 分
  • Road trip story (The Punisher logo), hypocrisy, Chat OpenAI Bot, Baby Boomer Wasteland article (1996), men leaving work in droves, Stanford scientists say civilization crumbling, & we don't listen.

    Road trip story (The Punisher logo), hypocrisy, Chat OpenAI Bot, Baby Boomer Wasteland article (1996), men leaving work in droves, Stanford scientists say civilization crumbling, & we don't listen.

    Road trip story and hypocrisy - Involves The Punisher logo and a Virgin Mary window decal

    Chat OpenAI Bot - Is AI taking over? Will it take over?

    Millions of men have dropped out of the workforce, leaving companies struggling to fill jobs: It's "a matter of our national identity" - source
    The concept of this episode is that no one actually listens. They didn't interview ONE SINGLE MALE WORKER! They only interviewed CEO's of major companies. Those CEO's basically spoke for the men checking out. 

    Hitchens wrote "Pity the poor baby-boomers. Beginning this month, one of them will turn 50 every seven and a half seconds, but all they have to celebrate is their own mediocrity, selfishness, and hypocrisy". 

    Stanford Scientists Warn That Civilization as We Know It Will End in "Next Few Decades" - source
    "Humanity is very busily sitting on a limb that we're sawing off." "I and the vast majority of my colleagues think we've had it," Barnosky's Stanford colleague Paul Ehrlich, who also appeared on the show, told Pelley, "that the next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we're used to." That grim reality, according to the researchers, means that even if humans manage to survive in some capacity, the wide-reaching impacts of mass extinction — which include habitat destruction, breakdowns in the natural food chain, soil infertility, and more — would cause modern human society to crumble. "I would say it is too much to say that we're killing the planet, because the planet's gonna be fine," said Barnosky. "What we're doing is we're killing our way of life."

    This episode is sponsored by Joe Ugly Apparel - www.JoeUglyApparel.com Stylish, bold, & modern apparel. For the rare misfit. Be something different. Be a misfit. Joe Ugly Apparel

    If you or anyone you know is looking for podcast editing, podcast production, or any other podcast services reach out to The Wild 1 Media. Produced by The Wild 1 Media. www.thewild1media.com


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    28 分
  • Elon Musk takes over Twitter, Midterm "Red Wave" isn't what happened, & Ticketmaster - what happened, Pearl Jam is right, and their scalping program called TradeDesk.

    Elon Musk takes over Twitter, Midterm "Red Wave" isn't what was expected, & Ticketmaster - what happened, Pearl Jam is right, and their scalping program called TradeDesk. 

    Elon Musk takes over Twitter and like we all thought it is a shit show. 

    Midterm "Red Wave" isn't what happened. Red wave was a big failure due to cultural war GOP still tries to play. Mutiny on the right within the GOP - a Trump vs Desantis nomination?  

    Ticketmaster - what happened, Pearl Jam is right, and their scalping program called TradeDesk - Source 1, Source 2
    Box-office giant Ticketmaster is recruiting professional scalpers who cheat its own system to expand its resale business and squeeze more money out of fans, a CBC News/Toronto Star investigation reveals. TradeDesk allows scalpers to upload large quantities of tickets purchased from Ticketmaster's site and quickly list them again for resale. With the click of a button, scalpers can hike or drop prices on reams of tickets on Ticketmaster's site based on their assessment of fan demand.

    Neither TradeDesk nor the professional reseller program are mentioned anywhere on Ticketmaster's website or in its corporate reports. To access the company's TradeDesk website, a person must first send in a registration request.

    This episode is sponsored by Joe Ugly Apparel - www.JoeUglyApparel.com
    Stylish, bold, & modern apparel. For the rare misfit. Be something different. Be a misfit. Joe Ugly Apparel

    If you or anyone you know is looking for podcast editing, podcast production, or any other podcast services reach out to The Wild 1 Media. Produced by The Wild 1 Media. www.thewild1media.com


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