
  • Men in Black

    1. Albert K. Bender (1953) Albert K. Bender was a prominent UFO researcher who founded the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB) in 1952. In 1953, Bender claimed that he was visited by three men in black suits who warned him to stop his UFO research. According to Bender, these men had glowing eyes and could communicate telepathically. He was so frightened by the encounter that he immediately shut down the IFSB and stopped all of his UFO investigations. Bender later wrote a book, *Flying Saucers and the Three Men*, detailing his experience. 2. The Maury Island Incident (1947) One of the earliest known MIB encounters occurred just days before the famous Roswell UFO incident. Harold Dahl claimed that he witnessed six UFOs near Maury Island, Washington. He reported that one of the UFOs exploded, scattering debris that damaged his boat and killed his dog. The next day, Dahl was visited by a man in a black suit who warned him not to speak about the incident. Dahl was so shaken by the encounter that he initially claimed the entire sighting was a hoax, though he later retracted this statement. 3. Dr. Herbert Hopkins (1976) Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a doctor who was studying a UFO abduction case in Maine, received a strange phone call one night from someone claiming to be from a UFO research organization. The caller requested a meeting, and soon after, a man in a black suit arrived at Hopkins' home. The man had an unusually smooth complexion and wore red lipstick, which seemed to cover pale, bloodless lips. He warned Hopkins to stop his research into UFOs and began acting strangely, including removing his lips and nose as if they were detachable. After the encounter, Hopkins was so frightened that he destroyed all of his research on the case. 4. The Bender Family (1967) Paul Miller and his family experienced one of the most disturbing MIB encounters. While returning home from a hunting trip in North Dakota, Miller claimed that he and his family saw a bright object in the sky. They fired at the object and believed they had hit something, but left the scene quickly. The next morning, three men in black suits arrived at their home, demanding to speak with Miller alone. They knew intimate details about the previous night, even though Miller had not told anyone. The men in black warned him not to speak about the incident, leaving the family terrified. 5. Dan Aykroyd (2002) Actor and comedian Dan Aykroyd, known for his interest in the paranormal, claimed that he had a personal encounter with the Men in Black while working on a TV show about UFOs. Aykroyd reported that he stepped outside for a break and noticed a black car parked across the street. A man in a black suit and hat was staring at him from the car. After Aykroyd looked away briefly, the car had vanished without a trace. Shortly after this encounter, the TV show was abruptly canceled, leading Aykroyd to believe the two events were connected.

    Instagram Handle: The Operation


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  • The Melchizedek

    1. influence spiritual seekers. The School of Souls The "School of Souls" is sometimes referred to as an etheric or spiritual academy where souls receive higher knowledge and training. This concept aligns with the idea that Melchizedek is a teacher who imparts wisdom and spiritual knowledge to those who are ready to advance on their spiritual journey. The "School of Souls" would thus be a metaphysical space where advanced spiritual lessons are taught, often involving the mysteries of the universe, the nature of reality, and the path to enlightenment.

    2. The Melchizedek Order in Esoteric Traditions Order of Melchizedek Some esoteric traditions speak of an "Order of Melchizedek," which is considered a spiritual order of priesthood that transcends time and space. This order is thought to be composed of souls who have attained a high level of spiritual mastery and are dedicated to serving humanity by guiding spiritual evolution. Members of this order, including Melchizedek himself, are believed to work on both physical and non-physical planes to help bring about the spiritual awakening of humanity.

    Teachings and Initiations In these traditions, the teachings associated with Melchizedek often focus on concepts like sacred geometry, the nature of divine light, and the understanding of universal laws. Initiations into the Order of Melchizedek or the "School of Souls" are sometimes described as deep spiritual experiences that lead to greater wisdom, spiritual power, and a closer connection with the divine.

    3. Modern Interpretations and Practices The Melchizedek Method In the late 20th century, a spiritual system called the "Melchizedek Method" was developed by spiritual teacher Alton Kamadon. This method is a healing and spiritual practice that involves working with light, sacred geometry, and the energy of Melchizedek to heal the self and others, raise consciousness, and activate one's light body. Practitioners of the Melchizedek Method often believe they are aligning with the teachings of Melchizedek and participating in a lineage of spiritual wisdom that transcends traditional religion.

    Books and Teachings Several books and teachings have been developed around the concept of the "School of Souls" and the Order of Melchizedek. These often explore themes like the ascension process, the role of angels and ascended masters, and the journey of the soul through different planes of existence. Authors and spiritual teachers in this tradition emphasize personal transformation, spiritual awakening, and the pursuit of higher consciousness. 4. Summary The concept of Melchizedek in the context of the "School of Souls" represents a more mystical and esoteric interpretation of this ancient figure. In these traditions, Melchizedek is seen not just as a historical or biblical character but as an eternal spiritual teacher who guides souls through advanced spiritual teachings and initiations. The "School of Souls" is envisioned as a metaphysical place of learning where souls are prepared for higher states of being and consciousness, often under the guidance of Melchizedek and other ascended masters.

    Instagram Handle: The Operation


    Sources: Craig Compobasso


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  • Clones

    Cloning With Ongoing Deception (November 14, 2023) Neioh – Around You Everyday In All Walks Of Life, There Are Products That Are Not Real. This Means In Truth That The Body Has No Soul. These Man Made Puppets Of Deception Are Not New To Your World By Any Means. What Has Changed Is The Control That Is Being Perpetrated On Humanity With These Created Products!

    The Dangers Of War Around The World Has Proven To Be A Huge Factor With Products Of China, Russia, Ukraine And Now Israel In The Involvement Of Military. The Administration Of The Biden Product Is Causing The Threat Of War Globally With Lies And Deceit With No Representation Of The Souls Inhabiting The Great United States.

    This Clone Has Glitches And Is Being Allowed To Completely Malfunction. With Handlers Directing And Rehearsing Each Word Spoken, This Product Will Soon Be Put Away! It Is Far Easier For Puppet Masters To Deceive The Public When Age Can Be Blamed For Each Fall, Moment Of Confusion And Inability To Form A Sentence. There Is Nothing There But A Program.

    We Will Discuss The Manner Of Cloning And The Aspects Of Viewing That Can Become Obvious If One Cares To Know Truth! Knowing There Are Over A Billion Clones Operating In Your Awareness With A Growing Number, May Spark Your Interest In Learning The Truth Of Those Around You!

    For Every Clone, There Is A Controller. In Many Instances, There Is A Team. There Is Always A Purpose Or Agenda In Place For The Creation Of Each Clone. With Unlimited Financial Resources Available, Many Celebrities Have Joined With Handlers To Receive Greater Status As The Creators Of The Clone Also Become More Wealthy. Many Singers And Dancers As Well As Actors, Hosts And Politicians Have More Than One Clone Available To Maneuver Their Way To Power And Notoriety.

    We Have Shared In Prior Communication Regarding DNA That This Material Carries The Genetic Code Of All Necessary Factors Needed To Create Each Clone. In Rapid Transformation, Information Is Carried And Grown In Material That Would Be No Different Than A Petri Dish In A Laboratory. Indeed, The Actions Of These Creators Are Reckless As They Experiment With The Product As Well As Toying With All Lives That Must Endure This Charade.

    Characteristics With Hair And Eye Color, Age And Form Are Programmed And Adjusted. Many Politicians Have Been Noted To Have Many Looks With Different Hair Lines, Nose And Ear Size And Even Varying Heights. Some Photos Do Not Resemble Others In Any Manner. The Creators Are Hoping That You Do Not Notice.

    In Many Instances, There Is A Changing Of The Product’s Face That Would Be Close To What You Understand As Plastic Surgery. There Are Incisions And Areas Where Changes Are Made. The Breakdown Of Materials Does Not Heal As There Is No Immune System And Surgeries Allow Material To Be Altered And Removed Without Replacing The Entire Clone. These Are Not Masks As Some Suppose In Guessing. The Science Is There If Those Seeking Truth Would Open To Understand!

    The Biden Product Is Glitching With Face Movement And Program Breakdown. This Clone Will Be Phased Out Completely While Allowing Those Observing To Believe This Is All About Age. There Is No Purpose To Continue To Repair And Replace Areas When New Leadership Is Desired. Beware Of Clones That Creators Have Already In Place.Clones Have No Souls And For This Reason,

    Sources: Craig Compobasoso


    Instagram Handle: The Operation https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaedR0DHgZWjMPhJd713

    WhatsApp Channel: The Operation


    Other invaluable sources: Taygeta Family


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  • Who is Lucifer, Satan /Enki, Enlil

    The idea that Enki is analogous to Lucifer and Enlil to the God of the Bible is indeed a modern interpretation that is not rooted in historical or mythological evidence from ancient Mesopotamian sources. This interpretation is part of a broader trend to reframe ancient myths within the context of Judeo-Christian narratives, but it can be misleading and oversimplified.

    Enki and Enlil in Sumerian Mythology

    Enki and Enlil are both key figures in the Sumerian pantheon, each with distinct roles and attributes:

    - Enki (Ea in Akkadian): God of wisdom, water, creation, and magic. He is often depicted as a benefactor of humanity, using his wisdom to help humans and other gods.

    - Enlil: God of air, wind, storms, and kingship. He is a more authoritative figure, often associated with order, decree, and sometimes harsh judgment.

    Lucifer in Judeo-Christian Tradition

    Lucifer is a complex figure in Judeo-Christian tradition:

    - Originally, Lucifer is a Latin term meaning "light-bringer" or "morning star," and it appears in Isaiah 14:12 to describe a fallen figure, often interpreted as the King of Babylon.

    - Over time, Lucifer became associated with the Devil or Satan in Christian theology, symbolizing rebellion against God and embodying evil and temptation.

    God in Judeo-Christian Tradition

    - God in Judeo-Christian tradition is the singular, omnipotent, and omniscient creator of the universe, embodying both justice and mercy.

    Comparing Enki and Enlil to Lucifer and God

    The comparisons of Enki to Lucifer and Enlil to the God of the Bible arise from superficial similarities but fail to hold up under scrutiny:

    1. Enki and Lucifer:

    - Enki is not a figure of rebellion; he is a deity of wisdom and a creator god who often helps humanity.

    - Lucifer, in the Christian tradition, is a fallen angel who rebels against God and represents evil.

    - The only slight similarity is that Enki sometimes defies the will of other gods (like Enlil) to help humans, but this is out of benevolence and wisdom, not rebellion or evil intent.

    2. Enlil and God:

    - Enlil is a powerful god who enforces divine decrees and can be stern and authoritative, somewhat like the Old Testament depiction of God.

    - However, God in the Judeo-Christian tradition is a complex being embodying creation, love, justice, and omnipotence, which encompasses but is not limited to Enlil's traits.

    - Enlil's actions are more focused on maintaining cosmic order and can sometimes be harsh (e.g., sending the flood in the Atrahasis myth).

    Modern Interpretations and Misinformation

    The comparison often found in modern pseudo-historical or esoteric writings tends to oversimplify and distort the rich and nuanced mythology of ancient cultures. These interpretations can be appealing due to their dramatic nature but do not align with historical and mythological scholarship.

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  • Lady of Light, Mary. MOC
    • Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a central figure in Christianity, revered for her role as the mother of Christ. Here are key points about her life and significance: Early Life and Background - Name and Family: Mary is also known as Miriam in Hebrew and Maryam in Arabic. She was likely born in Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to parents traditionally named Joachim and Anne. - **Betrothal to Joseph:** Mary was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter, when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. The Annunciation - Angel Gabriel's Visit: According to the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit, whom she was to name Jesus. This event is known as the Annunciation. - Mary's Response: Despite her initial fear and confusion, Mary accepted God's will with faith, famously responding, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38). Life with Jesus - Birth of Jesus: Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, where she and Joseph had traveled for a census. His birth is celebrated as Christmas. - Role in Jesus' Ministry: Mary is present at key moments in Jesus' life, including the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle at her prompting. - Witness to Crucifixion: She witnessed Jesus' crucifixion and stood by the cross with other women and the Apostle John, to whom Jesus entrusted her care. Later Life and Assumption - Post-Resurrection Life: After Jesus' resurrection and ascension, Mary is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as being part of the early Christian community. - Assumption:According to Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life. This event is commemorated as the Feast of the Assumption. Titles and Honors - Theotokos: In 431 AD, the Council of Ephesus confirmed Mary as Theotokos, meaning "God-bearer" or "Mother of God," highlighting her role in the divine nature of Jesus. - Immaculate Conception: The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854, teaches that Mary was conceived without original sin. - Veneration: Mary is highly venerated in Christianity, especially in Catholic and Orthodox traditions, where she is seen as an intercessor and model of perfect discipleship. Cultural Impact - Art and Music: ✨ Mary has been a prominent subject in Christian art, music, and literature for centuries, symbolizing purity, maternal love, and compassion. - **Apparitions:** There have been numerous reported apparitions of Mary, such as those at Lourdes, Fatima, and Guadalupe, which have inspired devotion and pilgrimage. Mary's enduring legacy in Christian faith is marked by her humility, obedience, and unwavering faith in God's plan. Her life and role continue to inspire devotion and theological reflection

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  • Jesus
    • Historical Background:
    • 1. Birth and Early Life:
    • - Jesus, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, is believed to have been born between 4 BCE and 6 BCE.
    • - His birth is celebrated on December 25th as Christmas, although the exact date is not historically confirmed.
    • - Born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph, according to the New Testament.
    • - Grew up in Nazareth, in the region of Galilee.

    • 2. Public Ministry:
    • - Began his ministry around the age of 30.
    • - Baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.
    • - Known for preaching about the Kingdom of God, performing miracles, healing the sick, and exorcising demons.
    • - His teachings emphasized love, forgiveness, and repentance.

    • 3. Teachings:
    • - Parables: Used simple stories to convey moral and spiritual lessons (e.g., The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son).
    • - Sermon on the Mount: Contains key teachings like the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and ethical teachings on topics such as love for enemies, judging others, and the Golden Rule.

    • 4. Crucifixion and Resurrection:
    • - Arrested and tried by the Jewish authorities and the Roman governor Pontius Pilate.
    • - Crucified around 30-33 CE.
    • - Christians believe he rose from the dead on the third day, which is celebrated as Easter.

    • Religious Significance:
    • 1. Christianity:
    • - Central figure of Christianity.
    • - Considered the Son of God and the Messiah (Christ) by Christians.
    • - Belief in his death and resurrection is foundational to Christian faith, symbolizing salvation and eternal life.

    • 2. Judaism:
    • - Jesus is recognized as a Jewish preacher and healer.
    • - Not accepted as the Messiah or divine.

    • 3. Islam:
    • - Known as Isa, a prophet and messenger of God.
    • - Highly respected, but not considered divine.
    • - Belief in his virgin birth and miracles, but not his crucifixion (Islam teaches that he was not crucified but was taken up to Heaven).

    • 4. Other Views:
    • - Acknowledged as an important historical figure and moral teacher by many non-religious scholars and other religious traditions.

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  • Angelic Corps (Hierarchical structure)
    The term "Angelic Corps" typically refers to a concept within various religious, mystical, and esoteric traditions involving angels and their roles. Here's an elaboration on the concept from different perspectives: ### Religious and Spiritual Contexts 1. **Christianity**: - **Hierarchy of Angels**: In Christian theology, particularly as described by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the 5th-6th century, the angelic hierarchy is divided into three triads or choirs, each containing three orders: 1. **First Triad**: Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones 2. **Second Triad**: Dominions, Virtues, and Powers 3. **Third Triad**: Principalities, Archangels, and Angels - **Roles and Functions**: Angels serve as messengers of God, protectors of humans, and executors of divine will. Archangels like Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael have specific roles in biblical stories. 2. **Islam**: - **Hierarchy and Duties**: Islam also recognizes a hierarchy of angels, with Archangels like Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael), Israfil, and Azrael playing key roles. Angels in Islam perform various duties, including delivering revelations to prophets, recording human deeds, and managing natural phenomena. 3. **Judaism**: - **Angelic Orders**: Jewish tradition includes various orders of angels, such as Seraphim, Cherubim, and Ophanim. The roles of angels are similar to those in Christianity, involving delivering messages from God and executing divine commands. ### Mystical and Esoteric Traditions 1. **Kabbalah**: - **Angelic Hierarchy**: In Kabbalistic mysticism, angels are organized in various orders and are associated with the Sefirot on the Tree of Life. Each Sefirah corresponds to specific angels who perform different cosmic functions. 2. **New Age and Esoteric Practices**: - **Personal Guides**: Many New Age beliefs incorporate angels as personal spiritual guides and helpers who assist individuals in their spiritual journey, providing protection, guidance, and healing. ### Literary and Popular Culture 1. **Fantasy and Fiction**: - **Depictions**: Angels appear in numerous fantasy novels, movies, and TV series, often depicted as powerful beings with supernatural abilities. They may be portrayed as benevolent protectors, warriors, or even as complex characters with human-like emotions and flaws. ### Historical and Cultural Impact 1. **Art and Iconography**: - **Representation**: Angels have been a central subject in religious art throughout history, often depicted with wings, halos, and auras of light. They are frequently shown in scenes of annunciation, protection, and battle against evil. 2. **Theological Debates**: - **Nature and Purpose**: The nature, purpose, and existence of angels have been subjects of theological debate. Discussions often explore their role in the divine plan, their interactions with humans, and their moral and ethical dimensions. ### Modern Interpretations 1. **Psychological Archetypes**: - **Jungian Psychology**: Some modern interpretations, influenced by Carl Jung's theories, view angels as archetypal figures representing higher aspects of the human psyche, such as the drive towards self-actualization and spiritual growth. 2. **Symbolic and Metaphorical**: - **Cultural Symbols**: In contemporary culture, angels are often used symbolically to represent goodness, purity, hope, and the human aspiration to connect with something greater than oneself. Instagram Handle, The Operation; https://www.instagram.com/the.0peration?igsh=Y3dva2hqbXZzcWl2
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  • Types of ETs, Alpha Drecos, Dragons, Reptoids.
    The Alpha Draconians are a subject primarily found within the realms of ufology and conspiracy theories. Here’s an overview of the key points and claims regarding the Alpha Draconians: 1. ⭐Origins and Description: - The Alpha Draconians are often described as a race of reptilian beings said to originate from the star system Alpha Draconis (Thuban) in the constellation Draco. - They are typically depicted as tall, muscular, and lizard-like, with scales, claws, and sometimes wings. 2. ⭐Role and Behavior: - These beings are often characterized as malevolent and are frequently portrayed as the antagonists in various conspiracy theories. - According to these theories, Alpha Draconians are believed to be involved in manipulating human affairs, controlling governments, and exploiting Earth’s resources. 3. ⭐Conspiracy Theories: - David Icke: One of the most prominent proponents of the reptilian conspiracy theory, Icke claims that the Alpha Draconians (or reptilians) are shape-shifting aliens who have taken on human form to control the world. - ⭐Underground Bases: There are claims that Alpha Draconians have underground bases on Earth and on the Moon, where they conduct various nefarious activities. 4. ⭐Interaction with Other Extraterrestrial Species: - Theories suggest that the Alpha Draconians are in conflict or have alliances with other extraterrestrial species such as the Greys, the Pleiadians, and the Nordics. - The Greys, another popular extraterrestrial race in ufology, are often depicted as subservient to the Alpha Draconians. Video mentioned in episode; https://www.facebook.com/share/v/d5pjZ1QRveb9XVfa/ Klask the Reptilian, Question Audiobook. https://youtu.be/UO9GEgZJD6I?si=xGniFl_uxzCLFnKh Extraterrestrials species Almanac, Craig Compobasoso https://www.everand.com/book/485569022 The Biggest Secret, David Icke https://www.avidbookshop.com/book/9780952614760 Children of the Matrix, David Icke https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Children-of-the-Matrix-by-David-Icke/9780957630895?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv7O0BhDwARIsAC0sjWPh39yhmBeRnwi-Zl40O-DQw5ZSV1iDrMy3LYeDJ3hlDXxMgOhsx4gaAm8PEALw_wcB Vatican secrets: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C53pMwsg9fI/?igsh=MWUxOXRvZG5tamRnOA==
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