
  • Safer Gambling Week - 2024

    Listen to licensing and gambling solicitor, Elizabeth Varley, discuss safer gambling practices, mental well-being and accessible support services.

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    6 分
  • Premises licence: What to do when they lapse?

    Licensing expert and solicitor, Alex Tomlinson, gives insight on what a premises licence lapse is, how your premises licence can lapse, and what to do if it does.

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  • Your right to refuse entry and service

    This month, associate solicitor Natasha Beck, discusses and explains your right to refuse entry and service as an operator. Join us as we answer your most asked questions.

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  • Handling Drunk Customers

    This month, partner and licensing expert James Anderson discusses everything you need to know about dealing with drunk customers / intoxicated people in your operations

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    16 分
  • Premises licence applications - most common mistakes

    This month, associate solicitor, Suraj Desor breaks down the most common mistakes people make when applying for a premises licence and how to avoid them.

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  • How to obtain a gambling licence

    Licensing & gambling solicitor, Felix Faulkner explains what licences you will need to start a gambling business and how to obtain them

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    12 分
  • Employing young people

    This week, licensing associate solicitor, Natasha Beck, discusses employing young people in pubs, bars and restaurants, if they can serve alcohol and if there are restrictions on the number of hours they can work.

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  • Noise issues

    This week, licensing and gambling solicitor, Imogen Moss, discusses the hot topic of noise issues and positive action you can take to avoid them.

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