• EPS 198- FEAR NOT: No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma

    Ready to discover the inner depths of trauma? Uncloak from fearful strongholds? Go deeper into healing and deliverance without a showy stage production?

    Introducing Melia's brand-new audiobook- FEAR NOT; No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma "God's Way" Warfare-Healing-Deliverance for Wounded Souls!

    Fear Not is to bring light into the dark, unveil hard hearts to the unseen realm, and expose hidden wounds that lie dormant in wounded souls. To bring forth eye-opening revelations of strongholds -AKA- trauma that keeps people in bondage and oppression of the enemy. Get ready to embrace the unseen realm not seen by the naked eye. Learn what it takes to partake in healing and deliverance “God’s Way”. Guard yourself in spiritual warfare and avoid the pitfalls of the enemy’s sneaky tactics. Understand the pain of wounded souls in a no-nonsense and practical way.

    Blessings xo-

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    6 分
  • EPS 197- PROPHETIC WORD: Burden of 70x7 Guilt-Shame-Rebellion & 7-Fold Spirit

    In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to lose sight of God's love for us. The palpable anger of the Lord reveals 70x7 of guilt, shame, and rebellion of mankind. God must take action for a generation that continually grieves Him! Discontent stems from a loving Father who desires nothing but the best for His children. Melia shares a personal testament of experiencing the heavy burden of God's grief and anger, as she pleads for the lost and brokenhearted. A powerful prophetic message about the Lord's burdened heart and judgment on rebellion, guilt, and shame. The solution? A heartfelt repentance and a steadfast return to God’s ways to avoid spiritual blindness.


    00:00 Judgment and prophecy 00:44 Spiritual cataracts explained 01:19 Spiritual blindness explored 01:52 Sevenfold spirit insights 02:39 Discussing angels and demons 03:07 Personal burdens and spirits 03:38 Feeling misaligned with God 04:01 Seeking divine guidance 04:31 Forgiveness through scripture 04:58 Disobedience and divine mercy 06:14 Significance of the blind ghost 07:17 Call for obedience and repentance

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

    FREE Resources - > https://meliadiana.com/resources

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    9 分
  • EPS 196- Power of the HOLY SPIRIT; Discernment for Spirit of Truth or Deception

    Facing challenges in discernment? Without the Holy Spirit guiding us to God's truth, no discernment is dispersed! Too many Christians are not testing the spirit (See 1 John 4:1) because they don't spend time with Jesus or study their Bible to know the difference between a spirit of truth (Holy Spirit) verses a spirit of deception (Satan).

    Nobody, including myself, will not be able to have wise discernment, without a vertical relationship with Jesus. Exploring the Trinity's power, Melia illustrates how the Holy Spirit acts as our advocate and teacher, revealing the depths within Scripture to determine the difference between falsehood and God's truth!


    00:10 Melia's mission introduction 01:00 Discerning God's voice 01:38 Holy Spirit's guidance 02:37 Power of the Word 03:09 Steps to salvation 04:04 Holy Spirit advocate 05:24 Struggles with discernment 06:23 Messages of love 07:31 Healing and vulnerability 08:33 Trauma recovery intro 09:40 Prayers 10:22 Closing blessings

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

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    11 分
  • EPS 195- PROPHETIC WARNING: Judgement Falls on Christians BLINDED by False Prophets!

    Christians who are following and in agreement with false prophets, fall under God's judgment! False prophets and those who seek their guidance will all be punished for their sins. (Ezekiel 14:4-10). False prophets and leaders are only after your money, selfish ambitions, high status, vain imaginations, and loads of followers ... Unfortunately, false prophets do not really care about your well-being. True prophets care about your soul prospering for God's Kingdom; only giving the body of Christ "God's truth" and not compromising with any ounce of falsehood!

    In an age where ancient practices of sorcery and witchcraft are often repackaged, twisted, and normalized as Christianity, Melia warns of the subtle dangers these practices pose to Christians without discernment!


    00:00 Warning: False Prophets' Dangers 00:51 Idolatry and False Guidance 01:20 Consequences of Idolatry 02:00 Deceptive False Prophets 02:38 Dangers of Sorcery 03:11 Discern Holy from Unholy 04:25 Urging Repentance 05:29 Healing Soul Wounds 06:26 Reject Ungodly Influences 07:57 Exposing False Women Prophets 09:39 Prioritize God Over Social Media 11:23 Discernment and True Repentance

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

    FREE Resources - > https://meliadiana.com/resources

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    14 分
  • EPS 194- Christians can Function in Dysfunction and Unhealed Trauma

    Did you know that many people, including Christians, can function quite well in their dysfunction? Many times, people operating in unhealed trauma have no idea anything is wrong because it's their normal. But, it's not someone else's. Perhaps, yelling and screaming was an ordinary occurrence in your family? Or promoting promiscuous or hateful behavior without repercussions was perfectly acceptable? Either way, we don't expect Christians to behave improperly, but many still operate from a wounded soul. Find out if you, or someone you love, is functioning in their dysfunction!

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

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    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

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    8 分
  • EPS 193- Die to Self in an "Equally Yoked" Christian Marriage

    Just because you're a Christian and in an equally yoked marriage, does not mean your life will be hunky dory. Although, God tells us to not team up with unbelievers, truth is, you're a target for Satan, now! "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). My husband and I chat about real struggles and how to "die to self" in our godly union.

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

    FREE Resources - > https://meliadiana.com/resources

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    6 分
  • EPS 192- Healing in NOT Linear or What you Think!

    Healing in not linear or what you think! Many people think they know what they need healing from, but don’t. For example, your focus is about your husband or wife, yet God might be wanting to heal a deeper problem within you, that's been buried for years. You are dating and can't seem to attract the right partner, but a traumatic event you experienced is holding you back. I have the pleasure to work with many clients and it comes to no surprise when the Lord revealed something else, they need healing from. I share a powerful story in today's episode ... God reveled a spirit of fear over my client and her horse!

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

    FREE Resources - > https://meliadiana.com/resources

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    7 分
  • EPS 191- PROPHETIC WORD: Pure Prophets are Metal Testers for the LORD!

    Many will never understand what a pure prophet, not compromised with evil, goes through on a daily basis! The high cost to follow God wholeheartedly coincides with severe demonic attacks, constant tears, Astro projection, witchcraft, and endless spiritual warfare battles. God says, "Many are called but only few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). While these attacks are extremely painful, they are masked with deeper burdens from the Lord, a unique testing of metals. A pure prophetic vessel must be able to manage their gift with balance, grace, love, strength, integrity, and courage. So, I ask... are you this kind of metal tester for the Lord?

    Blessings xo-

    Melia's Services -> https://meliadiana.com/our-services

    Melia's Books ->https://meliadiana.com/books

    Melia's Courses -> https://meliadiana.com/vertical-relationship-academy

    FREE Resources - > https://meliadiana.com/resources

    続きを読む 一部表示
    11 分