We are not a Wednesday Morning Podcast, we mean it. The coffee machine seems to only work on Wednesdays though...just kidding. Thank you for enduring another two day delay from your typical Monday drop of The Cruciformed Life Podcast.
In this episode, the boys are going to discourse on the importance of Joshua's leadership to the Israelites, and what it means to stand firm and be courageous. In the book of Joshua chapter one, the Lord tells Joshua three times to be courageous, we know that any time in scripture where something is repeated three times - it's important. If it was crucial for Joshua to hear this, how much more vital is it for us in our day to hear this. As always, we pray you are strengthened, challenged, and encouraged by this episode.
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No Distance Anymore appears on The Cruciformed Life Podcast courtesy of Loud Harp and their album: Hope Where There Was None. Check them out at loudharp.com and find their amazing music on every major streaming platform!
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