
  • Biblical Doctrine: The Doctrine of Justification
    On this week’s episode we begin unpacking the glories of the great salvation that we have on account of the work of Jesus Christ. The Bible uses the word ‘salvation’ and ‘saved’ many times, but did you know that not every time the Bible uses this word it doesn’t always refer to the same aspect of salvation. For example compare Romans 8:24, Philippians 2:12, and Romans 13:11. If you used the same definition of salvation for each one of these verses, it wouldn’t make sense. Romans 8:24 talks about the justification of a believer, Philippians 2:12 talks about the sanctification…
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    35 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Christology (The Person & Work of Christ)
    There are a lot of misconceptions in the world, and even in the church about who the person of Jesus is! Some say Jesus is just a good moral teacher, some say Jesus was just a prophet, some say Jesus was just a human and much more. But, we declare that Jesus is the eternal Son of God and the true Creator of all things. That Jesus is truly God and truly man. That He is the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16), that He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint…
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    29 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Humanity, the Fall of Man, Sin and its Punishment
    On this week’s episode, Abe Mahner joins us as we talk about the doctrine of sin. At Wildwood, we believe and teach that according to Genesis 1, all mankind was created in the image and likeness of God, and designed to reflect the character of their Creator. But, through Adam humanity sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is separation from God. Romans 3:11-12 is clear, “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not…
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    41 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Of Creation
    This week, we continue our series walking through our doctrinal statement as we talk through the wondrous truth that God created the world! We believe and confess that “The work of creation is God’s making all things of nothing, by the word of His power, in the space of six days, and all very good.” (Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 9) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and this is something that separates us from many in this world who believe that nothing created this world or that the world is eternal! The testimony of Scripture, which…
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    34 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Of God, and Of the Holy Trinity
    Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” In order for us to fear the LORD, we must know who the LORD is and how He has revealed Himself to us! This episode we discuss who God is and how He has revealed Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our prayer is that all of us may grow in our knowledge of the LORD each and every day.We hope this podcast episode helps kickstart a pursuit to know the LORD in a fuller way. If…
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    38 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Biblical Inspiration, Inerrancy, Infallibility & Canon
    Have you ever wondered why we have 66 books in the Bible and not more? What the words inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility mean? Or how we can have confidence and trust in the Bible? On this week’s episode, we kick off our ‘Biblical Doctrine’ series with Kevin Choate our college pastor! Tune in as we discuss biblical canon issues, textual criticism, the apocrypha and much more as we discuss how we can grow in our knowledge and confidence of the Scriptures.
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    39 分
  • Biblical Doctrine: Why Theology?
    This semester on This is Wildwood, we are starting a new series walking through our statement of faith. At Wildwood, we care deeply about doctrine and the truth is that God has revealed Himself through His Word. Psalm 19:1-6 shows how God has revealed Himself through His creation (general revelation), and Psalm 19:7-11 show how God has revealed Himself through His Word (special revelation). God asks us to trust Him and take Him at His Word, so therefore we believe His words matter and how we understand His truth is essential to our beliefs and practice. This podcast series is…
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    34 分
  • Episode 57: This is Wildwood! For the Church with Jon Dunton
    This week we welcomed onto the podcast our newest member of the pastoral team, Jon Dunton! Jon and his family have been attending Wildwood for the past 3 years and Jon recently joined the staff team to follow the Lord into ministry. Jon’s heart and love for the LORD is evident, especially in his desire to see members of the body find deep connection and relationship with one another. If you are looking to find connection and true fellowship with others in the church, do not hesitate to get connected to a small group!! Link to get connected to a…
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    32 分