• Day 10 – The Ultimate Gift
    We humans like to know our destiny —— where we are going. We are anxious and worried about many things (cf. Luke 10:38-42) because of the uncertainty of what the future may hold. We want more security as a result! As Christians, we want to know our mission on earth —— where we are called to belong, and who we are called to be. But before we know who we should become, we need to know who we are, our true identity. Identities help us define our roles and missions on earth. Our identity defines everything in our lives!Identity is a relational concept. It relates us to others. Since we are created by God and for God, our identity as God’s children and as Christians are our most important identities. That makes growing our relationship with God first and foremost in our priorities in life. Back to the basic question we asked on Day 1 of this retreat: why is there a need to relate to the Holy Spirit?It is because Jesus reveals to us that it is the Holy Spirit’s role to help us relate to God the Father as “Abba, Father!” (Romans 8:15) And the Spirit intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. (Romans 8:26). As prayer is the most important means for us to relate to God, the Spirit’s role in helping us relate and communicate with God is indispensable if we desire an intimate relationship with God.That is why Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit is the best gift God can ever give us! "And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. … If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:9, 13)The desire to deepen our relationship with God should translate to a deeper desire for the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the gateway to the Father’s Heart. That is why Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given you” because God gives us the Spirit to intercede for us, and what the Spirit desires must match the Father’s will. Practically, the Spirit helps us understand the Truth that Jesus taught us (cf. John 14:17) and thus helps us to be holy, conforming us to the image of God. He conveys God’s Word to us and thus helps us make decisions in life and discern our life’s mission. Finally, He also bestows on us supernatural power by granting us different charisms so that we can do greater things as instructed by Jesus (cf. John 14:12).Oftentimes we do not ask God for the right things and we do not ask enough. Asking MORE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is our best prayer to God because we are asking for something He desires to grant us. On this Pentecost Sunday, let us ask boldly and wisely to receive MORE of the Holy Spirit into our lives. This is the day to immerse ourselves in the Love of God, who is the Holy Spirit. Ask God to bless us with a life-transforming encounter with Him, with as many gifts as He wishes to grant us to be a channel of His love to others, and with divine power to become bold witnesses for Christ to the world. “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)With expectant faith, be ready that all of your wishes above will be fulfilled! And you will come out of the baptism in the Holy Spirit a new creation, with confidence and power!Baptism in the Holy Spirit often takes place in a community setting. Community members experience deep bonds of fellowship with brothers and sisters with whom they share a common life in the Spirit. There is a new recognition of our interdependence in the body of Christ, and our obligation to put our gifts at the service of others. (cf. Page 29 of “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” by the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission) Community setting allows members to use, confirm, and collaborate with one another on charisms given by God to each member. In doing so, members can encourage and reinforce one another to be good stewards of the talents God has entrusted to us and to become the best versions of ourselves! That is why the first Pentecost did not happen privately but when they were all together in one place (cf. Acts 2:1-4).It is in the Church as well as faith communities that we can best grow our faith, exercise our love and charisms, and discern and fulfill our missions. Jesus entrusted the Church to His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, through St. John. She is the perfect collaborator of the Holy Spirit as she has completely immersed herself in Him. Let us learn from our Heavenly Mother to be the perfect vessel of God by emptying and surrendering ourselves to God the Holy Spirit every moment of our lives.TRANSFORMED and EMPOWERED: The Greatest Lover and Giver grants us, the Beloved, the Ultimate Gift of all, the Holy Spirit, so that we, TRANSFORMED into Princes and Princesses of our ...
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  • Day 9 – “Surrender” Holds the Key to Abundant Life
    When we think of the Holy Spirit, let’s call to mind one word: MORE! He is someone who desires one thing for us: MORE GOODNESS. And He does it without reservation and hesitation, and without cost. He lets nothing stop Him from granting everything we need to lead an abundant life, to ride out the storms of life, to be a faithful follower of Christ, to accomplish the Father’s will and missions for us in life, and ultimately to become who God wants us to be. And He accomplishes all of the above by first leading us to a more intimate relationship with the Father and Jesus. That is the HEART of everything! The Spirit, who is LOVE Himself, likes to fill our cups to the brim so that God’s love and power for us can overflow to those around us. That’s the Spirit’s work on each one of us personally because everyone of us is precious and unique to Him.However, the Holy Spirit can only give to us up to the capacity we are able to receive. When we are filled and occupied with things other than those from God the Father and the Son, we leave no space for LOVE Himself, and as a result, we leave no space for all the GOODNESS that the Spirit has in store for us. It is an act of our will to either surrender ours to the Spirit, or we deprive ourselves of the will of Him who desires to give us the very best!SURRENDER becomes the key word here, a word that few people like. As Christ followers, it means letting go of one’s desires to seek and embrace the will of God. It involves our surrender to the lordship of Jesus, just as Jesus did to God the Father when He embraced His Father’s will to die for us on the cross. We should place Jesus in the first place and at the centre of our lives just as Jesus did to His Father, especially during His public ministry. Acknowledging and repenting from our sins unlocks the first door towards a genuine surrender to the lordship of Jesus. As we turn to God and surrender our lives, the Spirit fills us with new life. Jesus said to us “He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water’” (John 7:38)True surrender is not simply surrendering of exterior things, but to surrender our will. While God desires that we surrender our will to Him because it is for our own benefit, He never imposes His desire upon us. This is the basis of His unconditional love for us. To surrender means to stop resisting and start submitting; to hide or fight no more but to empty oneself to make room for the Spirit to act. It requires us to let go of taking control of our lives. It necessitates a humble acceptance on our part that we just cannot control the outcomes of so many things in life. To waste time wrestling with them will only escalate our stress level and make us worry about too many things (cf. Luke 10:38-42). We will feel a huge relief and a renewed freedom when we refuse to grapple with things that we cannot change. The more areas we allow the Spirit to take over, including those areas we think we can control, the easier our lives will become. The resulting growth of our faith in God transforms us into a person who lives in the moment to savor life more fully, radiates with joy and gratitude as we feel the wonders of God more readily, acts tenderly out of love rather than fear, and cooperates more completely with the Spirit to do the Father’s will.After all, surrender is not just a concept but a lifestyle. It is about our decision to make Jesus Lord and King of our lives. The moment we take Christ off His throne in our hearts, we limit the Spirit’s power and influence in our lives. The process of surrendering requires us to first place Jesus at the centre of our lives, to obey Jesus by keeping His commandments, and then to permit the Spirit to take control of our lives. Everything should begin with a humble and penitent heart, together with a deep desire to abide in the Father as His beloved child.Like everything else that is worth doing, there is a price to pay in choosing to surrender. But since our God is a faithful God, we should not be afraid but be courageous in entrusting God with every outcome that He permits. If He did not spare His only begotten Son, there is absolutely nothing that prevents Him from giving us His best! His love for us never fails!Surrender is the only way to walk intimately with God. Let us strive to maintain an unbroken fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit.REFLECTIONWhere in your life is God asking you to surrender?Is there anything in your life that is bigger than God?TODAY’S PRAYERLoving Father, I surrender to You today with all my heart and soul. Please come into my heart in a deeper way. I say “Yes” to You today. I open all the secret places of my heart to You and say, “Come on in.” Jesus You are the Lord of my whole life. I believe in You and receive You as my Lord and Saviour. I hold nothing back. Holy Spirit, bring me to deeper conversion to the person of Jesus Christ....
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  • Day 8 – The Spirit Empowers Us to Serve Others
    Yesterday our theme was “The Spirit Empowers Us to Witness for Christ” and today’s theme is “The Spirit Empowers Us to Serve Others”. In fact, these are the two great commissions by Jesus to us as His followers. He did not leave us to figure out how to accomplish those two missions on our own. He has given us His Spirit to guide us and to empower us along the way. In witnessing for Christ, the Spirit leads us to encounter Jesus and the Father, and by sharing with others our ENCOUNTERS with God, we evangelize most effectively. In serving others, Jesus grants us service gifts through the Holy Spirit to provide us the resources and power so that we can serve one another effectively. These are the two major dimensions of how the Spirit empowers us in life.Today, we will focus on these service gifts. Service gifts, or “Charisms”, are by nature other-focused instead of self-serving. Please note that these are not the same as the seven “Sanctifying Gifts” (Isaiah 11) that we received in Baptism and Confirmation. While those seven sanctifying gifts are meant to make us holy by completing and perfecting the virtues of those who receive them (cf. CCC 1830-1831), service gifts are meant to be used for serving others, and in doing so, lead others to Christ in a way that is beyond our natural human abilities. While there are only seven sanctifying gifts, there are a great variety of service gifts that the Spirit can give us. These charisms are freely and uniquely given to each of us, rather than the same set of gifts being given to everyone. The Spirit distributes these gifts according to our roles, missions and needs. There are service gifts that are extraordinary in nature, for example, miracles, prophecies, healing, tongues, etc., or seemingly ordinary gifts, such as, hospitality, encouragement, pastoring, teaching, etc., that, when exercised, are supernaturally empowered and effective in bringing about God’s love and purposes. “To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10)It is important to note that charisms are not indicators of how holy we are, no matter how spectacular it seems when we exercise those charisms. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord and follow the prompting of the Spirit, we learn to become more effective channels of God’s power and love for others. As gifts, charisms cannot be acquired through our own efforts. Instead, we should discover the gifts that the Lord has already given us. By discovering, discerning and putting into practice the unique combination of service gifts that the Spirit has given us, we can fulfill the missions that God has called us to accomplish.As charisms are gifts and not indications of our accomplishments or level of holiness, we should not be shy to ask for gifts should there be needs in a community that are not fulfilled. It is not prideful for us to ask the Spirit for gifts in order to serve others, nor does it imply that we are not content with the gifts we have already been given. St. Paul said, “Make love your aim and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts.” (1 Corinthians 14:1) What St. Paul was teaching us is that as long as we are motivated by love, that we sincerely desire to serve others out of love instead of for personal gain, we should ask the Spirit for more gifts. God willing, He will grant us the gifts we need to serve others and let them experience His great love and power.After all, St. Paul told us that we are in the same Body of Christ. God does not entrust us with individual missions that are disconnected from other members of the community. We are not called to work on individual projects. Just as body parts are given unique abilities to function well to serve the whole body, the missions and functions assigned to us are part of the bigger picture, the shared vision to build the Kingdom of God within the cities of men. There is no differentiation of classes or ranks within this One Body. We are all equal in God’s eyes. Flowing through the Body is LOVE. It is Love, who is the Spirit, that bonds us together! Jesus, being the Head and the Commander in Chief, gives orders to us according to the Father’s will. Everyone works with the rest of the members in harmony, with respect and love for one another. The Holy Spirit acts like the nerves, or communication system within the body, carrying the signals from the head to each of us, and like the circulatory system, bringing us the necessary nourishment to sustain us in life through trials and tribulations, or even persecutions. If we detach ourselves from the body, which consists of the head ...
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  • Day 7 – The Spirit Empowers Us to Witness for Christ
    From time to time, we all have something we would like to share with others: gifts for others for a special occasion; something good or amazing that we have come across, like good products or bargains. We also share our important experiences and memories, stories and inspirations, or our new ideas. Sharing makes us feel good and improves our relationships because we focus on the wellbeing of others by sharing something good. In short, we share important things with those important to us.Whenever we share, if we genuinely desire the wellbeing of others, we want to make sure what we are sharing is accurate, is true or at least what we believe in. And if we want others to buy into what we believe, we bear witness for what we firmly believe in, hoping others will be convinced as a result. In the spiritual arena, we call this sharing bearing witness to others about our faith and the Good News! And as our faith becomes stronger, the desire to share and bear witness about the Good News also grows stronger. There are different levels of effectiveness in how we share our faith with others. If we want others to believe in what we have experienced, we want to share those experiences that represent significant moments in our faith journey. We share our conversion stories, especially those through which we were transformed. Those moments are called our ENCOUNTERS with God with any Person of the Holy Trinity.So, once we have experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, it is only natural for us to share with others such wonderful encounters we have had with God. Through our personal testimonies, the Spirit is able to touch people’s hearts through us, leading them to think “If such an amazing encounter with God is possible for others, it may be possible for me, and I want it too.” As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, we will have multiple encounters with Him. When there is a chance to give a personal testimony, we ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us which of our encounters with the Lord will most benefit the person or the audience. And surely the Holy Spirit will lead us as we speak for Him.Before the Ascension of Jesus, He commissioned His disciples to go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Jesus told them to be witnesses of who He was and what had happened to Him. (cf. Luke 24:46-48) We should do what Jesus has commanded us to do not only by giving witness to all these things, but also by telling others what Jesus our Saviour means to us and what He has done for us personally. What we share will open others’ eyes and hearts, especially those of unbelievers, because their eyes have not seen and ears have not heard. That is why the Church needs witnesses! This is the way of the Lord in sending out witnesses throughout the world to testify for Him in front of others. This is exactly what all the saints throughout the ages had done before us, even as they faced trials and persecutions. In fact, the word “martyr” came from the Greek word “μάρτυς” meaning “witness”. Giving witnesses is especially effective in the postmodern world.St. Pope Paul VI taught us that: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses,” (41, Evangeli Nuntiandi) Just as we share our hearts when presenting gifts to others, bearing witness is nothing but a self-giving act of love to others, calling to mind the cost all the martyrs had paid for witnessing for Christ. It is surely not about showing off that we are better than others, but a genuine desire for the best and welfare of others. We are not presenting ourselves as perfect individuals, as only God is perfect. We convince others as they see the transformation in us after we have proclaimed that Jesus is Lord of our lives.Cardinal Emmanuel Célestin Suhard:"To be a witness does not consist in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist."Today’s popular culture has taught us to share everything on social media. Unfortunately, it seems that the focuses of our sharing are mainly on food, purchases, leisure activities, and all sorts of entertainment and material possessions. The whole human race is starving from true spiritual food from above. Our witnesses and faith stories are what we need to add to the mix!The world needs witnesses and prophets to open their eyes to God, and the world is thirsting for faithful witnesses. As Christians, we have experienced the love of God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The most natural and responsible thing for us to do is to bear witness to all nations for God and be ambassadors of Christ to one another!REFLECTIONAm I excited about my faith? Do I have the desire to share with others the love of God and my personal encounter with Jesus?Have I been ...
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  • Day 6 – The Spirit Speaks to Us
    We all have a mission on earth. By becoming who God wants us to be is how we can achieve that mission most effectively. And through completing our mission that we can most effectively be sanctified. The Spirit is entrusted with the mission to bring us close to the Father and the Son, to help us learn the truth and discern our mission on earth, to guide us to observe what Jesus has commanded us, and to attentively do the Father’s will. As mentioned yesterday, our role is to become the Spirit’s collaborator. We are in the same team and the Spirit is the leader. Being a team player requires us to stay connected and communicate with Him constantly. And there is no better way to communicate with Him than prayer. That is why when the Holy Spirit is active in our lives, we have a new desire for prayer. As a result, there is usually a change in our prayer experience. One significant change is our desire to listen to God in prayer, rather than just to speak non-stop.We often hear people complaining about not being able to hear God’s voice. But logic tells us that the Spirit being the perfect leader, He surely desires to speak to us. Not that He only wants to give us instructions but He first desires to relate to us personally through His words.Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)God the Holy Spirit, being sent to us by Jesus as our Advocate, builds the same kind of “Shepherd-sheep” relationship with us. In order to be safe, we, as sheep, need to learn to recognize the Spirit’s voice in our lives. One strong sign that we allow the Spirit to be active in our lives is that we have a new desire to hear His voice. This desire naturally leads us to spending more time in prayer. It is how we can stay connected to Him, like the branches connected to the Vine.The safest way to cultivate this prayer life is to pray with the Scripture, which is God’s Word. Studying the Word becomes not a burden but almost like a dating experience as we desire to know more about God and to nurture an intimate relationship with Him. The Scripture becomes alive, like God speaking to us personally. We feel the connection, and the texts become more relevant to our lives. Scriptures we have heard numerous times before take on new meaning and clarity. Having sudden and profound new enlightenments and deeper insights into the Christian mysteries are not uncommon among those whose lives are filled with the Spirit.For any relationship to thrive, it needs to be maintained, which requires investment of our time and effort. It is even more crucial as we nurture the most important relationship of all, one with the everliving God. Such a relationship cannot be driven by our impulses or preferences but with consistent effort and discipline. Our common enemies are “busyness” and “distractions”. Satan likes to inject noises into our lives to distract us from listening attentively to God. Only in silence and in solitude can we feel the strongest presence of God. Please do not be fooled by believing that praying on the road and on the job will suffice. And never let busyness steal God away from you. Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy - then we need an hour.” —— St. Francis de Sales As our prayer life matures and our relationship with God becomes intimate, we begin to realize that God speaks to us in many different ways through countless means. If we are attentive enough, we find God in all things. He just can’t get enough of us! With a discerning heart, we begin to understand God more readily and truly know His voice. Discerning and following God’s will become easier in life. Sacraments help us to sustain our prayer life, especially the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Instituted by Jesus Himself for us, these Sacraments are our lifelines connecting us to the Vine. A genuine relationship is, after all, a commitment. The mutual commitment in a relationship is what makes it beautiful. A healthy relationship requires effort from both sides. An unbalanced relationship is one that is shaky. God is so serious about our relationship that He has established covenants with us. Whenever we cry for help, God is there for us, acting and responding to our needs. And He always keeps His covenant. As we listen to God, we should pay Him the same respect, receiving His words by listening to as well as acting on them. This is what real listening is all about. If we do not take actions on what God is telling us, why should we expect God to answer us when we call for help?REFLECTIONAm I worried about too many things, and constantly occupied with too many distractions and noises?How am I going to create a space to listen to God’s voice?Do I tend to speak instead of listen when I pray? Do I truly believe in and act on what God is telling me, especially through the Bible?TODAY’S PRAYERDear Holy Spirit, You ...
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  • Day 5 – The Spirit makes us Holy
    On Day 2 of this retreat, we said that when the Holy Spirit is active in our lives, we begin to have a new desire for holiness and a new thirst for prayers, reading the Scripture and receiving Sacraments. Today, we will talk about how the Holy Spirit makes us holy. Please note that we are not saying “how we make ourselves holy” but rather “how the Spirit makes us holy”. There is a huge difference between the two. As we mentioned in our Pentecost retreat last year, attaining holiness is simply beyond what we can achieve by our own power. There is no single formula or set program to follow. Just as we cannot change others no matter how hard we try, we also need the humility to admit that we cannot change ourselves without the help of the Spirit. This is not a statement of hopelessness, but a great relief for all of us. It is the Spirit’s job to change us and to mold us. All we need to do is not to resist Him as we surrender ourselves to allow the Spirit to “operate” on us. Simply put: We should resist the temptation to attain holiness by ourselves. Let us be reminded that the Holy Spirit has more desire to sanctify us than ourselves. Our role is to become His collaborator. What we can offer is our openness, humility, and our willingness to be changed. This change in attitude makes possible the Spirit's work upon us to sanctify us.On our path to holiness, we will experience deeper conversion along the way. “This is often manifested in a newfound authority to resist sinful tendencies, a freedom from addictions or deep-rooted patterns of sin, and the healing of relationships, especially in marriage and family. Growth in holiness becomes less a matter of self-striving and more a yielding to the Holy Spirit. There is a new awakened attentiveness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, which leads to a deeper obedience to the Lord.” (Extracted from Pages 18-19 of the book “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” by the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Doctrinal Commission) The Spirit formed us in our mother’s womb according to the Father’s design. When the Spirit looks at us, He does not focus on our past sins and present weaknesses. He sees how beautiful we will become when we are fully open to His transforming power. He knows how we can reach our full potential in order to accomplish God’s mission for us on earth. As such, there is no better way to attain holiness, that is to become the person we are called to be, than listening to and following the prompts of the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to let go of control, following our own agenda or else the Spirit cannot enter into our lives to work on us. At our baptism, the seven sanctifying gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us to mold and transform us into the image and likeness of God. (Note: 7 sanctifying gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.) By abiding in God like branches remaining in the Vine (cf. John 15:1-11), these gifts will help us bear great fruits. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) How well we cooperate with the Holy Spirit in using the seven sanctifying gifts for holiness can be gauged by how fruitful we are in bearing the fruit of the Spirit. It is really the evidence of our sanctification.Every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit. (Matthew 7:17-18)A healthy trait of someone thirsting for holiness is to follow role models. It is a sign of humility to be willing to be led. Saints, especially Mother Mary, offer us great examples that Holiness is possible in all circumstances, even amidst extreme sufferings and persecutions. It offers us hope as we struggle our way through trials and tribulations of our own. Here, the sanctifying gifts of wisdom and knowledge guide us in choosing which Saints to follow as we desire to choose God over earthly things, God’s will over my will.Remember, personal sanctification is a unique spiritual journey on our way back to the Father’s House. It is not a race nor can it be compared with those of others. When God calls us to be perfect, what He hopes for is that we become who He wants us to be, which is our final destination.“Perfection is reached not so much by external conformity to an ideal as by inner faithfulness to God's inspirations.” – Fr. Jacques PhilippeREFLECTIONIt is good to examine on a daily basis how well we have done in terms of bearing the Fruit of the Spirit. Making this a habit greatly helps us to grow in holiness. Was I loving and kind to my family members? Did I show patience and gentleness to those who have offended me?Did I remain joyful and peaceful as I went through trials and tribulations?TODAY’S PRAYERDear Holy Spirit, thank you for your perfect example of what it means to ...
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  • Day 4 – The Spirit praises the Father and Jesus in us
    As our relationship with each Person of the Holy Trinity gets closer and we know our own identity better, the Holy Spirit becomes more active in our lives. People around us see noticeable changes in us because we are being molded and we can also feel the difference. Our prayer life begins to evolve from a purely petitional or intercessory style, which tends to be like a monologue, to one that is more relational. That is, we converse with and relate to God more for who He is, rather than focusing on what He can do for us. And for what He has done for us, we become more grateful.As our relationship with God continues to grow, praising God out of gratitude becomes a natural response to our overall experience of God as a loving Father, and as our saving Lord. That explains the numerous accounts of people praising God in the Bible.Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)However, for many of us, we find ourselves praising God only when we are told or feel obligated to do so, for example, during the liturgies. Praising God out of obligation or without a genuine heart is not meaningful to us. On the other hand, praising God with conviction and the right attitude can intensify our intimacy with God, and thus have a transforming effect on us!The Spirit helps activate our habit of praising GodTypically, we praise others when we are grateful to them. When we face difficulties in life, we are often reminded to count our blessings. It is done so that we can be made aware of God’s graces and providence in our lives, and we become more grateful, hopeful and joyful as a result. Such intentionality will slowly become natural the more we taste the goodness of God through a more frequent and deeper encounter of God’s love led by the Spirit. As this “mechanism of gratefulness” is activated by the Spirit, we praise God more. At the same time, the Spirit joins us in our praises. As we praise more, the Spirit’s presence in our lives becomes stronger.In the end, praising God is not a task to be completed. Rather, it will become a habit, or even a way of living. As we praise God out of a heart of gratitude, we fix our gaze on the loving care and power of God, rather than our weaknesses, deficiencies, and sinfulness. It helps us to overlook our brokenness while lifting our spirit and soul to our Almighty God.Praising God gives us JoyWhile God doesn’t need our praises, He wants more of us! As we praise God, it engages our heart and our being more than just our mind, which helps us connect to God more readily. As we become more present and closer to God, it brings Him great joy! Reciprocally, as we remain in His love, His joy will be in us and our joy will be complete. That is the ultimate goal of God for us according to Jesus. (cf. John 15:10-11)Praising God gives us New LensesPraising God “opens doors” to blessings from above in times of troubles. Not that blessings are absent at times of trials but our eyes and hearts close in to make us blind to blessings as we focus our attention only on the imminent hurdles and sufferings. Praising God helps us refocus our gazes on God, turning our inward-looking self-centred mode back to other-focused Christ-Centred mode. As we praise God, we are also giving the Spirit permission to act upon us. When He acts, both healings and miracles begin to happen! And signs and wonders begin to accompany our works. “About midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God as the prisoners listened, there was suddenly such a severe earthquake that the foundations of the jail shook; all the doors flew open, and the chains of all were pulled loose.” (Acts 16:25-26)Here we can witness that not only does praising God bring us joy and hope amidst sufferings, but God also responds and accompanies us with miracles and wonders! And we begin to taste what it is like when the Spirit lives and acts in and through us. That is the reason why it is even more important to praise God during trials and storms in our lives!Praising God unifies us before GodAs we sing praises to God together, we can have a very edifying experience when our different voices blend together harmoniously. It unifies us and helps break barriers of our differences. It brings tremendous joy to God to see us in perfect communion, enjoying each other’s company and abiding in Him. As you can imagine, praising God together can intensify our encounter with God. It is like singing together with all the angels and saints, giving us a real taste of Heaven on earth.Most important of all, praising God helps tune our hearts to the movement of the Holy Spirit, which makes us more attentive to His prompts and inspirations. And by humbling ourselves to receive His divine empowerment, the Spirit helps conform us to the Father’s will!REFLECTIONHave you been grateful to God by giving Him praises in your life? Please spend some time to reflect on that and see how you can do ...
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  • Day 3 – The Spirit leads us closer to the Father and Jesus
    Just as Jesus was sent by God the Father with a mission to enter into humanity by becoming human Himself, to dwell among us and to relate personally to us, the Holy Spirit was sent by God the Father and God the Son to enter into our lives by dwelling within us and working through us. While the Spirit manifests Himself very differently than Jesus, His presence does not eclipse the role of the Father and of the Son in our lives. In fact, very much the opposite, He leads us closer to the Father and the Son. In a nutshell, the Spirit is commissioned to convict us, confirm us, and conform us to God. Let us elaborate more on each of these.When the Holy Spirit is active in our lives, one of the first things He does is to awaken us from our unbelief and convict us in regard to sin (cf. John 16:8). The goal is not to leave us in despair and hopelessness, but rather, to convince us that we need a Saviour and we have hope. Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of our lives. When the Spirit comes and fills us, immediately things like scales will fall from our eyes. The Spirit reveals to us the true motives and the effects of our sins.When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our perception of Jesus changes. He is no longer a historical figure from 2000 years ago who left us nothing but moral rules and boundaries. Our personal encounters with Jesus allow us to experience Him as the true Saviour and Lord who is alive and active in our lives today. ‘No one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit’ (1 Cor 12: 3)The Spirit then confirms us as beloved children of God through adoption into the family of God; “and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). That means whatever belongs to God and to Christ belongs to us! Unbelievable and unthinkable! If this does not wow you, think again! ‘When we cry, “Abba! Father!”, it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God.’ (Roman 8:15-16) Yet, when we call “our Father” every time we say the Lord’s Prayer, this relationship with our Heavenly Father is oftentimes based on a vague image of this Heavenly Father, or on an intellectual understanding of Him. And this relationship is normally affected by our relationship with our earthly father, which, for some of us, might be unaffectionate and distant in nature. Past wounds and the secular culture of transaction-based love relationships may prompt us to believe that we need to earn the Father’s love, which is against God’s compassionate nature, and that contributes to our inability to relate to God as a good Father. However, when the Holy Spirit is active in our lives, we very often experience an overwhelming sense of God’s love for us, surpassing anything that we can ever earn or deserve. The power of the Father’s love can fill any void which was a result of love deprivation in our own lives, making us whole again.Lastly, the Spirit conforms us into the image of God, teaches us how to behave and lead a righteous life. He empowers us to conform our way of living to that of Jesus, who is a perfect image of God. The Spirit supplies us with everything we need to live a more abundant life (cf. John 10:10) as Christ’s followers towards holiness.REFLECTIONWhat is your image of the Heavenly Father? Is He a loving Father or an unapproachable figure? Can you feel the love of the Father in your heart, or is it more head knowledge?How has your relationship with your earthly father affected how you see your Heavenly Father?TODAY’S PRAYERCome, Holy Spirit! Dwell in me and transform me! I know You desire to guide me to form an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father and Jesus and it is Your will for me to experience the realness and power of God. Yet, I am weak and I need your help. Open my eyes to see clearly, and my ears to listen attentively to Your holy prompt. I place my trust in You. I give You the permission to mold me and transform me into the image and likeness of God. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen!Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse.My beloved child, please know that I am here for you, I am never beyond reach. My love for you is gentle as a dove. Never stay away from me, as I never for you. With your permission, I will do everything I can to lead you closer to me, to Jesus, and to the Father. Thank you for placing your complete trust in me. I love you always!Novena to the Holy Spirit:Invocation Prayer to the Holy SpiritCome Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, and console me. Tell me what to do, direct my every choice. I promise to submit myself to all you desire of me and to accept all that you permit to happen to me. Let me only know your will. Grant this through Christ Our Lord. ...
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