
  • S01E03 Yule Tide with Mia Cassidy Prall
    In the third (Christmasy themed) episode of Two Guys One Paper, we drank some Danish Christmas gløgg with Mia Cassidy Prall. She explained her recent research paper on social flood vulnerability and how she approaches collaborations. Mia is an industrial PhD fellow in the Centre for Blue Governance Research Group at Aalborg University with the Danish Coastal Authority. You can read her open access paper "A comprehensive approach for assessing social flood vulnerability and social flood risk: The case of Denmark" in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104686.The work has also been featured on the Aalborg Univeristy website here: https://www.plan.aau.dk/new-research-leads-to-the-inclusion-of-vulnerable-groups-in-flood-risk-assessments-n125342.
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    39 分
  • S01E02 Roundfishotto with Giovanni Codotto
    In the second episode of Two Guys One Paper, Tom and Furqan chat with our colleague Giovanni Codotto, a final year PhD fellow in the Life Cycle Sustainability Research Group at Aalborg University, about his first research paper entitled “Model uncertainty versus variability in the life cycle assessment of commercial fisheries” published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. He also talks about collaborating across different research groups and disciplines. His open access paper also acheived the gold-gold data openness badge. You can read the paper here: https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13453.
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    39 分
  • S01E01 - How the sausage was made with Aksel Bang
    In our first episode of Two Guys One Paper, Tom and Furqan talk with Aksel Bang about his first research paper on regional carbon capture and use in Northern Denmark and he shares his thoughts on publishing for the first time. Aksel is a PhD fellow in the Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group at Aalborg University. You can read his open access paper titled "Regional CCUS strategies in the context of a fully decarbonized society" in the Journal of Cleaner Production here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.143882
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    48 分
  • S01E00 - Introducing Two Guys One Paper
    Welcome to our brand new podcast called Two Guys One Paper hosted by Tom Elliot and Furqan Asif.

    In this short introductory episode we explain who we, what the podcast is about and why we're starting it.

    In the following episodes you’ll hear discussions with PhD students including their research on smart energy systems, uncertainty in life cycle assessment modelling of fisheries, and social flood vulnerability and climate adaptation.

    We're open to feedback, so for any suggestions on how to make the podcast more open and inclusive or for any other feedback please reach out.

    Happy listening!
    -Tom and Furqan

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    5 分