I learned recently that despite my previous thinking that EVERY introvert must be managing their energy all day long like I am (because people drain introverts), for me, energy management is a much bigger issue.
You see, I learned recently that I'm an Enneagram 5 and because of this, I start my days with a battery life that’s half as full as everyone else’s.
I completely agree with this assessment and yet, I still manage to get a lot done per day despite this now apparent setback in my life.
It got me thinking that if I can manage my energy to make alllll the things happen in my life despite it not being natural for me, then I can help YOU too.
(In case you're new here, when I say I do "allllthe things", I mean that I’m currently a SAHM of a 1-year-old and very active 8-year-old who runs a coaching business during nap times, on evenings and on weekends. I was also once a single mom who had a full-time job, built my coaching business at night and was dating my now-husband 45 minutes away. I also don't drink ANY caffeine!)
What I share on today’s podcast as my energy-boosting tips aren’t your traditional ones of getting more sleep, eating better, exercising or looking at potentially bigger health problems.
Instead, today’s tips are non-conventional in that they’re ones you may have NEVER thought could help you in order to create more energy in your day-to-day life.
Be sure to listen to the “BOOST YOUR ENERGY” episode above to get my top tips!