
  • Weekend Ambassador Review Scripture - Luke Overview of Luke - Prog 18, 14, 19- Prog 17

    On the ⁠Unchanging Word Bible Broadcast Ambassador ⁠Weekend review with our teacher Dr. John G. Mitchell we continue in the book of Luke. This is the 17th installment of the Gospels review.

    Let's join Dr. Mitchell now as he continues his overview of the book of Luke in chapters 8-14-19 to take a look at Jesus our Savior, who seeks and saves sinners and casts out demons.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12:25-29 - See to It that We Do Not Refuse Him Who Speaks From Heaven - Prog 70

    Welcome to the Unchanging Word Bible broadcast. We will be studying Hebrews 12:25-29.

    In this passage, we are presented with a God who will be shaking, not only the earth, but also the heavens. The scripture says God will speak with His voice.

    Dr. Mitchell brings out how in verse 26 these words are the assurance of God's judgment. The author of Hebrews is quoting these words from the O.T. prophet of Haggai 2:6.

    And the encouragement we are presented with is that believers in Christ cannot be shaken and will received a kingdom which also cannot be shaken. It alone will remain when all is said and done.

    So we are exhorted to receive grace for serving God in the mean time with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire.

    Dr.Mitchell will lead us through this passage, so let's turn to Hebrews 12:25 as we begin.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12: 18-24 - The Shed Blood of Jesus Speaks Better Things Than the Loud Sounds at Sinai - Prog 69

    Our study in this lesson shows the difference between the old covenant of the law compared to the grace of God provided by Jesus at the cross with His blood of the new covenant.

    Dr. Mitchell brings to our attention that no one can be saved by keeping the law. He points out that only one man ever perfectly and sinlessly kept the whole law. That was Jesus Christ. And now that Christ has come as our savior from the law, we don't need the law. We now are saved by grace through faith. This salvation by grace through faith is all from God, both as to it's means and it's result.

    In contrast to Mt. Sinai is Mt. Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem. Dr. Mitchell reads the 8 things in verses 22-24 to which the believer has now come by grace.

    Let's open our Bible to Hebrews 12:18 on the Unchanging Word Bible broadcast.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12:15-17 - The Fifth Warning : Beware of an Attitude of Indifference to the Claims of Christ - Prog 68

    Welcome to the Hebrews study on the Unchanging Word Bible broadcast.

    Turning to Hebrews 12:15, Dr. Mitchell will be looking at a few verses dealing with the failure of not receiving the grace of God.

    Doing so can lead to a bitter spirit. There is a danger of such a spirit spreading abroad and affecting others.

    The author of Hebrews then gives us an example of one who had such a spirit.

    Dr. Mitchell shares with us the background of Esau, the brother of Jacob. He is presented as one who was indifferent to God's purpose for his life. Dr. Mitchell explains the word, "profane" as written in the KJV describing Esau. The meaning is different to what one may understand it's meaning today.

    We appreciate you being here with us. We do ask for your prayer support for this ministry. The ministry of the Word of God to this present generation is so vital.

    So, thank your prayer support!

    Here is Dr. Mitchell, Hebrews 12:15.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12:5-14 - The Father's Discipline Yields Both Peace and Righteousness To Those Trained By It - Prog 67

    In Hebrews 12:5-14, we will be learning that God the Father disciplines those whom He loves so as to produce both peace, righteousness and His holiness in one's life.

    Dr. Mitchell brings out the fact that God's discipline brings one into conformity to God's will. His will becomes our will.

    This is proof that we belong to Him. It is also said, that if one is without discipline, that one may not be a son of God.

    We are reminded of the difference between the chastening by ones earthly parents and that which comes from God the Father.

    The question is asked by the author, shall we not be subject to the Father of spirits and live?

    So, Dr. Mitchell exhorts us to consider what our attitude should be when being disciplined by God.

    Let's turn to Hebrews 12:5 here on the Unchanging Word Bible broadcast.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12:3-6 - Consider Jesus Who Endured Opposition - Prog 66

    The focus on the Unchanging Word Bible broadcast continues in Hebrew 12:3. In this study Dr. Mitchell presents our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, as a pattern in suffering. Jesus despised the shame and endured the cross because of the joy set before Him.

    In this passage, the believers are exhorted to consider Him who endured such contradictions of sinners against Himself so that we may not become weary in our daily life and struggles.

    We will hear about discipline or heavenly chastisement. The question is asked, "Why does God discipline His family?"

    Dr. Mitchell gives us two answers.

    One has to do with the upbuilding of His family and the other is to purify their faith. God does these things because He love us. God wants us to be educated and purified.

    Let's join Dr. Mitchell in Hebrews 12:3 as we learn more about our God and savior.

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  • Weekend Ambassador Review Scripture - Luke 7 Overview of Luke - Prog 16

    On the ⁠Unchanging Word Bible Broadcast Ambassador ⁠Weekend review with our teacher Dr. John G. Mitchell we continue in the book of Luke. We'll be camping chapter 7 in this 16th installment .of the Gospels review.

    Let's join Dr. Mitchell now as he continues his overview of the book of Luke chapter 7 to take a look at Jesus our Savior who welcomes sinners.

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  • Epistle of Hebrews 12:1-2 - Run the Race with Endurance Looking Unto Jesus the Author and Perfecter of Faith - Prog 65

    In ⁠Hebrews 12:1-2⁠, the author of Hebrews exhorts us to lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.

    He then says, Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

    If you are familiar with the Indianapolis 500 car race, you know that the pace car goes out ahead of the racers to start the race. And at the end of the race, the checkered flag is waved for every racer crossing the finish line.

    Jesus is our pace car who goes out ahead of us. But then He also continues along side of us all the way until we complete our race.

    Jesus is also the one who waves in every believer across the finish line with the checkered flag of victory. Our race will be finished when He comes from heaven for us.

    As we run the race of faith, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus.


    Because He is both the author and perfecter of faith, both of His and ours.

    Dr. Mitchell states that Jesus' faith was perfected with His suffering at the cross and resurrection and is proof that we also will stand perfect and complete before Him just as He stands before God His Father.

    Did not God the Father say to Him, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased?"

    Amen, What a savior!

    Here is Dr. Mitchell, ⁠Hebrews 12:1-2⁠.

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