Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unveiling Secrets: A Triumph in the Frozen Ruins of Spiši Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-19-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Zimný vietor prepadal cez starobylé ruiny v Spiši, ktorý bol pokrytý snehom ako biela perina.En: The winter wind swept through the ancient ruins in Spiši, which was covered with snow like a white quilt.Sk: Matej sa nechal uniesť vzrušením a kráčal opatrne medzi kamenistými zvyškami dávnej minulosti.En: Matej was carried away by excitement and walked carefully among the stony remnants of ancient times.Sk: Jeho ruky sa chveli, ale nie len od chladu.En: His hands trembled, but not just from the cold.Sk: Pred týždňom si bol istý, že tu nájde niečo významné.En: A week ago, he was certain that he would find something significant here.Sk: Niečo, čo by mohlo zmeniť jeho kariéru.En: Something that could change his career.Sk: Jeho kolegovia, najmä Lukáš, však boli skeptickí.En: His colleagues, especially Lukáš, however, were skeptical.Sk: „Nie je tu nič, čo by stálo za ten chlad,“ povedal Lukáš stále mrzuto.En: "There's nothing here worth the cold," Lukáš said grumpily.Sk: „Toto miesto už bolo preskúmané toľkokrát.En: "This place has been explored so many times."Sk: “Jana, tichá a pracovitá, na rozdiel od Lukáša, prejavila viac podpory Matejovým ambíciám.En: Jana, quiet and diligent, unlike Lukáš, showed more support for Matej's ambitions.Sk: „Keď si myslíš, že tu niečo je, mali by sme to skúsiť,“ povedala svojim jemným hlasom.En: "If you think there's something here, we should give it a try," she said in her gentle voice.Sk: Matej vedel, že teraz alebo nikdy.En: Matej knew it was now or never.Sk: Zima však bola nemilosrdná.En: However, the winter was relentless.Sk: Samotný nástroj, ktorý držal, bol klzký a studený.En: The very tool he held was slippery and cold.Sk: No jeho rozhodnutie bolo pevné.En: But his decision was firm.Sk: Pokračovali s Janinou pomocou, trúdiac sa vrakom a rozhrabávajúc zem zmrazenej krajiny.En: With Jana's help, they continued trudging through the wreckage and digging through the frozen earth.Sk: Po mnohých hodinách únavnej, no nesmierne starostlivej práce si konečne všimol niečo, čo upútalo jeho pozornosť.En: After many hours of tiring but extremely careful work, he finally noticed something that caught his attention.Sk: Vo svetle poobedňajšieho slnka, ktoré sa odrážalo od snehu, sa objavila malá časť kovu.En: In the light of the afternoon sun, reflecting off the snow, a small piece of metal appeared.Sk: Matejovo srdce sa rozbúchalo.En: Matej's heart raced.Sk: Bol takmer neschopný dýchať.En: He was almost unable to breathe.Sk: „Mám to!En: "I've got it!"Sk: “ zvolal Matej, a jeho vzrušenie sa rozlievalo k Janinej chuti na okamžitú pomoc.En: shouted Matej, and his excitement spilled over to Jana's eagerness to help immediately.Sk: Lukáš, teraz neskrývajúc svoj záujem, pribehol bližšie.En: Lukáš, now unable to hide his interest, came closer.Sk: Ale bolo ťažké tú relikviu vyhrabať.En: But it was difficult to excavate the relic.Sk: Mrazivá zem bola tvrdá ako kameň, ale s odhodlaním a trpezlivosťou sa im podarilo uvoľniť kúsok starobylého artefaktu.En: The frozen ground was as hard as stone, but with determination and patience, they managed to free a piece of the ancient artifact.Sk: Bola to zlatá spona, prekrásny kúsok histórie, ktorá dokázala jeho teóriu.En: It was a golden brooch, a beautiful piece of history that proved his theory.Sk: Zvyšok tímu sa zbehol a ich skeptické hlasy sa premenili na obdiv.En: The rest of the team gathered, and their skeptical voices turned into admiration.Sk: Matej cítil ako získal rešpekt svojich kolegov.En: Matej felt he had earned the respect of his colleagues.Sk: Jana mu podala ruku na gratuláciu.En: Jana offered him her hand in congratulations.Sk: „Veľká práca, Matej,“ usmiala sa, vďačná, že ho podporila.En: "Great job, Matej," she smiled, grateful she had supported him.Sk: Matej bol plný nového sebavedomia.En: Matej was filled with new confidence.Sk: Pochopil, ako je dôležité dôverovať svojim inštinktom.En: He understood the importance of trusting his instincts.Sk: Tiež si uvedomil, aká cenná je spolupráca a podpora od ľudí ako Jana.En: He also realized how valuable collaboration and support from people like Jana are.Sk: Noc zakrývala Spiš tichým závojom, ako sa tí traja vrátili k tábore, vedomí si skvelého prípadu, ktorý spôsobili v histórii.En: Night covered Spiš with a quiet veil, as the three of them returned to the camp, aware of the remarkable mark they had made in history. Vocabulary Words:swept: prepadalancient: starobyléruins: ruinyquilt: perinaremnants: zvyškytrembled: chvelisignificant: významnéskeptical: skeptickígrumpily: ...