Welcome to Season 1 of "Vibe Austin," a new podcast from founding_media that explores and celebrates the amazing, unique culture of Austin, Texas.
We kick off Season 1 with a conversation between our hosts, Dan Dillard and Mark Strub, and Austin-based musician Gordy Quist. As a singer-songwriter and member of "Band of Heathens," Gordy has been involved in Austin's live music community for many years. The three Austinites sit down to talk about what Austin means to them, how it has evolved over the years, and what aspects of Austin culture they hold closest to their hearts. And they throw in some great food and music recommendations, too!
Thank you to our sponsors:
Austin Title https://www.austintitle.com/
Haus of Strub https://strub.com/
NEST Financial nestfinancial.net
Vista Lending https://www.vistaaustin.com/
This is a founding_media Production: http://foundingmedia.com/