Have you always wanted to create web applications, websites and more but do not have the patience to sit down and learn how to code? Today we’ll be discussing about No-Code, Low Code and the movement around these that is taking the world by storm. I am also going to talk about tools to get you started. That brings us to the question - What's The Hype with No Code?
#3 - NoCode & tools to get you started 🖥 - https://bit.ly/3gIZkN2
Welcome back to a brand new episodes of What's the Hype? with Perfunktory. My name is Ravdeep Anand. Last week was really tough considering I spent most of my time on the bed with a fever. Perfunktory is still very much a one-man operation so if I am sick, the entire operation comes to a full-stop. I will try my best to take out two episodes this week of the podcast so we get back on track. I hope you checked out the newsletter issue that I wrote on Squid Game and how it is a satire on the impact of capitalism on our society. I had a lot of fun researching the issue and these themes were swirling through my brain even when I was watching the show. But this week for the podcast, we'll be discussing something totally different and also something that is not in the crypto space. If you have any questions, feedback or any suggestions to improve the newsletter or podcast further, do reach out to me on our Instagram or Twitter.
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/perfunktory
Instagram: https://bit.ly/perfunktoryinsta
Twitter: https://bit.ly/perfunktorytwitter
Equinox by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/Music promoted on https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
Midnight Stroll by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-officialMusic promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/