A table full of well-made terrain not only makes a game more tactical and interesting, but it also tells a story. Warcaster was built for terrain in mind with its rules for movement, climbing, and jumping. In this episode, we discuss the different ways to create a thematic table with playable terrain. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of buying, printing, and scratch-building.
- Buying Terrain
- Monster Fight Club Scenics
- TinkerTurf
- Pegasus Hobbies
- 3D-Printing
- Thunderhead Studios
- Forbidden Prints
- Imperial Terrain
- Luis's Thingiverse collection of Warcaster-suitable terrain
- Corvus Games Terrain
- Dragon's Rest Sci-Fi Collection
- Scratch-Building:
- Designing Warcaster Table Terrain Privateer Press Insider
- Building a Marcher Worlds Bunker
- Building a Marcher Worlds Crane Part1, Part 2
- Privateer Press Hobby Hangout for making Warcaster Terrain
- Privateer Press Hobby Hangout for pouring resin pools and water effects
- Building the Ultimate BattleMat YouTube Video
- Black Magic Craft YouTube Channel
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