Welcome to The Highly Sensitive Woman podcast. Do you have a hard time accepting yourself? Have trouble fitting in and think there’s something wrong with you? Do you feel misunderstood, especially when your emotions are heightened?
My name is Allyssya, and I’m a Highly Sensitive Woman. For decades, I lacked the confidence to be myself. I worried so much about what everyone else thought of me and constantly felt anxiety from fear of disappointing others. I wanted to set boundaries, feel understood by the people in my life, and experience inner peace. But I kept telling myself I should be like everyone else and how I was made was the problem.
Then I learned that there are other highly sensitive women in the world, and I didn’t feel so broken.
In this podcast, you will learn how to:
-> find your voice
-> set boundaries
-> live with bold confidence and inner peace
I'm excited to help you on your path to self-acceptance.
Email: info@lifecoachallyssya.com