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What kind of a name is Riffle? Is it Rifle? As in smoking gun?
Err, actually that’s a great alternative name by the way. But no, it’s called Riffle - as in riffling through many pages, turning them over, having a quick look.
AHA. So you don’t go into detail - a casual look at things.
I wouldn’t put it that way. More like giving you a gist of info, rather than a pile that no one cares to read.
Nice. And why are we having a convo again? Isn’t this serious stuff?
Of course! Compliance and AML are mighty serious, and this is why we came out with the Riffle. To give you a channel to ACTUALLY read stuff that matters, rather than…for lack of a better word - riffle through it.
And yes, a bit of bionic reading thrown in. You know, the bold bits that actually matter and make you read faster?
This episode is also available as a blog post: https://riffle.beehiiv.com/c/about-riffle