Suffering - and we mean the ordinary suffering of day by day, not the extraordinary suffering like torture. We mean all suffering
Suffering is real, and here, and every day and worth understanding
There's a way to skillfully understand and operate around suffering
There's a need to acknowledge and meet the suffering
There's bad habits around suffering like running away from it that need to be understood better.
Go and meet suffering
People bug us about their suffering
We have experience blind spots - we can't see our ordinary
Giving space to people thinking, helps them to have the insight
Gratitude - giving and receiving gratitude is hard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiVroMOjk-M
"othering" people, the way we make other people "bad"
we often run towards or away from suffering and amplify suffering when we do
put on a face to convey a point and prevent future suffering