Most marketing advice is all about drawing people in. And for good reason: Your business can’t exist without clients.
But there’s a problem with attraction marketing…
If you attract the wrong people into your business, then you might create a business that pays you well but creates a life you despise. That’s why repulsion marketing, the exact opposite of attraction marketing, is often a more powerful marketing strategy.
Not only does it tend to be more profitable, but it also ensures that your clients are of the highest quality. That means they happily pay you more, don’t think they’re entitled to your time, and don’t cause endless frustrations.
In today’s show, you’ll discover a few simple ways to add repulsion marketing into your campaigns and create a more successful and fulfilling business as a result.
Listen now.
Show highlights include:
- Why attracting your ideal clients isn’t nearly as profitable following this overlooked “Gold Prospector” method (0:53)
- This seemingly innocent thought has crippled more financial advice businesses than perhaps any other thought in human history (6:08)
- A bulletproof way to weed out entitled freebie seekers from the people who make great clients (7:02)
- The magic ingredient you need to actually build a business that lets you spend as much time as you want with your kids (15:31)
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