#029: It seems like we are always thinking about what is the next thing to come. From our future to our past, it is revealed through every choice we make. This episode takes you on a journey that will bring you closer and more succinct with life. Often, we wonder about what lies ahead so much so that we often miss out on the moments we dreamt of years prior that are happening now. Often, this habit of shooting for perfection is something that stops us from trying new things. People tend to feel that it is better to do nothing than to do something that is not perfect. Always remember, if you shoot for perfection, you might not be able to do anything. Put your content out into the world, let the world know of your thoughts. You have no idea what will happen to that content when it finally is shared with the right audience. When you start making decisions of your own, you are taking charge of your thoughts. The best moments of life happen when you communicate with new people and let random experiences happen. Podcast show notes are available at https://www.projectdreammastery.com/session029
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