Do you secretly dread your job? Do you resist going to work each day. Do you regret your low salary? Or do you feel you’re not making much of a difference? In this provocative episode of Lectures on Learning, Heather Clayton Staker explores the emerging role of the Guide in AI-powered Flex studios and questions whether you might be happier if you make the jump into this new role, whether because you see the downsides of traditional teaching or you are compelled by the upsides of what’s on the horizon with AI-powered Flex learning.
- The emergence of AI-based adaptive learning software in education
- What is a Guide?
- Comparison of traditional "Teacher" role vs. new "Guide" role
- Benefits of the Flex model in K-12 education
- Reasons for current teachers to consider becoming Guides
- Opportunities for non-teachers to enter the field as Guides
- Quiz to help listeners determine if they're suited for the Teacher or Guide role
- Potential ways Guides can transform education globally
- Characteristics of individuals who should not pursue teaching or guiding roles
Quiz: “Do you have a Teacher or a Guide Mindset?” Download here: https:www.guide.school/4
- www.guide.school/3 - Microschool budget resource
- www.guide.school/4 - Quiz to determine suitability for Teacher or Guide role
- https://faculty.washington.edu/kate1/ewExternalFiles/SageOnTheStage.pdf - Alison King's article on "From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side"
- https://www.christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/JTBD.pdf - Paper on "jobs to be done" in education
- YouTube version of Lectures on Learning: www.youtube.com/@guideschooling/playlists
- Podcast version of Lectures on Learning: Available on all major podcast platforms.