Heather, Lindsay, and Nora spent a few months trying to post on what could be considered the lamest social media of them all: LinkedIn. We all took different approaches and each found at least some degree of success building up a LinkedIn network and getting more followers. We share what worked, what miserably failed, and our pleasant surprises in navigating the cringey waters of LinkedIn.
Show Notes:
(1:01) You guessed if from the title… today we’re talking about our journeys on LinkedIn!
(2:20) Lindsay kicks us off by sharing why she began using LinkedIn a year ago, and what her initial posts would look like.
(4:31) Is LinkedIn only for active job hunters? Nora tells some of her previous misconceptions before she began posting more regularly.
(7:14) The power of creating content that makes your audience say, “Me too!”.
(10:41) If you’re just mimicking the content that’s already out there without adding your personal touch, you’re going to fall flat.
(12:06) Should you outsource your LinkedIn content creation for your personal profile? Our short answer: No.
(19:27) From posting dinner ideas to resonating with fellow working women, we share what topics and posts have done well for us.
(28:12) It’s not about the glamorous, but the authenticity.
(35:15) Heather shares the details of one of her LinkedIn posts that gained traction within the freelance writer community.
(37:21) Lindsay describes how she found her balance of providing helpful advice for those interested in what she does while also educating her ICPs (Ideal Customer Profile) as a fractional sales leader.
(41:40) It’s tempting to go where you’re getting the most attention. But we encourage you to stick to who you are to continue to build trust.
(50:01) What do our schedules for posting look like?
(53:36) We share our final tips for finding success on LinkedIn and making it your own. As always, thanks for listening!
Connect with Nora, Heather, and Lindsay:https://www.linkedin.com/in/noraschlesinger/
Growth Machine:https://growthmachine.com/
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