
  • I miss having something that is just mine

    Ever found yourself saying, "I want something that is just mine?"

    I've been there. As a mom, it's easy to lose yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else.

    Between nursing my babies and managing the chaos, I was overwhelmed and snapping at my kids, feeling like I was losing myself.

    But… What if it could be different?

    That's when I realized I could change it.

    I needed to create systems and set boundaries, both for my sanity and my family.

    What does your ideal mom life look like? YOU get to design it. YOU get to reclaim your identity.

    Imagine having time to breathe, read a book, or just enjoy a quiet moment without the chaos.

    It's possible! But you need to put life-giving systems in place that support you.

    Ready to simplify your life? This episode is perfect for you!

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    14 分
  • Not the mom you thought you'd be? I've got you...

    We KNOW deep down that there’s more to life than this. We feel this version of us we desire to be…

    But how do I let her out? How do you become the fun mom you thought you’d be where you enjoyed the moments with your kids instead of snapping at them?
    How do you stay on top of it all? You feel behind before 8 am and when your head hits the pillow at night you wonder what you got done.

    There’s more to this. I KNOW this can’t be the way I live my life. How did I get here?

    The thoughts race through your mind while you try to fall asleep, but can’t.

    You’re overwhelmed, stressed out, and you know that this is not the life you saw yourself living before you had kids.

    So what happened? I’m sharing it all in this episode + how you can start to shift your life into becoming who you desire to be now.

    Free Breathwork Audio: https://breathworkcollective.myflodesk.com/abundant-woman-breathwork

    Follow my journey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    23 分
  • Internally motivating our kids

    Ever feel like you're saying the same thing over and over to get your kids to do their chores?

    Yep, been there!

    In this episode, we talk about how to actually get your kids to care about their chores and internally motivate themselves. (YES, it's possible!)

    These tips will help you on setting clear rules that stick + keep your kids motivated, giving you a well-deserved breather.

    TRUST ME, you’re going to want to hear how these small changes made my life SO much easier.

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    9 分
  • Mom Life Systems for more ease

    Ever find yourself drowning in chaos, with laundry piling up, dinners to cook, and a to-do list that seems to never end?

    I know I have. When we moved from Utah to Arizona, all the systems we had in place went to sh!t and I about lost mine! ha

    I felt overwhelmed, snapping at my kids, and even began resenting my husband.

    And when I asked myself why I realized what I was doing…

    I had resorted back to my hyper-independent self and tried staying on top of it ALL.

    We have to stop wearing getting our checkmarks of to-dos done like a badge of honor.

    It’s about putting life-giving systems in place that support you AND give you some time and space back in your life.

    If this sounds amazing then this episode is for you!

    Free Boundaries Template: https://breathworkcollective.myflodesk.com/boundary-template

    Join Reclaiming YOU Masterclass: 3 Steps to Drop the Mom Life Overwhelm: http://amandaclark.biz/masterclass-reclaim-you

    Follow my journey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    18 分
  • Schedule fun first + create life YOUR WAY

    I didn’t truly realize it until recently that I have systems for EVERYTHING.

    On this week's Mom Life Pep Talk I'm talking about all the best ones including… my system for scheduling fun FIRST!

    I mean, how often have you heard, "If it's not on the calendar it doesn't happen?"

    And how often has this been truth for you?

    So, in this week's episode I'm breaking it down + giving you some tactical tips to make your life a little bit better.

    Here's what I chat about:

    • How to put fun first.

    • Setting up simple systems that create a more easily maintained life.

    • Some stories about nearly losing my sh!t!

    Honestly, the small changes we made created a MASSIVE shift in our home + I know it will for you too!

    Ready to become the authority of your life? This one’s for you!

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    4 分
  • I didn't always have this life

    Ever feel like you're barely surviving your days? Like you're constantly juggling laundry, kids' activities, and endless to-do lists while losing yourself in the process? I’ll be the first to say, you are not alone… I’m also betting you already knew that ;)

    Today, I’m talking about my journey from being a teen pregnancy statistic believing my life was over to where I am now- showing up more as me as I’ve ever been!

    Imagine going from feeling like your life is out of control and you are barely surviving your days to simple systems that make your life easily maintainable letting you be the mom + woman you desire to be?

    In this episode, we’re exploring how journaling, breathwork, and taking bold actions shifted my life and how they can do the same for you.

    Free Breathwork Audio: https://breathworkcollective.myflodesk.com/abundant-woman-breathwork

    Join the Collective: https://bit.ly/mom-life-collective

    Amanda’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    17 分
  • Run external knowledge through your own wisdom

    When was the last time you trusted yourself?

    I'm talking about filtering the opinions and advice from others through your OWN filter.

    Quite often we tend to look outside of ourselves for validation instead of trusting our own inner voice. This is why as a coach it is so important to me to teach you how to filter out the noise and truly tap into your deepest knowing so that YOU are the one running the show.

    It's time to start living a life that you desire, especially as a mom with kids in tow. Trust yourself, because if it’s not a hell yes, it's a hell no!

    Let's dive deep into learning how to listen to YOU!

    Free Breathwork Audio: https://breathworkcollective.myflodesk.com/abundant-woman-breathwork

    Join the Collective: https://bit.ly/mom-life-collective

    Follow my journey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/its.amandaclark

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    6 分
  • Creating a Life YOU desire by becoming her now

    After years of struggling as a mom, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and like I was never enough, I discovered a profound truth:

    We have the power within us to create the life we desire. We just need to tap into it.

    It's not about being perfect or having it all together. It's about starting on the journey and becoming who we want to be. That version of us that we feel is inside, but we aren’t quite sure how to pull her out.

    It's about learning to trust ourselves, to listen to our intuition, and to make choices that align with our values and dreams.

    As moms, we often put everyone else's needs before our own. We sacrifice ourselves, our passions, and our joy.

    And when we finally do one little thing for ourselves, the guilt creeps in amiright?!

    But, when we invest in ourselves, when we fill our cup, and truly create a relationship with ourselves…

    That's when the best version of ourselves begins to show up and we truly start to teach our kids what’s possible in life.

    I had to make a decision in my life…

    keep living the way I was or to change it and create something that felt better.

    I learned how to master mom life. It's not about perfection, it's a way of seeing yourself, a way of positioning yourself, and a way of thinking that supports your continued growth and expansion.

    A way of being that grounds you in your truth, guides you through challenges, and fills you with confidence and resilience.

    I decided. I knew I couldn't keep doing life the way that I was.

    And then I acted from a place of believing that transformation is possible. Over and over again.

    And I continue to do so.

    I have become someone who is continually leaning toward growth, both for myself and for the women I serve.

    I have faced my own limiting beliefs, my own fears, and my own doubts. But as I confront them, I am able to show up from a place of my own empowerment.

    And when I teach, I am pulling from my own journey of healing, growth, and transformation, as well as the wisdom of the many coaches and mentors who have guided me along the way.

    It’s a remembering of who you truly are and what you're capable of creating.

    A deep knowing that you have everything you need within you to create a life you love with kids in tow.

    Are you ready to change your life in ways you never could have imagined?

    Listen to this week’s episode and let’s freaking goooo!!

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    14 分