• Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy

  • 2025/02/17
  • 再生時間: 15 分
  • ポッドキャスト

Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-17-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Snežinke so nežno padale nad Maribor tistega februarja.En: The snowflakes gently fell over Maribor that February.Sl: Majhno kavarno je objemala toplina, zvok klepetanja in vonj po sveže mleti kavi.En: A small café was enveloped in warmth, the sound of chatter, and the scent of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Matej je sedel ob oknu in pregledoval zapiske.En: Matej sat by the window, reviewing notes.Sl: Njegova glava je bila polna misli o prihajajočih izpitih na Univerzi v Mariboru.En: His head was full of thoughts about the upcoming exams at the University of Maribor.Sl: Matej je bil odločen.En: Matej was determined.Sl: Želel je prejeti štipendijo za poletni program v umetnostni šoli v Italiji.En: He wanted to receive a scholarship for a summer program at an art school in Italy.Sl: Njegova družina je vedno pričakovala veliko od njega, a Matej je želel predvsem impresionirati samega sebe.En: His family always expected a lot from him, but Matej wanted to impress himself above all.Sl: Morda bodo izpiti vmesna postaja na poti do njegovih sanj?En: Perhaps the exams would be a stopover on the path to his dreams?Sl: Do njega se je prikradla Jana, njegova prijateljica iz faksa.En: Jana, his friend from college, snuck up to him.Sl: “Matej, videti si utrujen,” je rekla z rahlim nasmehom.En: “Matej, you look tired,” she said with a slight smile.Sl: “Ti bi lahko kdaj tudi malo počival.”En: “You could take a break sometime.”Sl: Matej je vzdihnil.En: Matej sighed.Sl: “Vem, ampak času zmanjkuje.En: “I know, but time is running out.Sl: Kmalu se začenjajo izpiti, pa še služiti moram, da pokrijem osnovne stroške.En: The exams are starting soon, and I still have to work to cover basic expenses.Sl: Današnji dan sem si vzel prost in zdaj sem tukaj, med zapiski.”En: I took the day off today, and now I’m here, among the notes.”Sl: Jana ga je potolažila: “Verjamem vate.En: Jana comforted him: “I believe in you.Sl: Če kdo lahko tole zmore, si to ti.”En: If anyone can do this, it’s you.”Sl: Anže, njun sošolec, je sedel za bližnjo mizo.En: Anže, their classmate, was sitting at a nearby table.Sl: “Hej, Matej! Ali si se že lotil priprav za teorijo?” je vprašal.En: “Hey, Matej! Have you started preparing for the theory yet?” he asked.Sl: “Tista vprašanja znajo biti zoprna.”En: “Those questions can be tricky.”Sl: Nenadoma, kot po nekakšni usodi, je Matej pomislil na temno stanovanje.En: Suddenly, as if by fate, Matej thought about the dark apartment.Sl: Njegovo stanovanje je zaradi izpada elektrike brez svetlobe in toplote, in zato je v kavarni našel zavetje ter tih mir za študij.En: His apartment was without light and heat due to a power outage, so he found refuge in the café and quiet peace for studying.Sl: Kljub neprijetni situaciji se je usedel nazaj in pogledal proti oknu, kjer so snežinke prinašale mir.En: Despite the unpleasant situation, he sat back and looked toward the window, where the snowflakes brought peace.Sl: Matej je zagledal sliko, kako v sončni Italiji slika s čopičem v roki.En: Matej envisioned himself painting with a brush in hand in sunny Italy.Sl: Potem se je spomnil, zakaj tako garajoče dela.En: Then, he remembered why he worked so hard.Sl: Pomirjen je odprl zvezek z zapiski.En: Reassured, he opened the notebook with notes.Sl: Večer se je prevesil v noč.En: The evening turned into night.Sl: Matej je bil utrujen, a njegova odločnost neomajna.En: Matej was tired, but his determination was unwavering.Sl: Ob koncu seanse je zaprl knjige, zadovoljno zamrmral in se ozrl proti Jani in Anžetu.En: At the end of the session, he closed his books, murmured with satisfaction, and looked at Jana and Anže.Sl: “Hvala vama za podporo.En: “Thank you for the support.Sl: Mislim, da bo šlo.”En: I think it will be okay.”Sl: Ko se je pripravljal na odhod, se je ustavil pri vratih.En: As he prepared to leave, he paused at the door.Sl: S sneženjem so padle skrbi, a njegov pogled je bil usmerjen naprej.En: With the snowfall, his worries fell away, yet his gaze was focused forward.Sl: Matej je vedel, da je danes naredil pravo izbiro.En: Matej knew he had made the right choice today.Sl: Naučil se je postaviti prioritete — izobraževanje pred trenutnimi ovirami in zaupasamo vase.En: He learned to set priorities — education over current obstacles, and trusting in himself.Sl: Zdaj je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izpite, ob zavedanju, da bo ne glede na vse, uspel slediti svojim sanjam.En: Now he was ready for the upcoming exams, with the awareness that no matter what, he would succeed in pursuing his dreams. Vocabulary Words:snowflakes: snežinkegently: nežnoenveloped: objemalawarmth: toplinachatter: klepetanjascent: ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-17-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Snežinke so nežno padale nad Maribor tistega februarja.En: The snowflakes gently fell over Maribor that February.Sl: Majhno kavarno je objemala toplina, zvok klepetanja in vonj po sveže mleti kavi.En: A small café was enveloped in warmth, the sound of chatter, and the scent of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Matej je sedel ob oknu in pregledoval zapiske.En: Matej sat by the window, reviewing notes.Sl: Njegova glava je bila polna misli o prihajajočih izpitih na Univerzi v Mariboru.En: His head was full of thoughts about the upcoming exams at the University of Maribor.Sl: Matej je bil odločen.En: Matej was determined.Sl: Želel je prejeti štipendijo za poletni program v umetnostni šoli v Italiji.En: He wanted to receive a scholarship for a summer program at an art school in Italy.Sl: Njegova družina je vedno pričakovala veliko od njega, a Matej je želel predvsem impresionirati samega sebe.En: His family always expected a lot from him, but Matej wanted to impress himself above all.Sl: Morda bodo izpiti vmesna postaja na poti do njegovih sanj?En: Perhaps the exams would be a stopover on the path to his dreams?Sl: Do njega se je prikradla Jana, njegova prijateljica iz faksa.En: Jana, his friend from college, snuck up to him.Sl: “Matej, videti si utrujen,” je rekla z rahlim nasmehom.En: “Matej, you look tired,” she said with a slight smile.Sl: “Ti bi lahko kdaj tudi malo počival.”En: “You could take a break sometime.”Sl: Matej je vzdihnil.En: Matej sighed.Sl: “Vem, ampak času zmanjkuje.En: “I know, but time is running out.Sl: Kmalu se začenjajo izpiti, pa še služiti moram, da pokrijem osnovne stroške.En: The exams are starting soon, and I still have to work to cover basic expenses.Sl: Današnji dan sem si vzel prost in zdaj sem tukaj, med zapiski.”En: I took the day off today, and now I’m here, among the notes.”Sl: Jana ga je potolažila: “Verjamem vate.En: Jana comforted him: “I believe in you.Sl: Če kdo lahko tole zmore, si to ti.”En: If anyone can do this, it’s you.”Sl: Anže, njun sošolec, je sedel za bližnjo mizo.En: Anže, their classmate, was sitting at a nearby table.Sl: “Hej, Matej! Ali si se že lotil priprav za teorijo?” je vprašal.En: “Hey, Matej! Have you started preparing for the theory yet?” he asked.Sl: “Tista vprašanja znajo biti zoprna.”En: “Those questions can be tricky.”Sl: Nenadoma, kot po nekakšni usodi, je Matej pomislil na temno stanovanje.En: Suddenly, as if by fate, Matej thought about the dark apartment.Sl: Njegovo stanovanje je zaradi izpada elektrike brez svetlobe in toplote, in zato je v kavarni našel zavetje ter tih mir za študij.En: His apartment was without light and heat due to a power outage, so he found refuge in the café and quiet peace for studying.Sl: Kljub neprijetni situaciji se je usedel nazaj in pogledal proti oknu, kjer so snežinke prinašale mir.En: Despite the unpleasant situation, he sat back and looked toward the window, where the snowflakes brought peace.Sl: Matej je zagledal sliko, kako v sončni Italiji slika s čopičem v roki.En: Matej envisioned himself painting with a brush in hand in sunny Italy.Sl: Potem se je spomnil, zakaj tako garajoče dela.En: Then, he remembered why he worked so hard.Sl: Pomirjen je odprl zvezek z zapiski.En: Reassured, he opened the notebook with notes.Sl: Večer se je prevesil v noč.En: The evening turned into night.Sl: Matej je bil utrujen, a njegova odločnost neomajna.En: Matej was tired, but his determination was unwavering.Sl: Ob koncu seanse je zaprl knjige, zadovoljno zamrmral in se ozrl proti Jani in Anžetu.En: At the end of the session, he closed his books, murmured with satisfaction, and looked at Jana and Anže.Sl: “Hvala vama za podporo.En: “Thank you for the support.Sl: Mislim, da bo šlo.”En: I think it will be okay.”Sl: Ko se je pripravljal na odhod, se je ustavil pri vratih.En: As he prepared to leave, he paused at the door.Sl: S sneženjem so padle skrbi, a njegov pogled je bil usmerjen naprej.En: With the snowfall, his worries fell away, yet his gaze was focused forward.Sl: Matej je vedel, da je danes naredil pravo izbiro.En: Matej knew he had made the right choice today.Sl: Naučil se je postaviti prioritete — izobraževanje pred trenutnimi ovirami in zaupasamo vase.En: He learned to set priorities — education over current obstacles, and trusting in himself.Sl: Zdaj je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izpite, ob zavedanju, da bo ne glede na vse, uspel slediti svojim sanjam.En: Now he was ready for the upcoming exams, with the awareness that no matter what, he would succeed in pursuing his dreams. Vocabulary Words:snowflakes: snežinkegently: nežnoenveloped: objemalawarmth: toplinachatter: klepetanjascent: ...

Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italyに寄せられたリスナーの声
