Divrei Hashkafa by Rav Mayer Twersky

著者: Rabbi Mayer Twersky
  • サマリー

  • This podcast shares hashkafa shiurim given by Rav Mayer Twersky. More shiurim and divrei Torah from Rav Twersky are available on TorahWeb.org and RavTwersky.TorahWeb.org. If you are aware of any hashkafa shiurim given by Rav Mayer Twersky that we miss on this podcast, please share a recording with diament@torahweb.org so we can post it!

    Rabbi Mayer Twersky 2025
    続きを読む 一部表示


This podcast shares hashkafa shiurim given by Rav Mayer Twersky. More shiurim and divrei Torah from Rav Twersky are available on TorahWeb.org and RavTwersky.TorahWeb.org. If you are aware of any hashkafa shiurim given by Rav Mayer Twersky that we miss on this podcast, please share a recording with diament@torahweb.org so we can post it!

Rabbi Mayer Twersky 2025
  • Pirkei Avos 6: Va'asu Syag laTorah


    Avos 1:1, with Meiri and R' Yona.

    Rambam, Hilchos De'os (2:4-5)

    続きを読む 一部表示
    34 分
  • Becoming Deeper People. Q&A.

    Becoming Deeper People:

    - Yetzer Harah functions instinctively and reflexively, Yetzer hatov functions reflectively and thus requires effort.

    - Consistency.

    - Applying what we learned.


    1) living in EY vs staying in America

    2) how to pick a yeshiva

    3) how to stay aliyah-bound while learning in America.

    4) YU haskafa: balance, Torah should never be politicized, tactical changes as facts on the ground change

    5) What defines a gadol?

    6) Moderation in gashmius.

    7) Shidduchim

    8) AI

    9) Women's learning

    Note: there is silence at various points in the recording when Rav Twersky pauses, but the shiur/Q&A is not over.

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    1 時間 10 分
  • Ramban #37: Hakdama to Parshas Terumah

    - Sequencing of kabbolas haTorah and Mishkan.

    - Mishkan, korbanos, and Hashro'as hashechina.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    26 分

Divrei Hashkafa by Rav Mayer Twerskyに寄せられたリスナーの声
