
  • Pirkei Avos 6: Va'asu Syag laTorah


    Avos 1:1, with Meiri and R' Yona.

    Rambam, Hilchos De'os (2:4-5)

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    34 分
  • Becoming Deeper People. Q&A.

    Becoming Deeper People:

    - Yetzer Harah functions instinctively and reflexively, Yetzer hatov functions reflectively and thus requires effort.

    - Consistency.

    - Applying what we learned.


    1) living in EY vs staying in America

    2) how to pick a yeshiva

    3) how to stay aliyah-bound while learning in America.

    4) YU haskafa: balance, Torah should never be politicized, tactical changes as facts on the ground change

    5) What defines a gadol?

    6) Moderation in gashmius.

    7) Shidduchim

    8) AI

    9) Women's learning

    Note: there is silence at various points in the recording when Rav Twersky pauses, but the shiur/Q&A is not over.

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    1 時間 10 分
  • Ramban #37: Hakdama to Parshas Terumah

    - Sequencing of kabbolas haTorah and Mishkan.

    - Mishkan, korbanos, and Hashro'as hashechina.

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    26 分
  • Thursday Shiur: Pirkei Avos 5: Ha'amidu Talmidim Harbeh.

    Teaching Torah, peru u'revu: perpetuating the masorah.

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    39 分
  • Lifnim Mishuras Hadin

    Feb. 17, 2025


    Bava Metzia 24b, with Tosafos s.v. Lifnim

    Bava Metzia 30a - 30b

    Rambam: Hilchos Gezeila Va'aveida 11:7 and 11:17. Hilchos Rotzeach, 13:4.

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    43 分
  • Thursday Shiur: Pirkei Avos 4: Halacha L'Moshe MiSinai.

    Thursday shiur in YU

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    41 分
  • Thursday Shiur: Pirkei Avos 3: The Cheftza of Torah sheBiksav

    Thursday shiur in YU

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    32 分
  • Thursday Shiur: Pirkei Avos 2: Writing Down B’al Peh

    Thursday shiur in YU

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    41 分