FluentFiction - Czech

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Czech listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Czech, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Czech and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Prague, Český Krumlov, or Karlovy Vary? Maybe you want to speak Czech with your grandparents from Brno?

    Our podcast provides the cultural and linguistic foundation necessary to fully immerse yourself in the Czech-speaking regions of the Czech Republic. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Czech listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte své schopnosti ve sledování pomocí našich českých příběhů ještě dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Czech listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Czech, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Czech and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Prague, Český Krumlov, or Karlovy Vary? Maybe you want to speak Czech with your grandparents from Brno?

Our podcast provides the cultural and linguistic foundation necessary to fully immerse yourself in the Czech-speaking regions of the Czech Republic. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Czech listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte své schopnosti ve sledování pomocí našich českých příběhů ještě dnes!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • A Love Reunited: Romance Blossoms on Karlův Most
    Fluent Fiction - Czech: A Love Reunited: Romance Blossoms on Karlův Most Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cs/episode/2025-02-24-23-34-00-cs Story Transcript:Cs: Na Karlově mostě panovala bílá zimní krása.En: On Karlův most, a white winter beauty prevailed.Cs: Sníh jemně pokrýval starodávné kamenné sochy a dlažbu, zatímco Vltava tiše proudila pode mnou.En: Snow gently covered the ancient stone statues and pavement, while the Vltava flowed quietly beneath me.Cs: Praha byla kouzelná, plná romantiky a vzpomínek.En: Praha was magical, full of romance and memories.Cs: Jan stál opřený o zábradlí a jeho myšlenky plynuly hluboko jako řeka pod ním.En: Jan stood leaning against the railing, his thoughts flowing as deeply as the river beneath him.Cs: Bylo tu místo, kde začala jejich láska, místo, kde se všechno změnilo.En: This was the place where their love began, the place where everything changed.Cs: Eva měla přijít každou chvíli.En: Eva was supposed to arrive any moment.Cs: Přijela z daleka, a Jan nemohl skrýt své napětí.En: She traveled from afar, and Jan couldn't hide his tension.Cs: „Bude to, jako dřív?En: "Will it be like before?"Cs: “ zamýšlel se.En: he wondered.Cs: Chlad zimního dne mu pronikal do kostí, ale srdce ho hřálo očekáváním.En: The cold of the winter day pierced his bones, but his heart was warmed by expectation.Cs: „Musím být statečný,“ řekl si potichu a díval se na sochu svatého Jana Nepomuckého, který mnoho lidí prosilo o lásku a věrnost.En: "I must be brave," he told himself quietly, looking at the statue of svatý Jan Nepomucký, whom many people prayed to for love and loyalty.Cs: Konečně uviděl Evu přicházet.En: Finally, he saw Eva approaching.Cs: Její dlouhý kabát splýval ve větru, a její úsměv byl jasnější než zimní slunce.En: Her long coat flowed in the wind, and her smile was brighter than the winter sun.Cs: Jakmile se jejich oči setkaly, všechny jeho obavy se rozplynuly.En: As soon as their eyes met, all his worries melted away.Cs: Přišla k němu a obejmula ho silněji, než kdy dřív.En: She came to him and hugged him more tightly than ever before.Cs: „Jani, chyběl jsi mi,“ řekla tiše, a on cítil, jaký význam mají tato slova.En: "Jani, I missed you," she said softly, and he felt the significance of these words.Cs: „I ty jsi mi chyběla, Evo,“ odpověděl s úsměvem, ale hnědozelené oči byly plné obav.En: "I missed you too, Evo," he replied with a smile, but his hazel-green eyes were full of concerns.Cs: Naléhavost, se kterou si přál mluvit o jejich budoucnosti, ho tížila jako závaží.En: The urgency with which he wanted to talk about their future weighed on him like a burden.Cs: Ale věděl, že musí být upřímný.En: But he knew he had to be honest.Cs: „Evo, musíme si promluvit,“ začal nejistě, když kráčeli po mostě.En: "Evo, we need to talk," he began hesitantly as they walked across the bridge.Cs: Sníh začal padat, měkký a tichý, kolem nich.En: Snow began to fall, soft and quiet, around them.Cs: „O čem, Jani?En: "About what, Jani?"Cs: “ opáčila jemně, její ruka stále v jeho.En: she replied gently, her hand still in his.Cs: „Chtěl bych, abychom byli spolu.En: "I want us to be together.Cs: Myslím skutečně spolu, víc než jen na dálku,“ vyslovil nakonec svou touhu.En: I mean truly together, more than just at a distance," he finally expressed his desire.Cs: „Je těžké být tak daleko od tebe.En: "It's hard to be so far away from you."Cs: “Eva se zastavila, obrátí k němu, a sníh se zachytával v jejích vlasech.En: Eva stopped, turned to him, and snow caught in her hair.Cs: Její oči zářily pochopením a něčím víc, co Jan nedokázal okamžitě rozluštit.En: Her eyes shone with understanding and something more that Jan couldn't immediately decipher.Cs: „Já jsem chtěla říct to samé, Jani,“ přiznala se.En: "I wanted to say the same thing, Jani," she admitted.Cs: „Chci s tebou plánovat budoucnost, být ti blíž.En: "I want to plan a future with you, to be closer to you."Cs: “Bylo to, jako by se náklad z jeho ramen ulevil.En: It was as if a weight lifted from his shoulders.Cs: Objali se a na chvíli prostě stáli na mostě, obklopeni magií Prahy, teplem své vzájemné blízkosti a nadějí na společnou budoucnost.En: They embraced, and for a moment simply stood on the bridge, surrounded by the magic of Praha, the warmth of their closeness, and hope for a shared future.Cs: Jan věděl, že jejich cesta nebude snadná, ale věřil, že láska, kterou sdíleli, překoná vzdálenost.En: Jan knew that their journey would not be easy, but he believed that the love they shared would overcome the distance.Cs: Naučil se, jak důležitá je upřímnost a důvěra.En: He learned the importance of honesty and trust.Cs: Ruku v ruce kráčeli dál, Karlův...
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  • Unveiling Savannah: A Cold Winter's Tale of Beauty and Mystery
    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Unveiling Savannah: A Cold Winter's Tale of Beauty and Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cs/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-01-cs Story Transcript:Cs: V zimních měsících je Savannah tichá a tajemná.En: In the winter months, Savannah is quiet and mysterious.Cs: Úzké uličky a staré domy zahalené do šedého závoje si šeptají tajemství minulosti.En: Narrow alleys and old houses veiled in a gray shroud whisper secrets of the past.Cs: Jana a Marek kráčí po kamenných ulicích.En: Jana and Marek walk along the cobblestone streets.Cs: Jdou pomalu, protože Jana každou chvíli zastaví, aby se podívala na architekturu.En: They move slowly because Jana stops every now and then to look at the architecture.Cs: "Podívej se na ten dům s verandou," říká nadšeně.En: "Look at that house with the veranda," she says excitedly.Cs: "Je to jako vrátit se v čase."En: "It's like stepping back in time."Cs: Marek se zamyslí, jaký asi příběh skrývá tento dům.En: Marek ponders the story this house might hold.Cs: Miluje historii, ale příběhy o duchách ho nechávají chladným.En: He loves history, but ghost stories leave him cold.Cs: Koneckonců, je logik a věří faktům.En: After all, he is a logical thinker and believes in facts.Cs: Ale v tomto městě je něco, co ho přece jen zaujalo.En: But in this city, there is something that has intrigued him nonetheless.Cs: "Měli bychom zkusit tu prohlídku s duchy," navrhuje Marek, mávaje letáčkem.En: "We should try that ghost tour," Marek suggests, waving a flyer.Cs: Jana přikývne.En: Jana nods.Cs: Ona hledá pro své fotky ten správný záběr, něco výjimečného.En: She is searching for the perfect shot for her photos, something extraordinary.Cs: Ale zimní počasí ji trochu frustruje.En: But the winter weather is somewhat frustrating.Cs: Mračna jsou šedá a světlo nevýrazné.En: The clouds are gray, and the light is dull.Cs: Rozhodne se, že zkusí najít něco mimo hlavní trasy.En: She decides to try to find something off the beaten path.Cs: "Půjdeme do těch malých ulic," navrhuje.En: "Let's go into those small streets," she suggests.Cs: Jak kráčejí, deštivé mrholení začne sílit.En: As they walk, the drizzly rain begins to intensify.Cs: Zvuky města tlumí kapky deště.En: The sounds of the city are muted by the raindrops.Cs: Marek stále přemýšlí o příbězích, které slyšel na prohlídce.En: Marek still ponders the stories he heard on the tour.Cs: "Možná to není všechno tak, jak to vypadá," přizná si tiše.En: "Maybe not everything is as it seems," he quietly admits to himself.Cs: V jedné zapadlé uličce se najednou Jana zastaví.En: In one secluded alley, Jana suddenly stops.Cs: Vzduch je studený a vlhký, ale něco ji nutí získat tu správnou fotku.En: The air is cold and damp, but something compels her to capture the right photo.Cs: A pak to uvidí.En: And then she sees it.Cs: Staré kamenné schody, černý stín mezi zdmi.En: Old stone steps, a black shadow between the walls.Cs: Jana zmáčkne spoušť.En: Jana presses the shutter.Cs: Fotografie je podivná.En: The photograph is peculiar.Cs: Něco na ní evokuje zvláštní pocit.En: Something about it evokes a strange feeling.Cs: Marek se podívá na displej: "Tohle je...En: Marek looks at the display: "This is...Cs: nevysvětlitelné."En: inexplicable."Cs: Na chvíli pocítí chlad, který nesouvisí s počasím.En: For a moment, he feels a chill that has nothing to do with the weather.Cs: Mohlo by opravdu něco být pravdy na těch příbězích?En: Could there truly be some truth to those stories?Cs: Na konci dne sedí oba v tiché kavárně, zahřívají si ruce o šálky horké kávy.En: At the end of the day, they both sit in a quiet café, warming their hands on cups of hot coffee.Cs: Jana se usmívá.En: Jana smiles.Cs: "Moje nejlepší fotky jsou ty neplánované," říká.En: "My best photos are the unplanned ones," she says.Cs: Marek souhlasně kývne.En: Marek nods in agreement.Cs: "Někdy i fakta mohou být zábavná," dodává s úsměvem.En: "Sometimes even facts can be fun," he adds with a smile.Cs: I když jejich cesty vedly každý jiným směrem, našli v Savannah to, co nečekali.En: Even though their paths led each in a different direction, they found in Savannah what they did not expect.Cs: Jana objevila krásu v nepředvídatelnosti.En: Jana discovered beauty in unpredictability.Cs: Marek nalezl cestu k příběhům, které nemusí být zcela objasněné, ale přesto jsou fascinující.En: Marek found a way to stories that may not be fully explained, yet are nonetheless fascinating.Cs: Oba vědí, že se do města s kouzlem a historií ještě vrátí.En: Both know they will return to the city with charm and history. Vocabulary Words:mysterious: tajemnáalley: uličkaveranda: verandaponder: zamýšlet seintrigued: zaujalodrizzly: ...
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  • Finding Friendship and Gifts in Santorini's Colorful Markets
    Fluent Fiction - Czech: Finding Friendship and Gifts in Santorini's Colorful Markets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cs/episode/2025-02-22-23-34-01-cs Story Transcript:Cs: V řeckém městečku Santorini bylo trh plný barev a života.En: In the Greek town of Santorini, the market was full of colors and life.Cs: Bílé budovy jako by tančily na pozadí modrého nebe a moře.En: White buildings seemed to dance against the backdrop of the blue sky and sea.Cs: Na každém kroku byly stánky s korálky, ovocem a suvenýry, zatímco vůně koření se šířila vzduchem.En: At every step, there were stalls with beads, fruit, and souvenirs, while the scent of spices filled the air.Cs: Byl zrovna zima, ale slunce hřálo příjemně.En: It was winter, but the sun was pleasantly warm.Cs: Jakub se rozhlédl kolem.En: Jakub looked around.Cs: "Musím najít něco speciálního pro Terezu," řekl si s mírným stresem v hlase.En: "I need to find something special for Tereza," he said to himself, with a slight stress in his voice.Cs: Tereza milovala zvláštní a jedinečné předměty.En: Tereza loved unique and special items.Cs: A její narozeniny se blížily.En: And her birthday was approaching.Cs: "Jakube, podívej se tamhle," ukázala Lucie na malý stánek plný krásných keramických misek a obrázků.En: "Jakub, look over there," Lucie pointed to a small stall full of beautiful ceramic bowls and pictures.Cs: Byla jeho nejlepší kamarádka, vždycky klidná a připravená pomoci.En: She was his best friend, always calm and ready to help.Cs: Jakub přistoupil ke stánku.En: Jakub approached the stall.Cs: Stařík za pultem se usmál.En: The old man behind the counter smiled.Cs: Ale když Jakub začal mluvit, brzy zjistil, že rozumět si nebude snadné.En: But when Jakub started to speak, he soon realized that understanding each other wouldn't be easy.Cs: Ruce měl plné různých gest a snažil se popsat, co chce koupit.En: His hands were full of various gestures, trying to describe what he wanted to buy.Cs: Stařík jen pokrčil rameny.En: The old man just shrugged.Cs: "Lucie, já to nedám," povzdechl si Jakub.En: "Lucie, I can't do it," sighed Jakub.Cs: Čas ubíhal.En: Time was running out.Cs: Tereza měla přijít každou chvíli.En: Tereza was supposed to arrive any moment.Cs: "Kde je tvůj mobil?"En: "Where's your phone?"Cs: optala se Lucie klidně.En: asked Lucie calmly.Cs: "Máme překladovou aplikaci."En: "We have a translation app."Cs: Jakub sáhl do kapsy a podal jí telefon.En: Jakub reached into his pocket and handed her the phone.Cs: Lucie do něj klepala a za chvíli řekla jasnou řečtinu.En: Lucie tapped on it and soon spoke clear Greek.Cs: Stařík pochopil.En: The old man understood.Cs: Usmál se a ukázal na nádhernou modrobílou misku s motivy moře.En: He smiled and pointed to a beautiful blue and white bowl with sea motifs.Cs: "To je ono," zaradoval se Jakub.En: "That's it," Jakub rejoiced.Cs: Zaplatil a usmál se na Lucii.En: He paid and smiled at Lucie.Cs: "Díky, bez tebe bych to nezvládl."En: "Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you."Cs: Za chvíli dorazila Tereza.En: Tereza arrived shortly after.Cs: "Jakube, co tu děláte?"En: "Jakub, what are you doing here?"Cs: Jakub jí dal misku.En: Jakub gave her the bowl.Cs: Tereza se rozjasnila.En: Tereza brightened up.Cs: "To je úžasné!En: "This is amazing!Cs: Děkuji ti, je to nádherné."En: Thank you, it's beautiful."Cs: Jakub se podíval na Lucii a usmál se.En: Jakub looked at Lucie and smiled.Cs: Uvědomil si, že přiznat si potřebu pomoci není slabost, ale síla.En: He realized that admitting the need for help is not a weakness, but a strength.Cs: Atmosféra trhů s přáteli se náhle zdála ještě krásnější.En: The atmosphere of the markets with his friends suddenly seemed even more beautiful. Vocabulary Words:market: trhbackground: pozadístalls: stánkybeads: korálkysouvenirs: suvenýryscent: vůněspices: kořenípleasantly: příjemněapproaching: blížilyshrugged: pokrčil ramenyweakness: slaboststrength: sílagestures: gestatranslation app: překladová aplikacecounter: pultbowl: miskamotifs: motivycalm: klidnárealized: uvědomil siadmitting: přiznatunique: jedinečnégestures: gestneed: potřebubeautiful: krásnéclear: jasnápaid: zaplatilsought: snažil sebrightened: rozjasnilaseemed: zdálaadmitted: přiznat si
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FluentFiction - Czechに寄せられたリスナーの声
