
  • Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowfall Serenade: Love Found in Poetic Whispers Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-24-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski dan je bil hladnejši kot običajno, a v kavarni v Ljubljani je bilo prijetno toplo.En: The winter day was colder than usual, but in the café in Ljubljana, it was pleasantly warm.Sl: Ljubitelji poezije so se zbrali na dogodek branja poezije.En: Poetry lovers had gathered for a poetry reading event.Sl: Svetloba je bila mehka, izza velikih oken pa se je videl sneg, ki je nežno prekrival ulice.En: The light was soft, and from behind the large windows, one could see the snow gently covering the streets.Sl: Jure je sedel v kotu kavarnice, nervozno mečkal list papirja.En: Jure sat in the corner of the café, nervously crumpling a piece of paper.Sl: Njegovo srce je bilo polno besed, ki jih je želel deliti.En: His heart was full of words he wanted to share.Sl: Pogosto se je počutil nerazumljen med svojimi prijatelji.En: He often felt misunderstood among his friends.Sl: Pošiljali so mu začudene poglede, kadar je omenil svojo ljubezen do poezije.En: They sent him puzzled looks whenever he mentioned his love for poetry.Sl: Danes pa je imel priložnost.En: But today he had an opportunity.Sl: Prvič se bo povzpel na oder in prebral pesem, ki je bila osebna in iskrena.En: For the first time, he would step onto the stage and read a poem that was personal and sincere.Sl: Na drugi strani kavarnice je sedela Nika.En: On the other side of the café sat Nika.Sl: Ravno je zaključila študij.En: She had just finished her studies.Sl: Uživa v različnih oblikah umetnosti.En: She enjoys different forms of art.Sl: Danes je prišla po navdih.En: Today, she came for inspiration.Sl: Hrepenela je po pristnih stikih, ki so se v današnjem svetu pogosto zdeli površni.En: She longed for genuine connections, which often seemed superficial in today's world.Sl: Pozorno je poslušala vsak verz, ki so ga pesniki govorili.En: She listened attentively to every verse spoken by the poets.Sl: Ko je prišla Juretova vrsta, je stopil na oder.En: When it was Jure's turn, he stepped onto the stage.Sl: Soglasje množice ga je nekoliko pomirilo.En: The approval of the crowd calmed him a bit.Sl: Globoko je vdihnil in začel.En: He took a deep breath and began.Sl: Njegov glas je bil najprej tih, a potem je našel pogum.En: His voice was soft at first, but then he found the courage.Sl: Recitiral je pesem, ki je govorila o iskanju pravega doma in ljudi, ki razumejo.En: He recited a poem about searching for a true home and people who understand.Sl: Nika je bila očarana.En: Nika was enchanted.Sl: Njegove besede so segle globoko v njeno srce.En: His words reached deep into her heart.Sl: Ko je zaključil, se je Nika odločila.En: When he finished, Nika made a decision.Sl: Premagala je svojo običajno zadrego in pristopila k njemu.En: She overcame her usual shyness and approached him.Sl: "Zdravo, Jure," je rekla.En: "Hello, Jure," she said.Sl: "Tvoja pesem me je resnično ganila.En: "Your poem really moved me."Sl: " Jure je bil presenečen, a njegov obraz se je zmehčal.En: Jure was surprised, but his face softened.Sl: Pogovorila sta se o poeziji in življenju, delila svoja razočaranja in upanja.En: They talked about poetry and life, sharing their disappointments and hopes.Sl: Jure je zatajil dih in prebral še eno pesem.En: Jure held his breath and read another poem.Sl: Besede so bile polne čustev in so nežno pritekle iz njega.En: The words were full of emotion and flowed gently from him.Sl: Nika ga je poslušala, vsak verz je bil kot glasba za njena ušesa.En: Nika listened to him, each verse was like music to her ears.Sl: Po koncu je tiho rekla: "Razumem.En: At the end, she quietly said, "I understand.Sl: Resnično razumem.En: I really understand."Sl: "Ko sta sedela skupaj, je bilo, kot da cel svet okoli njiju ne obstaja.En: As they sat together, it was as if the entire world around them ceased to exist.Sl: Čas je hitro minil, in oba sta čutila, da sta pravkar našla nekaj pomembnega.En: Time passed quickly, and both felt that they had just found something important.Sl: Dala sta si telefonski številki in skupaj zapustila kavarno, zavita v mehke plašče.En: They exchanged phone numbers and left the café together, wrapped in soft coats.Sl: Snežinke so počasi padale, ko sta hodila po ulici.En: Snowflakes fell slowly as they walked down the street.Sl: Oba sta imela korak lažji kot prej.En: Both had a lighter step than before.Sl: Jure je začutil, da ni sam v svojem pesniškem svetu, Nika pa je ponovno verjela v iskrenost in globino človeških vezi.En: Jure felt that he wasn't alone in his poetic world, while Nika believed once again in the sincerity and depth of human connections.Sl: V hladu zimskega večera je v njunih srcah sijala nova toplina.En: In the cold of the winter evening, a new warmth shone in their hearts.Sl: ...
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  • Under the Dragon's Watch: A Winter's Tale of Love and Hope
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Under the Dragon's Watch: A Winter's Tale of Love and Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski veter je mrzlo pihal po Ljubljani.En: The winter wind blew cold through Ljubljana.Sl: Na Zmajskem mostu sta pod mogočnimi kipi zmajev stala Matej in Lea.En: On the Dragon Bridge, under the mighty statues of dragons, stood Matej and Lea.Sl: Ljubljanica je tiho tekla pod njunimi nogami, medtem ko so snežinke počasi plesale iz neba, ustvarjale so mirno vzdušje.En: The Ljubljanica river quietly flowed beneath their feet as snowflakes slowly danced from the sky, creating a peaceful atmosphere.Sl: Matej je težko dihal.En: Matej was breathing heavily.Sl: Danes je bil Valentinov dan.En: Today was Valentine's Day.Sl: Srce mu je močno bilo, ko je gledal Leo.En: His heart was beating strongly as he looked at Lea.Sl: Njen obraz je bil resen, oči zaskrbljene.En: Her face was serious, eyes worried.Sl: Pogledal je zmaja nad njim; čuval je svojo zgodbo, svojo ljubezen.En: He looked at the dragon above him; it guarded his story, his love.Sl: "Lea, pomembna si mi.En: "Lea, you're important to me.Sl: Skupaj imava toliko lepih trenutkov," je začel Matej, glas mu je drhtel.En: We've shared so many beautiful moments together," started Matej, his voice trembling.Sl: Lea je vzdihnila.En: Lea sighed.Sl: "Matej, vem.En: "Matej, I know.Sl: A pogosto se bojim.En: But I'm often afraid.Sl: Bojim se, da nisva pripravljena."En: I'm afraid we're not ready."Sl: Matej je postavil roko na njeno.En: Matej placed his hand on hers.Sl: "Spomni se, ko sva poleti hodila po obali, po tisti čudoviti poti.En: "Remember when we walked along the coast this summer, on that beautiful path.Sl: Takrat sem vedel, da si ti tista prava.En: Then I knew you were the one.Sl: Skupaj sva močnejša."En: Together, we are stronger."Sl: Lea se je spomnila tistega sprehoda.En: Lea remembered that walk.Sl: Morje je šumelo, sonce je zahajalo.En: The sea was murmuring, the sun was setting.Sl: Bilo je popolno.En: It was perfect.Sl: Vendar strahovi so ostali in zdaj je bila zima.En: Yet the fears remained, and now it was winter.Sl: Tišina je preplavila prostor, le zvok snežink, ki so padale na tla, je zapolnil zrak.En: Silence engulfed the space, only the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground filled the air.Sl: Matej ni odnehal.En: Matej did not give up.Sl: "Prosim, daj nama priložnost.En: "Please, give us a chance.Sl: Vem, da lahko uspemo."En: I know we can succeed."Sl: Lea je pogledala proti vodi.En: Lea looked towards the water.Sl: Videla je svoj odsev in za trenutek se ji je zdelo, da vidi prihodnost.En: She saw her reflection and for a moment it seemed she could see the future.Sl: Čista in jasna.En: Clear and bright.Sl: Ob Mateju.En: With Matej.Sl: "Matej, čutim nekaj globokega do tebe.En: "Matej, I feel something deep for you.Sl: Ampak potrebujem čas."En: But I need time."Sl: Matej je stisnil njeno roko, nežno.En: Matej gently squeezed her hand.Sl: "Razumem.En: "I understand.Sl: Skupaj lahko premagava vse.En: Together we can overcome anything.Sl: Jaz sem tukaj.En: I'm here.Sl: Vzameva korak po korak."En: We'll take it step by step."Sl: Lea je prikimala in si obrisala drobno solzo s svojega obraza.En: Lea nodded and wiped a tiny tear from her face.Sl: "Dajva torej poskusiti.En: "Let's try then.Sl: A bova previdna.En: But we'll be careful.Sl: Rada bi šla počasi, razumela, kam naju vodi najina pot."En: I'd like to go slowly, understand where our path leads us."Sl: Zmaj za njima je kot da bi prikimal.En: The dragon behind them seemed to nod.Sl: Obrnili so se in hodili stran z roko v roki, kljub mešanici občutkov.En: They turned and walked away, hand in hand, despite the mix of emotions.Sl: Snežinke so nadaljevale svoj ples nad njimi.En: The snowflakes continued their dance above them.Sl: Ljubljanica je mirno tekla dalje.En: The Ljubljanica flowed on peacefully.Sl: Bilo je mrzlo, vendar že občutek upanja je prinesel toplino.En: It was cold, but just the feeling of hope brought warmth. Vocabulary Words:mighty: mogočnistatues: kipiflowed: teklasnowflakes: snežinketrembling: drhtelsigh: vzdihnilaafraid: bojimmurmuring: šumeloengulfed: preplavilaovercome: premagavaovercome: premagatitear: solzareflection: odsevstep by step: korak po korakcareful: previdnanodded: prikimalapath: potdespite: kljubemotions: občutkihope: upanjabreathed: dihalserious: resenworried: zaskrbljeneguarded: čuvalmoments: trenutkovoften: pogostocoast: obalisunset: zahajalosound: zvokground: tla
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  • From Espresso Dreams to a Carnival of Words: Matej's Journey
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Espresso Dreams to a Carnival of Words: Matej's Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je stal za lesenim točilnim pultom v majhni kavarni, ki je bila postavljena ob obali Jadranskega morja.En: Matej stood behind the wooden bar counter in a small café, which was set up along the coast of the Adriatic Sea.Sl: Zunaj je narava mirno dihala svoj zimski zrak, le občasno zmotena z bučnim valovanjem morja.En: Outside, nature was quietly breathing its winter air, only occasionally disturbed by the roaring waves of the sea.Sl: Kavarna je bila pravi raj za obiskovalce, ki so želeli uživati v skodelici tople kave in se hkrati prepustiti pogledu na sinjemodro obzorje.En: The café was a true paradise for visitors who wanted to enjoy a cup of hot coffee while also indulging in the view of the azure horizon.Sl: Tipičen zimski dan se je začel, a bilo je nekaj posebnega v zraku – čas karnevala je prinašal živahnost, ki je poživila vsak kotiček stare ribiške vasice.En: A typical winter day began, but there was something special in the air - the carnival season brought a liveliness that invigorated every corner of the old fishing village.Sl: Matej je opazoval, kako se gostje smejijo in uživajo v pisanih oblekah ter maskah, s katerimi so prikrili vsakdanje skrbi.En: Matej watched as guests laughed and enjoyed themselves in colorful costumes and masks that concealed their everyday worries.Sl: Vendar je v njegovi glavi tlela drugačna misel – misel o knjigi, ki jo je že dolgo želel napisati.En: Yet a different thought lingered in his mind - the thought of a book he had long wanted to write.Sl: Ana je sedla za enega od lesenih stolov ob oknu.En: Ana sat down on one of the wooden chairs by the window.Sl: Bila je njegova dolgoletna prijateljica, vedno pripravljena poslušati in podpreti Matejeve sanje.En: She was his longtime friend, always ready to listen and support Matej's dreams.Sl: "Hej, Matej," je rekla z rahlim nasmehom, "kako gre pisanje?En: "Hey, Matej," she said with a slight smile, "how's the writing going?"Sl: "Matej je skomignil z rameni.En: Matej shrugged.Sl: "Nikakor ne najdem poguma, da bi začel pisati," je priznal.En: "I just can't find the courage to start writing," he admitted.Sl: "Strah me je, da ne bo dovolj dobro.En: "I'm afraid it won't be good enough."Sl: "Takrat se je na vratih pojavil Luka, nov obraz v kavarni.En: At that moment, Luka, a new face in the café, appeared at the door.Sl: Prisopihal je do pulta in naročil espresso.En: He panted his way to the counter and ordered an espresso.Sl: Medtem ko je Luka sedel ob kaminu, je začel pripovedovati zgodbe o svojih potovanjih po svetu.En: As Luka sat by the fireplace, he began to tell stories of his travels around the world.Sl: Njegove besede so bile kot majhne iskrice, ki so v Mateju vzbudile že skoraj pozabljeno strast do pisanja.En: His words were like small sparks that rekindled Matej's nearly forgotten passion for writing.Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora nekaj spremeniti.En: Matej knew he had to change something.Sl: "Moram pisati," je rekel Ani med eno izmed svojih kratkih pavz.En: "I have to write," he told Ana during one of his short breaks.Sl: "Potrebujem čas in več poguma.En: "I need time and more courage."Sl: "Ana ga je pogledala naravnost v oči.En: Ana looked him straight in the eyes.Sl: "Moraš poslušati svoje srce, Matej.En: "You have to listen to your heart, Matej.Sl: Piši, kar čutiš.En: Write what you feel."Sl: " Njene besede so mu vlile svežo moč.En: Her words gave him renewed strength.Sl: Večer, preden je kavarna začela počasi prazneti, je Matej končno našel svoj trenutek tišine.En: In the evening, before the café slowly started to empty, Matej finally found his moment of silence.Sl: Usedel se je za prenosnik in pustil, da so besede prosto tekle.En: He sat down with his laptop and let the words flow freely.Sl: Bil je navdihnjen, motiviran, in prepričan, da mora svoja dela deliti z drugimi.En: He was inspired, motivated, and convinced that he must share his work with others.Sl: Dnevi so minevali, karnevalski vrvež je pojenjal, a Matejevo navdušenje je le še raslo.En: Days passed, the carnival bustle subsided, but Matej's enthusiasm only grew.Sl: Dokončal je prvi poglavje svoje knjige.En: He completed the first chapter of his book.Sl: Ponosen je pokazal rokopis Ani, ki ga je takoj podprla.En: Proudly, he showed the manuscript to Ana, who supported him right away.Sl: "To moraš poslati," ga je spodbudila.En: "You have to send this," she encouraged him.Sl: Pogumni Matej je v sebi našel odločnost in poslal prvi del k lokalnemu založniku.En: Courageous Matej found the determination within himself and sent the first part to a local publisher.Sl: V sebi je čutil novo samozavest in vedel je, da je naredil prvi korak na poti do svojih sanj.En: He felt a new ...
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  • Capturing Love in Winter's Enchantment: A Tale of Art and Heart
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Capturing Love in Winter's Enchantment: A Tale of Art and Heart Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-21-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Bledsko jezero je pozimi pravljično.En: Bledsko Lake is enchanting in winter.Sl: Meglice se dvigujejo nad vodo, zvonovi iz cerkve na otoku nežno odzvanjajo v daljavo.En: Mist rises above the water, and the bells from the church on the island gently echo into the distance.Sl: Hladni zrak je poln vonjav kuhanega vina in pečenega kostanja.En: The cold air is filled with the scent of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts.Sl: Na jezeru se v vrtincu snežink sprehajata Matej in Ana.En: On the lake, among the swirls of snowflakes, Matej and Ana stroll.Sl: Matej je nosil svoj fotoaparat.En: Matej carried his camera.Sl: Pogledi so mu bežali proti zasneženim vrhovom in snežnim preprogam.En: His gaze wandered toward the snow-covered peaks and snowy carpets.Sl: Upal je, da bo ujel popoln trenutek, ki bi ga spremenil v večno fotografijo.En: He hoped to capture a perfect moment that he could turn into an eternal photograph.Sl: Ana je s seboj nosila skicirko.En: Ana carried a sketchbook with her.Sl: Njeni prsti so nemirno drsali po papirju, vsrkavali so zimsko lepoto Bleda in ljudi okoli sebe.En: Her fingers restlessly glided across the paper, absorbing the winter beauty of Bled and the people around her.Sl: "Ti si fotograf?En: "Are you a photographer?"Sl: " ga je nagovorila Ana, ko ga je videla, kako pozorno nastavlja kamero proti cerkvi na otoku.En: Ana asked him when she saw him carefully aiming the camera towards the church on the island.Sl: "Ja," je odvrnil Matej, nekoliko presenečeno.En: "Yes," Matej replied, somewhat surprised.Sl: "Iščem nekaj posebnega.En: "I'm looking for something special.Sl: Nekaj, kar bi bilo drugačno.En: Something unique."Sl: ""Verjamem, da boš našel," je rekla Ana in z odprtostjo v očeh pogledala proti jezeru.En: "I believe you'll find it," Ana said, looking towards the lake with openness in her eyes.Sl: "Jaz sem umetnica.En: "I'm an artist.Sl: Narava mi vedno da novo idejo.En: Nature always gives me new ideas."Sl: "Oba sta se nasmehnila.En: They both smiled.Sl: Tako sta začela pogovor o strasteh in navdihu.En: This is how they began a conversation about passions and inspiration.Sl: Meglice so se počasi razkrojile in jezero je zasijalo v svetlih zimskih barvah.En: The mist slowly dispersed, and the lake shone in bright winter colors.Sl: Nenadoma je snežilo.En: Suddenly, it began to snow.Sl: Snežinke so padale počasi, kot drobne zimske zlate kapljice.En: Snowflakes fell slowly, like tiny golden winter drops.Sl: Matej se je hitro ustavil.En: Matej quickly stopped.Sl: Kamero je osredotočil na Ano, ki je stala pod drevesom, njene oči so bile polne čudenja in občudovanja.En: He focused the camera on Ana, who stood under a tree, her eyes full of wonder and admiration.Sl: Klik!En: Click!Sl: Klik!En: Click!Sl: Klik!En: Click!Sl: je odmevalo med snežinkami.En: echoed among the snowflakes.Sl: Matej je znal ujeti trenutek.En: Matej knew how to capture the moment.Sl: Ujel je čarolijo, ki ju je obdajala.En: He captured the magic that surrounded them.Sl: Dnevi po festivalu sta Ana in Matej preživela skupaj.En: In the days after the festival, Ana and Matej spent time together.Sl: Matej je pokazal Ane fotografije.En: Matej showed Ana the photographs.Sl: Pritiskala je roke k ustom, očarana nad njegovim talentom.En: She pressed her hands to her mouth, enchanted by his talent.Sl: "To je popolno," je šepetala.En: "This is perfect," she whispered.Sl: "Morava nekaj narediti s tem," je rekel Matej z novim upanjem v glasu.En: "We must do something with this," Matej said with new hope in his voice.Sl: "Razstava?En: "An exhibition?"Sl: ""Da," je navdušeno prikimala Ana.En: "Yes," Ana nodded excitedly.Sl: "Spoznala sem nekaj pomembnega.En: "I've realized something important.Sl: Lepoto je treba deliti.En: Beauty must be shared.Sl: Tvoje oko vidi več, kot čuti srce.En: Your eye sees more than the heart feels."Sl: "Njun svet se je spremenil.En: Their world changed.Sl: Matej je našel svojo samozavest.En: Matej found his confidence.Sl: Ana je našla navdih v ljudeh in ne le v naravi.En: Ana found inspiration in people, not just in nature.Sl: Skupaj sta ustvarila umetnost, ki ni bila le fotografija ali skica, ampak spoj dveh strasti.En: Together, they created art that was not just a photograph or a sketch but a fusion of two passions.Sl: Je res, kar pravijo: ljubezen vidi več.En: It's true what they say: love sees more.Sl: In na Bledu sta Ana in Matej našla ljubezen – drug do drugega in do svoje umetnosti.En: And in Bled, Ana and Matej found love—for each other and for their art.Sl: Ta zimski večer, pod snežnimi pregrinjalkami, sta našla več kot le popoln trenutek na fotografiji.En: That winter evening, beneath the snowy blankets, they found more than just the...
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  • Unplanned Romance: A Valentine's Day at Blejsko Jezero
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unplanned Romance: A Valentine's Day at Blejsko Jezero Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-20-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Tomaž se je nasmehnil, ko je pogledal snežno pokrajino okoli Blejskega jezera.En: Tomaž smiled as he looked at the snowy landscape around Blejsko jezero.Sl: Danes je bil Valentinovo in imel je posebno presenečenje za Nino.En: Today was Valentine's Day, and he had a special surprise for Nina.Sl: Sovražil je klasične pozornosti – rože in čokolado – ampak imel je raje trenutke, ki se vtisnejo v spomin.En: He hated the classic gestures—flowers and chocolates—but preferred moments that are etched in memory.Sl: Vse je načrtoval do zadnje podrobnosti, želel je, da bi bilo vse popolno.En: He had planned everything down to the last detail, wanting everything to be perfect.Sl: Z Nino sta se sprehodila ob jezeru.En: He and Nina walked along the lake.Sl: Ozračje je bilo hladno, a njun pogovor je grel srca.En: The air was cold, but their conversation warmed their hearts.Sl: Sreča se je slikala na njenem obrazu, ob vsakem koraku, ko je prisluhnila šumenju snega pod čevlji.En: Happiness was painted on her face with every step as she listened to the crunch of snow underfoot.Sl: Ko sta prišla do njene priljubljene točke z razgledom na grad, je Tomaž preučil nebo.En: When they reached her favorite spot with a view of the castle, Tomaž studied the sky.Sl: Temni oblaki so se zgrinjali in napovedovali snežno nevihto.En: Dark clouds were gathering, announcing a snowstorm.Sl: Njegova skrb je rasla, saj je načrtoval piknik ob jezeru, a vreme ni obetalo.En: His concern grew, as he had planned a picnic by the lake, but the weather was not promising.Sl: Nežno je stisnil Nino za roko in jo pogledal.En: He gently squeezed Nina’s hand and looked at her.Sl: Vedel je, da mora nekaj spremeniti.En: He knew he had to change something.Sl: "Kar naj sneži," si je mislil.En: "Let it snow," he thought.Sl: V bližini je opazil star gazebo, ki je ponujal zavetje.En: Nearby, he noticed an old gazebo that offered shelter.Sl: Vzel je Nino in jo popeljal tja.En: He led Nina there.Sl: Slišala sta, kako so snežinke nežno padale na streho.En: They could hear the snowflakes gently falling on the roof.Sl: Nič ni rekel, ko je izvlekel iz nahrbtnika termovko s toplim čajem in nekaj piškotov.En: He said nothing as he pulled a thermos of hot tea and some cookies from his backpack.Sl: Nina ga je začudeno pogledala, nato pa se nasmehnila.En: Nina looked at him in surprise and then smiled.Sl: "To je eno mojih najljubših presenečenj," je rekla in srkala čaj, medtem ko so drobni kosmiči snežili okrog njiju.En: "This is one of my favorite surprises," she said, sipping tea as tiny flakes snowed around them.Sl: Pogovarjala sta se in smejala ter pozabila na mraz.En: They talked and laughed, forgetting the cold.Sl: Njuno srečo je obkrožal mir, ko sta skozi snežni vež gledala na zamrznjeno jezero.En: Their happiness was surrounded by tranquility as they looked out through the snowy veil at the frozen lake.Sl: Zimzeleni gozdovi so jih objemali in starinski grad na griču je imel zasneženo kapo.En: Evergreen forests embraced them, and the old castle on the hill wore a snowy cap.Sl: Čas je tekel drugače; spoznavala sta, da lepo vreme ni nujno za dovršene trenutke.En: Time flowed differently, and they realized that perfect weather wasn't necessary for perfect moments.Sl: Ko je dan prešel v večer, sta se vrnila v mesto, srce polno toplih spominov.En: As the day turned into evening, they returned to town, hearts full of warm memories.Sl: Tomaž je držal Ninino roko, mehko stiskajoč.En: Tomaž held Nina’s hand, squeezing it softly.Sl: Naučil se je, da lahko najbolj dragoceni trenutki pridejo iz najmanj popolnih načrtov.En: He learned that the most precious moments can come from the least perfect plans.Sl: Realnost je tista, ki jih kolikokrat preseneti, ravno takrat, ko najmanj pričakuješ.En: Reality often surprises unexpectedly.Sl: Ta dan je bil poseben. Ne zaradi planiranih podrobnosti, temveč zaradi iskrenosti, ki sta jo delila pod zasneženim nebom.En: This day was special, not because of planned details, but because of the sincerity they shared under the snowy sky.Sl: Prava romanca ni v popolnosti, temveč v resničnosti deljenja trenutkov, ki jih nihče ne načrtuje.En: True romance isn't in perfection but in the reality of sharing moments that nobody plans.Sl: Tako sta sklenila Valentinovo, zavita v ljubezen, ki je bila močnejša od snežnega viharja.En: Thus, they concluded Valentine's Day, wrapped in love stronger than the snowstorm. Vocabulary Words:landscape: pokrajinagestures: pozornostietched: vtisnejodetails: podrobnostitrunks: hranilgathering: zgrinjaliannouncing: napovedovaliconcern: skrbpromising: obetaloshelter: zavetjeflakes: kosmičitranquility: mirveil: vežembraced: ...
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  • A Winter Adventure at Lake Bled: Friendship's Icy Trials
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Winter Adventure at Lake Bled: Friendship's Icy Trials Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-19-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Bilo je mrzlo zimsko jutro.En: It was a cold winter morning.Sl: Snežinke so padale iz sivega neba ter prekrile Bohinjske gore in jezero Bled.En: Snowflakes were falling from the gray sky, covering the Bohinj mountains and Lake Bled.Sl: Na jezeru je bil sneg, pod njim pa tenka plast ledu.En: There was snow on the lake, with a thin layer of ice underneath.Sl: V zraku je bil vonj po sveže pečenih krofih, zvok harmonike pa je odmeval iz bližnjih hiš.En: In the air, there was the smell of freshly baked donuts, and the sound of an accordion echoed from nearby houses.Sl: Bilo je pustno nedeljsko jutro, eno mojih najljubših.En: It was a carnival Sunday morning, one of my favorites.Sl: Miha in Tomaž sta se odločila za sprehod okoli jezera.En: Miha and Tomaž decided to take a walk around the lake.Sl: Miha je bil navdušen raziskovalec in vedno je iskal nova doživetja.En: Miha was an enthusiastic explorer, always seeking new experiences.Sl: Tomaž, po naravi previden in premišljen, je želel biti Mihejev varuh, a si je potihem želel malo več pustolovščine v svojem življenju.En: Tomaž, cautious and thoughtful by nature, wanted to be Miha's protector, but quietly wished for a bit more adventure in his life.Sl: "Miha, si prepričan, da je ta pot varna?En: "Miha, are you sure this path is safe?"Sl: " je vprašal Tomaž, ko sta prišla do ozke steze, zasute s snegom.En: asked Tomaž as they reached a narrow path covered in snow.Sl: "Seveda, Tomaž!En: "Of course, Tomaž!Sl: Vedno moraš malo tvegati.En: You always have to take a little risk.Sl: Poglej, kako je lepo tukaj, povsod okoli nas so zasnežene gore in jezero.En: Look how beautiful it is here; all around us are snow-covered mountains and the lake."Sl: " Miha je kazal proti oddaljenemu hribu, ki je bil prekrit s svežim snegom in hladnim mirom.En: Miha was pointing towards a distant hill covered with fresh snow and cold tranquility.Sl: Tomaž je zavzdihnil, a se je vseeno odločil bodriti Miho.En: Tomaž sighed but decided to encourage Miha nonetheless.Sl: "V redu, pojdiva.En: "Alright, let's go.Sl: Ampak hodiva previdno.En: But let's walk cautiously."Sl: "Steza je bila ozka in spolzka.En: The path was narrow and slippery.Sl: Miha je stopal hitro, poln energije in radovednosti.En: Miha was walking quickly, full of energy and curiosity.Sl: Tomaž je bil bolj zadihan, a srečen, ker je delal nekaj novega.En: Tomaž was more out of breath but happy because he was doing something new.Sl: Naenkrat sta prišla do hriba, ki je bil v tem hladnem jutru še posebej leden.En: Suddenly, they came to a hill that was particularly icy this cold morning.Sl: Miha je bil prvi, ki je stopil naprej, a noga mu je zdrsnila.En: Miha was the first to step forward, but his foot slipped.Sl: Z glasnim krikom je padel na tla.En: With a loud cry, he fell to the ground.Sl: "Tomaž!En: "Tomaž!Sl: Mislim, da sem zvil gleženj," je dahnil Miha in se prijel za nogo.En: I think I twisted my ankle," Miha gasped, clutching his leg.Sl: Tomaž se je sklonil k Miha.En: Tomaž bent down to Miha.Sl: Z večno mirnostjo je iz torbe potegnil šal in ga skrbno ovil okoli Mihovega gležnja.En: With eternal calmness, he pulled a scarf from his bag and carefully wrapped it around Miha's ankle.Sl: "Zdaj bova morala iti počasi nazaj.En: "Now we're going to have to go slowly back.Sl: Naj te podprem.En: Let me support you."Sl: "Med potjo nazaj sta se pogovarjala.En: On the way back, they talked.Sl: Miha je začel ceniti Tomaževo razumnost.En: Miha began to appreciate Tomaž's sensibility.Sl: "Hvala, da si me podprl, Tomaž.En: "Thank you for supporting me, Tomaž.Sl: Mislim, da je včasih previdnost res potrebna.En: I think sometimes caution really is necessary."Sl: "Tomaž se je nasmehnil.En: Tomaž smiled.Sl: "In hvala tebi, Miha, ker si me naučil, da je doživetje lahko lepo, četudi so ovire.En: "And thank you, Miha, for teaching me that an experience can be beautiful, even with obstacles.Sl: Plus, mislim, da imam raje te pustolovščine, kot sem mislil.En: Plus, I think I like these adventures more than I thought."Sl: "Ko sta končno prišla do avtomobila, sta se oba smejala in šalila o svoji "veliki pustolovščini" pri jezeru Bled.En: When they finally reached the car, they were both laughing and joking about their "great adventure" at Lake Bled.Sl: Oba sta se naučila nekaj novega.En: Both learned something new.Sl: Miha je vedel, da včasih potrebujemo pomoč, Tomaž pa, da je sprejemanje tveganj del življenja.En: Miha realized that sometimes we need help, and Tomaž understood that taking risks is part of life.Sl: Jezero Bled je bilo še vedno obdano z ledom in snegom, toda tokrat je s sabo prineslo spomin na novo prijateljstvo in pomembne lekcije.En: Lake Bled was ...
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  • Ghostly Whispers: A Snowy Adventure at Predjamski Grad
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Ghostly Whispers: A Snowy Adventure at Predjamski Grad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-18-23-34-00-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej in Anja sta stala pred veličastnim Predjamskim gradom.En: Matej and Anja stood in front of the magnificent Predjamski grad.Sl: Snežinke so padale okoli njiju, hladni veter je šepetal med skalami.En: Snowflakes were falling around them, and the cold wind was whispering among the rocks.Sl: Predjamski grad, zidan v pečino, je bil znan po svojih skrivnostih in legendah.En: The Predjamski grad, built into a cliff, was known for its secrets and legends.Sl: Govorili so, da se tu skrivajo duhovi.En: It was said that ghosts hid here.Sl: "Prešernov dan je čas kulture in zgodovine," je rekel Matej, z velikim navdušenjem v glasu.En: "Prešernov dan is a time of culture and history," said Matej, with great enthusiasm in his voice.Sl: "A poznati moramo tudi dušo našega ljudstva – duhove.En: "But we must also know the soul of our people – the ghosts."Sl: "Anja je dvomila, a se je smehljala.En: Anja was doubtful but smiled nonetheless.Sl: "Duhovi?En: "Ghosts?Sl: Ah, Matej, to je bolj legenda kot resnica.En: Oh, Matej, that's more legend than truth."Sl: "Kljub njenemu skepticizmu, Matej ni obupal.En: Despite her skepticism, Matej did not give up.Sl: Želel je pokazati, da mu ni strah in da lahko navduši Anjo.En: He wanted to show that he was not afraid and that he could impress Anja.Sl: Predlagal je, da raziščeta grad v popolni temi.En: He suggested they explore the castle in complete darkness.Sl: "Luči izklopljene?En: "Lights off?"Sl: " je vprašala Anja, vidno negotova, a pripravljena na avanturo.En: asked Anja, visibly uncertain but ready for an adventure.Sl: "No, zakaj pa ne.En: "Well, why not.Sl: Bolj zabavno bo.En: It will be more fun."Sl: "Ko sta stopila v notranjost, se je svetloba sijaja snega spremenila v tenke sence in temne kotičke.En: As they walked inside, the shimmering snow light turned into thin shadows and dark corners.Sl: Hodila sta po dolgih hodnikih, tišina pa je bila prekinjena le s škripanjem lesenih talnih desk.En: They walked through the long corridors, with silence broken only by the creaking of wooden floorboards.Sl: "Morda prav tu živijo duhovi," je rekel Matej, skušajoč biti pogumen.En: "Perhaps the ghosts live right here," said Matej, trying to be brave.Sl: Naenkrat je veter zapihal skozi špranjo v obzidju.En: Suddenly, a draft blew through a crack in the wall.Sl: Zvok je bil čuden, skoraj kot stokanje.En: The sound was strange, almost like a moan.Sl: Matej in Anja sta se ustavila.En: Matej and Anja stopped.Sl: Matejovo srce je začelo hitreje biti.En: Matej's heart began to beat faster.Sl: Nato je nekaj padlo z mize v naslednji sobi.En: Then something fell from a table in the next room.Sl: Oba sta zakričala.En: They both screamed.Sl: Stekla sta ven, roke prepletene, ne da bi se ozrla nazaj.En: They ran outside, hands intertwined, without looking back.Sl: Njuna srca so bil hitra kot sraka, ki priba.En: Their hearts were as fast as a magpie in flight.Sl: Ko sta prišla na varno, sta se stisnila skupaj.En: When they reached safety, they huddled together.Sl: Na koncu je iz sence stopila stara mačka, ki je bila prav posebej domača za skrbnika gradu.En: In the end, an old cat, quite familiar to the castle's caretaker, emerged from the shadows.Sl: "Samovšečnež," je rekla Anja, ko se je umirila.En: "Show-off," said Anja, once she calmed down.Sl: "Le mačka je bila.En: "It was just a cat."Sl: "Matej je dihal globoko, potem pa se zasmejal.En: Matej breathed deeply and then laughed.Sl: "Kdo bi rekel, da ima ta grad tako hudomušne duhove," je hudomušno rekel.En: "Who would have thought this castle had such mischievous ghosts," he said mischievously.Sl: Ko sta se vračala domov, sta si skuhala vročo čokolado.En: As they returned home, they made hot chocolate.Sl: Sedela sta ob peči in se smejala svoji dogodivščini.En: They sat by the stove and laughed about their adventure.Sl: Matej je v tem spoznal, da je prava pogum pogum priznati svoje strahove.En: Matej realized that true courage was in admitting one's fears.Sl: Cenil je Anjino umirjenost in smeh.En: He appreciated Anja's calmness and laughter.Sl: "Anja, danes nisva našla duhov," je dejal Matej, "ampak srečala sva nekaj pomembnega - prijateljstvo in pogum.En: "Anja, today we didn't find ghosts," said Matej, "but we encountered something important - friendship and courage."Sl: "Na koncu sta prebirala Prešernove pesmi in si obljubila še več takšnih avantur.En: In the end, they read Prešeren's poems and promised each other more adventures like this.Sl: Mokro in mrzlo pa je bilo zunaj, a notranjost njunih src polna toplih trenutkov in smeha.En: It was wet and cold outside, but inside their hearts were full of warm moments and laughter. Vocabulary Words:magnificent: veličastnimsnowflakes: ...
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  • Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Dreams in a Snow-Kissed Café: Matej's Quest for Italy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-02-17-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Snežinke so nežno padale nad Maribor tistega februarja.En: The snowflakes gently fell over Maribor that February.Sl: Majhno kavarno je objemala toplina, zvok klepetanja in vonj po sveže mleti kavi.En: A small café was enveloped in warmth, the sound of chatter, and the scent of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Matej je sedel ob oknu in pregledoval zapiske.En: Matej sat by the window, reviewing notes.Sl: Njegova glava je bila polna misli o prihajajočih izpitih na Univerzi v Mariboru.En: His head was full of thoughts about the upcoming exams at the University of Maribor.Sl: Matej je bil odločen.En: Matej was determined.Sl: Želel je prejeti štipendijo za poletni program v umetnostni šoli v Italiji.En: He wanted to receive a scholarship for a summer program at an art school in Italy.Sl: Njegova družina je vedno pričakovala veliko od njega, a Matej je želel predvsem impresionirati samega sebe.En: His family always expected a lot from him, but Matej wanted to impress himself above all.Sl: Morda bodo izpiti vmesna postaja na poti do njegovih sanj?En: Perhaps the exams would be a stopover on the path to his dreams?Sl: Do njega se je prikradla Jana, njegova prijateljica iz faksa.En: Jana, his friend from college, snuck up to him.Sl: “Matej, videti si utrujen,” je rekla z rahlim nasmehom.En: “Matej, you look tired,” she said with a slight smile.Sl: “Ti bi lahko kdaj tudi malo počival.”En: “You could take a break sometime.”Sl: Matej je vzdihnil.En: Matej sighed.Sl: “Vem, ampak času zmanjkuje.En: “I know, but time is running out.Sl: Kmalu se začenjajo izpiti, pa še služiti moram, da pokrijem osnovne stroške.En: The exams are starting soon, and I still have to work to cover basic expenses.Sl: Današnji dan sem si vzel prost in zdaj sem tukaj, med zapiski.”En: I took the day off today, and now I’m here, among the notes.”Sl: Jana ga je potolažila: “Verjamem vate.En: Jana comforted him: “I believe in you.Sl: Če kdo lahko tole zmore, si to ti.”En: If anyone can do this, it’s you.”Sl: Anže, njun sošolec, je sedel za bližnjo mizo.En: Anže, their classmate, was sitting at a nearby table.Sl: “Hej, Matej! Ali si se že lotil priprav za teorijo?” je vprašal.En: “Hey, Matej! Have you started preparing for the theory yet?” he asked.Sl: “Tista vprašanja znajo biti zoprna.”En: “Those questions can be tricky.”Sl: Nenadoma, kot po nekakšni usodi, je Matej pomislil na temno stanovanje.En: Suddenly, as if by fate, Matej thought about the dark apartment.Sl: Njegovo stanovanje je zaradi izpada elektrike brez svetlobe in toplote, in zato je v kavarni našel zavetje ter tih mir za študij.En: His apartment was without light and heat due to a power outage, so he found refuge in the café and quiet peace for studying.Sl: Kljub neprijetni situaciji se je usedel nazaj in pogledal proti oknu, kjer so snežinke prinašale mir.En: Despite the unpleasant situation, he sat back and looked toward the window, where the snowflakes brought peace.Sl: Matej je zagledal sliko, kako v sončni Italiji slika s čopičem v roki.En: Matej envisioned himself painting with a brush in hand in sunny Italy.Sl: Potem se je spomnil, zakaj tako garajoče dela.En: Then, he remembered why he worked so hard.Sl: Pomirjen je odprl zvezek z zapiski.En: Reassured, he opened the notebook with notes.Sl: Večer se je prevesil v noč.En: The evening turned into night.Sl: Matej je bil utrujen, a njegova odločnost neomajna.En: Matej was tired, but his determination was unwavering.Sl: Ob koncu seanse je zaprl knjige, zadovoljno zamrmral in se ozrl proti Jani in Anžetu.En: At the end of the session, he closed his books, murmured with satisfaction, and looked at Jana and Anže.Sl: “Hvala vama za podporo.En: “Thank you for the support.Sl: Mislim, da bo šlo.”En: I think it will be okay.”Sl: Ko se je pripravljal na odhod, se je ustavil pri vratih.En: As he prepared to leave, he paused at the door.Sl: S sneženjem so padle skrbi, a njegov pogled je bil usmerjen naprej.En: With the snowfall, his worries fell away, yet his gaze was focused forward.Sl: Matej je vedel, da je danes naredil pravo izbiro.En: Matej knew he had made the right choice today.Sl: Naučil se je postaviti prioritete — izobraževanje pred trenutnimi ovirami in zaupasamo vase.En: He learned to set priorities — education over current obstacles, and trusting in himself.Sl: Zdaj je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izpite, ob zavedanju, da bo ne glede na vse, uspel slediti svojim sanjam.En: Now he was ready for the upcoming exams, with the awareness that no matter what, he would succeed in pursuing his dreams. Vocabulary Words:snowflakes: snežinkegently: nežnoenveloped: objemalawarmth: toplinachatter: klepetanjascent: ...
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