FluentFiction - Welsh

著者: FluentFiction.org
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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
Copyright FluentFiction.org
  • A Love Story Across Miles: Gareth's Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Reunion
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Love Story Across Miles: Gareth's Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Reunion Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-24-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r café yn Gaerdydd wedi'i lenwi â'r aroglau cynnes o goffi ffres a chacennau amrywiol.En: The café in Gaerdydd is filled with the warm aromas of fresh coffee and various cakes.Cy: Mae'r strydoedd y tu allan wedi'u haddurno â chennin Pedr, yn barod ar gyfer Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.En: The streets outside are adorned with daffodils, ready for Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.Cy: Yn y gornel, y tu ôl i fwrdd bach â chadeiriau lliwgar a golau tyner, mae Gareth yn syllu allan drwy'r ffenestr.En: In the corner, behind a small table with colorful chairs and gentle light, Gareth is gazing out the window.Cy: Mae ei feddwl ar Morgan, ei gariad, sy'n byw llawer gormod o filltiroedd i ffwrdd.En: His mind is on Morgan, his love, who lives far too many miles away.Cy: Mae'n aeaf, ac mae dyfodiad gwyl Gymraeg arbennig yn cynhesu calon Gareth, er bod yr awyrgylch y tu allan yn crisialog o oer.En: It's winter, and the arrival of this special Welsh holiday warms Gareth's heart, even though the atmosphere outside is crisply cold.Cy: Mae'r syniad wedi pysgodfa yng nghefn ei feddwl ers wythnosau - cynllunio cwbl arbennig i sicrhau bod Morgan yn gallu bod wrth ei ochr ar Ddiwrnod Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.En: The idea has been swimming at the back of his mind for weeks - planning something truly special to ensure Morgan can be by his side on Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.Cy: Ond mae'r pellter yn dal i lochesu, fel cwmwl dros eu dyfodol.En: But the distance still looms, like a cloud over their future.Cy: "Beth os na all Morgan ddod?" medd Gareth wrth ei hun yn aml.En: "What if Morgan can't come?" Gareth often asks himself.Cy: Mae'r ansicrwydd yn bwysleisio.En: The uncertainty weighs heavily.Cy: Ond mae Rhian, ei chwaer, yn codi calon: "Paid â phoeni, Gareth.En: But Rhian, his sister, lifts his spirits: "Don't worry, Gareth.Cy: Dw i'n credu yn eich cariad chi," meddai wrth iddo ddatgelu'r cyfrinach.En: I believe in your love," she says as he reveals the secret.Cy: Mae Gareth wedi trefnu popeth: tocyn awyren, llety, a'r cyfarfod arbennig hwn yn y café bychan.En: Gareth has arranged everything: a plane ticket, accommodation, and this special meeting in the little café.Cy: Mae stori gariad rithwir ar fin dod yn fwy real ond eto, mae gorfoledd tebyg i blant, wedi'i ymyrryd gan ofn byrlymus.En: A virtual love story is about to become more real, yet a child-like excitement is interrupted by bubbling fear.Cy: Felly, i'r diweddglo hir-ddisgwyliedig hwn, mae ei bwerus benderfyniad yn sefyll fel prawf o ddewrder - rhodd cariad fel hyn, er y rhwystr, mae'n teimlo'n wobrhaol.En: So, for this long-awaited ending, his powerful determination stands as a testament to courage - a gift of love like this, despite the obstacle, feels rewarding.Cy: Mae'n Brynhawn Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.En: It's the afternoon of Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.Cy: Mae Rhian yn ei handy hafan - bob yn botel bychan o ddiodydd poeth, gan gynnig geiriau tink-bad amserlennaidd.En: Rhian is in her cozy haven - every little bottle of hot drinks, offering time-friendly words of comfort.Cy: Wedi amser maith o bryder, mae Gareth yn eistedd aros ac yn cynhesu ei ddwylo uwchben siocled poeth, y rhigol o nerfusrwydd yn caledu chwarae.En: After a long time of worry, Gareth sits waiting, warming his hands above hot chocolate, the line of nervousness hardening into play.Cy: Yn sydyn, mae drws y café'n agor.En: Suddenly, the café door opens.Cy: Mae Morgan yn sefyll yno, GWIR, a'i gwên fel seren yn ei wyneb.En: Morgan stands there, REAL, with a smile like a star on his face.Cy: Neidia'r galon ym mrest Gareth, ac mae pob pryder yn diflannu.En: Gareth's heart leaps in his chest, and all worries vanish.Cy: Wedi oriau o sgwrs, mae'r cwrdd cyntaf hwn yn deimlad cartrefol.En: After hours of conversation, this first meeting feels homely.Cy: Maent yn rhannu ymwybodol ac wnawn ddiolch unwaith eto am ei chwefror drud iawn i'r ysgafn antur cariad.En: They share conscious gratitude once again for their expensive February for the light adventure of love.Cy: Bellach, mae Gareth wedi gwifren ei adain di-acen cariad ac wedi dod â'r ymdeimlad o felrwydd hir.En: Now, Gareth has wired his accent-free winged love and has brought the sense of prolonged sweetness.Cy: Ddim mwy yw'r pellter fel rhwystr, ond fel prawf sydd wedi cryfhau cysylltiad rhwng dau galon sy'n nabod ei gilydd yn well - ysbrydol pelen dragon gan un o'i symbolau mwyaf - dylanwad cerddorol ystr padyn, mae ef, fel amseroedd ers hyn, wedi gwneud hynny.En: No longer is the distance a barrier, but a test that has strengthened the connection between two hearts who know each other better - spiritually a dragon's pearl, as one of its biggest symbols - musically influenced the ascender; he has done so, as often before.Cy: Tra mae'r haul yn gosod, mae canhwyllau hyfryd yn llosgi.En: As...
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    17 分
  • How a Vibrant Painting Transformed Carys's Confidence
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: How a Vibrant Painting Transformed Carys's Confidence Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Am fore oer yn Forsyth Park, roedd y môr o bobl yn symud yn araf rhwng stondinau'r farchnad artisaniaeth.En: On a cold morning in Forsyth Park, the sea of people moved slowly between the artisan market stalls.Cy: Roedd yr haul yn torri trwy'r canghennau, gan roi cynhesrwydd braf dros y dorf.En: The sun broke through the branches, providing a pleasant warmth over the crowd.Cy: Roedd mwsogl Sbaeneg yn hongian o'r derw mawr, yn creu cefndir hudolus.En: Spanish moss hung from the large oaks, creating an enchanting backdrop.Cy: Rhoddodd Bethan lle crynodeb i Carys o’r farchnad.En: Bethan gave Carys a summary of the market.Cy: “Dyma’r gorau,” meddai, yn dynnu sylw Carys at nifer o beintiau colorffurf.En: “This is the best,” she said, drawing Carys's attention to several colorful paintings.Cy: Roedd Carys eisiau darn arbennig i orffen addurno'r ystafell fyw, yn barod i wneud argraff ar ei mam-yng-gyfraith newydd.En: Carys wanted a special piece to finish decorating the living room, ready to impress her new mother-in-law.Cy: “Owen, beth wyt ti'n feddwl?” gofynnodd Carys, yn nodi paentiad lliwgar.En: “Owen, what do you think?” Carys asked, noting a colorful painting.Cy: Roedd Owen yn bwrw ei olygon drosodd, yn ysgwyd ei ben mewn cymeradwyaeth tawel.En: Owen glanced over it, nodding his head in quiet approval.Cy: Roedd y dorf yn prysuro wrth i brynwyr archfarchnadoedd fynd â’r darnau gorau.En: The crowd was bustling as supermarket buyers snagged the best pieces.Cy: Teimlad o frys yn codi yn Carys.En: A feeling of urgency stirred in Carys.Cy: Roedd pobl yn marchnata eu gwaith, yn siarad â sŵn melys iaith Saesneg Cymreig.En: People were marketing their work, speaking in the sweet sound of Welsh English.Cy: Roedd Carys yn teimlo pwysau'r amser yn corddi.En: Carys felt the pressure of time swirling.Cy: A oedd ganddi'r dewrder i gyflawni ei nod?En: Did she have the courage to achieve her goal?Cy: Yn fuan, sylwodd ar berson arall yn cerdded tuag at yr un paentiad.En: Soon, she noticed another person walking toward the same painting.Cy: Cafodd Carys lond cest o nawdd ac fe wnaethaf camu ymlaen.En: Carys gathered her courage and stepped forward.Cy: “Dwi’n prynu hwn,” meddai, yn chwarae'n galed i gadw ei lle, ac yn rhoi’r arian i'r artist ifanc.En: “I'm buying this,” she said, playing hard to keep her spot, and handed the money to the young artist.Cy: Ar ôl cau’r fargen, teimlodd gollyngdod aruthrol.En: After sealing the deal, she felt an enormous sense of relief.Cy: Gadawodd y farchnad â’r paentiad mewn llaw.En: She left the market with the painting in hand.Cy: Roedd Owen a Bethan yn camu ochr yn ochr, yn ei annog gyda geiriau o gefnogaeth.En: Owen and Bethan walked alongside her, encouraging her with words of support.Cy: Pan ddaeth Carys â'r paentiad gartref, hongiodd ef yn ofalus yn yr ystafell fyw golau.En: When Carys brought the painting home, she hung it carefully in the bright living room.Cy: Yn sydyn, roedd y lle yn teimlo'n fyw, fel rhyw darlun paradoxal o Gymru a de'r Unol Daleithiau.En: Suddenly, the place felt alive, like some paradoxical picture of Wales and the southern United States.Cy: Sylweddolodd Carys fod ei dewis yn un cywir, a gallai hi ddenu popeth awydd ymddangos ei in-laws.En: Carys realized her choice was the right one, and she could allure everything her in-laws wished to see.Cy: Yn bwysicach, roedd yn hapus gyda'r gofod a grëodd iddi hi ei hun, teimlodd gryfach ei hymddiriedolaeth ynddo.En: More importantly, she was happy with the space she had created for herself, feeling stronger in her confidence about it.Cy: Daeth Carys i deimladau newydd o hyder.En: Carys came to new feelings of confidence.Cy: Doedd dim angen gwneud sylw neu berswadio'r byd o'i threfniadaeth.En: There was no need to comment or persuade the world of her arrangement.Cy: Fe blesiodd ei harddangosfa berffaith mewn ffordd hawddgar a dwys â'i gariad newydd at beintio.En: She delighted in her perfectly displayed work in a gentle yet strong way, with her newfound love for painting.Cy: Roedd hyn yn golygu mwy i Carys na geiriau unrhyw un arall.En: This meant more to Carys than anyone else's words.Cy: Yng nghanol y mwsogl Sbaenaidd yn hongian islaw, dechreuodd hi sylweddoli bod y gwir fraint oedd bod yn hapus yn ei lle ei hun.En: Amid the Spanish moss hanging below, she began to realize that the true privilege was being happy in her own space.Cy: Roedd y siwrnai drosodd, ond roedd ei newid yn barhaol.En: The journey was over, but her transformation was permanent. Vocabulary Words:artisan: artisaniaethbackdrop: cefnnodsummary: crynodebdrawing: dynnudecorating: addurnoimpress: argraffapproval: cymeradwyaethbustling: prysurourgency: brysstirred: corddipressure: pwysaucourage: ...
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  • Embracing Vulnerability: A Santorini Winter Journey
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Embracing Vulnerability: A Santorini Winter Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-02-22-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Ar hydah dydd, roedd yr haul yn llewyrchu dros gyfanfor disglair Santorini.En: Throughout the day, the sun shone over the dazzling sea of Santorini.Cy: Roedd Eira a Gwyn wedi penderfynu bod y gaeaf yn amser perffaith i ymweld, pan nad yw'r ynys yn orlawn â thwristiaid.En: Eira and Gwyn had decided that winter was a perfect time to visit, when the island wasn't crowded with tourists.Cy: Ar ôl cyrraedd, roedd y ddau wedi eu synnu gan weithiau taclus o'r adeiladau gwynion, gyda'r domenau glas sy'n edrych dros y môr cerulŵeidd.En: Upon arrival, they were amazed by the tidy works of the whitewashed buildings with blue domes overlooking the cerulean sea.Cy: Roedd Eira, wrth iddi syllu draw at y mor ac eistedd ar fainc carreg, yn dechrau teimlo'n ychydig anghyfforddus.En: Eira, as she gazed out at the sea and sat on a stone bench, began to feel a bit uncomfortable.Cy: Roedd cur yn ei phen, a'i stumog yn soraidd.En: There was a throbbing in her head and her stomach felt queasy.Cy: "Bydd pob dim yn iawn," meddai wrth ei hun yn isel.En: "Everything will be fine," she muttered to herself softly.Cy: Nid oedd hi am ddangos ei bod yn teimlo'n wael.En: She didn't want to show that she was feeling unwell.Cy: "Beth am fynd i gerdded at y farchnad leol?En: "How about we walk to the local market?"Cy: " cynigiodd Gwyn, sy'n drefnus a chanllaw da bob amser.En: Gwyn suggested, always organized and a good guide.Cy: "Cawn ganolbwyntio ar sebu hwynt bysgod ffres.En: "We can focus on finding some fresh fish."Cy: "Cydsyniodd Eira, er gwaethaf y dolur.En: Eira agreed, despite the pain.Cy: Roedd hi'n benderfynol o gario 'mlaen heb amharu ar eu gwyliau.En: She was determined to continue without disturbing their holiday.Cy: Wrth gerdded ar hyd strydoedd troellog y farchnad, roedd cerdded yn anoddach, a daeth ddyfnderoedd gwres i'w chefn er bod gaeaf o amgylch.En: While walking through the winding market streets, walking became harder, and waves of heat came over her, despite it being winter.Cy: Gwyn a'i sylwodd, ei bryder yn dori fel tân.En: Gwyn noticed her and felt concern ignite like a fire.Cy: "Eira, ti'n iawn?En: "Eira, are you okay?"Cy: " gofynnodd.En: he asked.Cy: "Dim ond blinder," atebodd hi, yn ceisio gwenu, er bod arlliw garw o boen yn ei llais.En: "Just tired," she replied, trying to smile, though there was a harsh undertone of pain in her voice.Cy: Ond wrth iddynt gerdded yn béllach, nid oedd Eira yn gallu dal i fyny mwyach.En: But as they walked further, Eira could no longer keep up.Cy: Llidiodd ei orchudd, gan gynrychioli ei hofn o fod yn fregus.En: Her facade crumbled, revealing her fear of being vulnerable.Cy: Mae'r boen yn ei phen yn dod yn ormes.En: The pain in her head became overwhelming.Cy: "Gwyn, rhaid.En: "Gwyn, I must...Cy: rhaid i'm stopio," cyfaddefodd Eira o'r diwedd, teimlad o gywilydd yn cymysgu â'r boen.En: I must stop," Eira finally admitted, a feeling of shame mixing with the pain.Cy: Rhuthrodd Gwyn yn syth at ei ochr, gan ddal ei llaw â thosturi.En: Gwyn rushed to her side, holding her hand with compassion.Cy: "Mae'n iawn.En: "It's okay.Cy: Dewch â ni i'r clinig lleol gerllaw," dywedodd, yn garedig ond yn fwriadus.En: Let's get you to the nearby local clinic," he said, kindly but firmly.Cy: Gyda chymorth Gwyn, a'i galon yn brysur, fe wnaethon nhw gyrraedd y clinig lle cafodd Eira driniaeth ar unwaith.En: With Gwyn's support, and her heart pounding, they reached the clinic where Eira received immediate care.Cy: Roedd yr meddygon yn garedig a gofalgar, a chafodd Eira bebe a gorffwys.En: The doctors were kind and attentive, and Eira received some medication and rest.Cy: Yn ystod yr amseroedd tawel hynny, dechreuodd Eira weld y pwysigrwydd o beidio â thynnu yn erbyn derbyn help.En: During those quiet times, Eira began to see the importance of not resisting accepting help.Cy: Ar ôl iddyn nhw adael y clinig, penderfynon nhw y byddai eu gwyliau gweddill yn llai cynhyrfus - gan ganolbwyntio ar ymlacio yn hytrach na chyrraedd pob gornel o'r ynys.En: After they left the clinic, they decided the rest of their holiday would be less hectic—focusing on relaxing rather than reaching every corner of the island.Cy: Wrth edrych dros Fôr Aegeaidd gyda chwpanaid o de yn eu dwylo, meddyliodd Eira pa mor bwysig oedd yfwyd breichiau ei ffrindiau pan oeddwn nhw angen help.En: Looking over the Aegean Sea with a cup of tea in their hands, Eira thought about how important it was to accept the embrace of friends when in need.Cy: Roedd hi'n wynebu ei ofn o fod yn fregus a dysgu bod nerth gwirioneddol weithiau'n dod o'r gallu i dderbyn.En: She faced her fear of being vulnerable and learned that true strength sometimes comes from the ability to accept.Cy: Ac felly, ym mhentref gwynion Santorini, ymddangosodd ...
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FluentFiction - Welshに寄せられたリスナーの声
